참다래 리큐르 제조를 위한 최적 침출 조건을 설정하기 위하여 참다래를 절편하지 않은 완숙과와 절편구간으로 나누어 45% 주정으로 침출하여 품질을 조사하였다. 그 결과, 절편하지 않은 완숙과는 8주, 절편구간은 4주간 침출시킨 구간에서 가장 좋은 결과를 나타내었다. 침출과정에서 당도, pH 및 총산도의 변화는 거의 없었고, methanol과 acetaldehyde의 함량은 절편하여 8주간 숙성시킨 구간에서 24.92 ppm으로 미량 검출되었다. 관
Optimum extraction conditions were investigated for the manufacture of Kiwi liqueur. Eight-weeks of storage was found to be the optimal extraction time for unsliced fruit, but 4 week of storage was found to be optimal extinction time when the fruit was sliced into 4 pieces. There were no changes in the brix, pH and total acidity during extraction. However 24.92 ppm of methanol and acetaldehyde was detected after extracting the liqueur after 8 week extraction time when the fruit was sliced into 4 pieces. The sensory evaluation showed the highest over all acceptability. The Kiwi liqueur was contained 48.90 mg% of total phenolic compounds, 16.7 mg% of vitamin C, 1.77% of malic acid, 1.18% of fructose, 1.12% of glucose and 0.08% of maltose at the optimum extraction conditions. The sensory quality of the Kiwi liqueur was estimated to be best when 0.035% of stevioside, 0.0085% of citric acid and 0.005% of salts were added to the Kiwi liqueur.