拜登执政后是否会重新调整中美关系成为世界瞩目的焦点。有预测认为拜登执政初 期,其战略走向可能是奥巴马与特朗普对华政策的组合,即竞争多于和解与合作。拜登曾 明确表示不会同中国进行“新冷战”,美国不会刻意排斥与中国的接触,并提出要在全球 气候变化与公共卫生、核不扩散等涉及人类生存及全球安全的领域上与中国进行合作。但 同时,拜登及其团队又宣称中国是美国“最严峻的竞争对手”,因此,美国在全球治理、 外交与安全、人权及知识产权等领域与中国开展竞争。在对华战略上,拜登政府继续高调 推进印太战略,并通过与域内首脑会晤等机制的建设,实现了美、日、印、澳等四国对话 机制的升级,美国通过强化与传统盟友的关系,试图加强对中国的遏制。在台海问题上, 美国在其认为的所谓“一个中国”的政策框架内,加强与台湾的民间交流与非官方关系接 触,美国所谓的一系列提高台湾的自我防卫能力和国际能见度的行动,究其本质是意在维 持台海关系现状。就目前而言,拜登执政之后的美国对华政策基本延续了特朗普政府对华战略竞争的基调,但是在某些具体做法上进行了一些调整。今后的中美关系既面临着挑 战,也蕴含着机会,双边关系进入了“新常态”。
China-US relations have become the focus of world attention after the Biden administration took power. Some predict that Biden‘s strategy in the early days of his administration will be a combination of Obama’s and Trump‘s Policies toward China, which focus on competition rather than reconciliation and cooperation. Biden stated clearly that he has no intention to involve in a“new cold war”with China, he will not deliberately exclude engagement with China, he also has proposed that intensive cooperation with China will be put into effect on the theme related to climate change, global public health and nuclear non - proliferation. Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to claim that China is the Unites States’ “most rigorous competitor”. The US government will carry out a series of strategic policy in the areas of economy, security, diplomacy, human rights, intellectual property, and global governance. the Biden administration continued to promote the Indo-Pacific strategy more actively in order to achieve the upgrading of the four-country dialogue mechanism with Japan, India and Australia and also make great effort to strengthened the relationship of traditional Allies, by which achieving the goal of containing China. With the framework of the “One China” policy, the Biden administration intend to strengthen unofficial relations and non-government contact with Taiwan to improve Taiwan‘s self-defense capability and international visibility aim to maintain the status quo of“no independence”and“no unification”between Taiwan and the mainland. For the foreseeable future, Biden will inherit the tone of the Trump administration‘s strategic competition toward China through some necessary political adjustment. the China-US relations will be imbued with challenge and opportunities.