월동배추의 저장방법에 따른 특성과 김치를 위해 절였을 경우 특성을 조사하여 배추의 효과적인 저장방법을 구명하고자 하였다. 저장방법(PE 필름백, 플라스틱 컨테이너, 망저장, 움저장)에 따른 배추의 특성을 3개월 동안 조사한 결과, PE 필름백에 저장한 배추가 겉잎이 부패하는 단점이 있으나 다른 처리에 비해 감모율, 정선 손실율, 외관 등에서 비교적 좋은 결과를 보여주었다. 그러나 저장방법을 달리하여 배추를 절였을 경우에 처리별로 절임특성이 큰 영
Quality changes in winter Chinese cabbages were evaluated during low temperature storage. Flesh and salt-treated Chinese cabbages were put into (a) polyethylene (PE) film sacks (size: , thickness: 0.03 mm, with four perforations each 8 mm in diameter), (b) plastic containers or (c) polypropylene (PP) nets and stored at . Also, Cabbages were also wrapped in newspapers and stored underground where the average temperature was . The weight loss rates of Chinese cabbages stored in PP nets and plastic containers were greater than those of cabbages stored with PE or wrapped in newspaper. Chinese cabbages wrapped in newspaper and stored underground needed much greater trimming compared to cabbages stored in other ways. The firmness and the soluble solid contents of Chinese cabbages were not affected by the various storage treatments. A better appearance was retained when Chinese cabbages were stored in PE film sacks. Chinese cabbages in PE film sacks stored at showed delayed weight loss, less trimming loss, and less change in appearance. The quality changes in salted Chinese cabbages (desalting losses, pH changes, osmolarities, and crude fiber content) were not significantly different after the various treatments. No storage treatment was effective in maintaining a high quality of salted winter Chinese cabbage.