In order to evaluate the integrity of the reactor pressure vessel, various test specimens necessary to identify irradiation embrittlement. The degree of irradiation embrittlement of the vessel material by neutrons, from the construction to the end of the life of the plant, is evaluated by a monitoring plan that called surveillance program (a series of all plans to analyze and evaluate embrittlement through various tests and analyzes by placing a test piece inside the reactor pressure vessel and taking out a piece at an appropriate time according to the number of operation years and taking necessary measures for safe operation). The reactor monitoring specimens for Kori Unit-1 are located by axis at S (57°), T (67°), R (77°), N (237°), P (247°) and V (257°). Six surveillance capsules are attached to the inside of the pressure vessel around the core and to the outside of the thermal shield. This surveillance container determines the withdrawal timing of the surveillance container according to the provisions of ASTM E185-82. In the monitoring test piece, there are neutron dosimeter materials to measure and evaluate the irradiated neutron flux, and Ni, Cu, Fe, Co-Al, Cd, and shielded Co-Al monitors are wired in the monitoring container. Each axial position is contained in a spacer hole. The neutron dosimetry monitor measures the neutron dose using isotopes produced by neutrons during operation of the reactor. The Al-Co specimen, which can evaluate the degree of radioactivity of cobalt, is located on the lower part of the specimen. The content of Co in the Al-Co specimen is 0.15%, and when expressed in ppm, it is 1,500 ppm, which is similar to the cobalt content of 1,414 ppm in the internal structure of the reactor vessel presented in NUREG-3474. If the radiation value of the Al-Co sample in the reactor monitoring specimen can be measured, the radiation value of the internal structure of the reactor can be indirectly compared. Since the monitoring specimen is located outside of the thermal shield, radiation should be less than that of the thermal shield. Korea Reactor Monitoring Technology performed gamma measurement on Al-Co specimens in 6 monitoring specimens, and although there are differences depending on the sample, it shows radioactivity values around the order of 1E+07 dps/g, or Bq/g. In conclusion, it is thought that using this measurement values, it is possible to verify the evaluation of internal structure radiation for Kori unit-1 decommissioning.