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在出走与坚守之间 ——以陈谦的望断南飞雁、无穷镜为研究对象 KCI 등재

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/423196
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,200원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

华人文学的“海外特性”是一个很笼统的概念,其创作同作家本人的创作风格及作家 个人的生命感悟息息相关。如果真要说存在一个“海外特性”,我想应该是移民同时受双 重文化乃至多重文化的影响,这其中必然有文化冲击,也有可能引起认同焦虑,可是这一 阶段过去之后,个人生命感悟敏感的人会有反省自身及其母文化的过程,继而会渐渐从关 注外在世界现象而转向关注个体内在自我的成长。美籍华人作家陈谦可以说是这方面出色 的代表。“出走”是陈谦创作中的一个基本基调,而陈谦作品中的主人公们其出走往往是 为了更好地坚守,坚守自我,坚守自己内心的那份执着与梦想。本文主要探讨陈谦笔下的 主人公因何出走,又缘何坚守,想借此来探讨个体自我意识及镜像对自身成长的影响,进 一步探讨陈谦如何看待生命存在的意义。

The “overseas characteristic” of Chinese literature is a very general concept, and its creation is closely related to the writer's writing style and personal life perception.If there is an “overseas characteristics”, I think it should be that immigrants are affected by double culture or even multiple cultures at the same time, which must have culture shock and may also cause identity anxiety. But after this stage, people with sensitive personal life perception will have a process of reflection on themselves and their mother culture. Then it will gradually shift from focusing on external world phenomena to focusing on the growth of the individual's inner self. Chinese-american writer Chen Qian can be said to be an excellent representative of this aspect. “Leaving” is a basic tone in Chen Qian’s works, and the protagonists in Chen Qian's works often leave for better adherence, adherence to self, adherence to their own inner dedication and dream. This paper mainly discusses why the protagonists in Chen Qian's works leave and why they stick to them, in order to explore the influence of individual self-consciousness and mirror image on their own growth, and further explore how Chen Qian views the meaning of life existence. 저

1. 引言
2. 因何出走?
3. 缘何坚守
4. 探讨生命意义所在
  • 毕文秀(부산대학교 중어중문학과 강사) | 필문수
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