제빵용 시판 강력분에 미강을 첨가한 기능성 식빵 제조를 위하여 미강의 첨가량을 변화시키면서 반죽에 대한 물성, 식빵의 저장성, 제빵적성 및 관능검사를 조사하였다. 제빵의 비용적은 미강 5%, 10% 첨가구에서 각각 5.2%, 0.7%의 증가를 보였으나 미강 20%,30% 첨가구의 경우는 각각 대조구의 83%, 65%에 상당하는 비용적을 나타내어 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 미강을 첨가하여 제조한 식빵의 저장성 실험에서 구운 직후의 빵 crumb의 경
We examined the dough properties, baking qualities, and sensory aspects of commercial hard wheat flour (Q1) that was supplemented with up to 30% rice bran flour. The loaf volumes of bread with 20% and 30% rice bran were 83% and 65% respectively, of the control (wheat flour only). However, a 5% and 10% supplement of rice bran increased loaf volume by 5.2% and 0.7% respectively, over the control. After storage of loaves for three days, bread crumbs from loaves with 5% rice bran were significantly softer than those with 10% 20% and 30% rice bran. The hardness of dough increased with the proportion of rice bran, but springiness and cohesiveness were inversely related to hardness. Addition of rice bran increased loaf pH. Rice bran decreased lightness, but significantly increased redness and yellowness in a concentration dependent manner. Sensory investigation indicated that bread with 5% rice bran was not significantly different from the control. However, more panel members preferred the appearance and flavor of bread with 5% rice bran.