
Agribusiness and Information Management

이 간행물 논문 검색


Volume3 Number2 (2011년 12월) 5

2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The main goal of this study is to show promising future food market of Northeast Asia countries, including China, Japan, and South Korea. Drinks market, including soft and alcoholic drinks is selected to show global food companies new opportunities for next strategic movements. Market Attractiveness Matrix is developed based on BCG matrix as a main framework for this study. CDI (Category Development Index) is also used. It is found that Asia-pacific has fast-growing markets and it has strong potential for future investment. Northeast Asia countries (China, Japan, and South Korea) turned out to be ones of the most attractive regional markets. However, European drinks market is saturated even though its size is still big. This study suggests that Northeast Asian market be considered a market for the next strategic movement and investment.
2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
With the confirmation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and as cheap foreign agricultural products are beginning to be freely distributed in Korea, the government has taken a greater interest in securing the competitiveness of domestic agriculture. Accordingly, the Korean government has presented plans to advance the interests of ‘small but strong farmers’ and secure their competitiveness in line with the agricultural conditions in Korea. The government also announced that it will focus on leading these efforts in rural areas. The main thrust of this plan to support ‘small but strong farmers’ focuses onutilizing advanced peripheral technologies such as IT and BT; however, there are only a few Information Management Division centers currentlyoperating across the nation, and these are mainly in the IT-related divisions of the Agricultural Research and Extension Services and Agricultural Technology Centers. Therefore, in this study, we used the responses from a survey of farmers to identify regional differences in informatization levels and the digital divide among ‘small but strong farmers’ according to the presence or absence of an Information Management Division center. As a result, we found that the ‘small but strong farmers’ in regions with an active Information Management Division center received more IT services and had a higher level of informatization. Thus, to increase the use of IT-related peripheral technology by these ‘small but strong farmers’, it is important to maintain or increase the number of Information Management Division centers.
2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Peru is South America’s third largest country and enjoys an enormous amount of natural resources. However, However, very few business studies on Peruvian agriculture have been presented. The objectives of this study are to introduce the general status of Peruvian agriculture to Korean business circles and to promote agricultural business opportunities in Korea and Peru. Secondary data related to Peruvian agriculture are collected and analyzed to understand the current situation of Peruvian agriculture and to suggest an outlook for business opportunities. Findings show that Peru will be a lucrative market for Korean agri-business to target in the near future and it is time for a proactive advance in agriculture by Korean business.
2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Although the diffusion of mobile services appears to be occurring much more rapidly than the spread of wired services, there are risks of a new type of digital divide: the mobile divide. The mobile divide, which refers to a specific digital divide that involves the unbalanced diffusion of mobile technologies, must be concretely studied. Thus, this study focuses on the mobile divide with respect to disadvantaged populations. Although various studies suggest that the diffusion of mobile devices may reduce the digital divide, somestudies argue against the positive effect of mobile devices in addressing traditional digital devices. Low and O’Connell (2006) insisted that equity of access to mobile technologies should be considered in the contextof the traditional digital divide; they argued that there may be socio-economic barriers to accessing mobile devices and the mobile Internet that are similar to the socio- economic barriers to accessing stationary computers and the stationary use of the Internet. Focusing on the smartphone divide, this study suggests that emphasizing utilization is an appropriate manner in which to bridge the mobile divide rather than focusing on other factors, such as accessibility and capability, thatprevious studies have used to measure the traditional digital divide.
2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The goal of this study is to determine, based on survey results, the underlying factors that affect the intention of the farmers who have not adopted the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system for the rearing phase of pig production to adopt this system in the future. The research model for this study was con structed based on strategic contingency theory, the theory of the diffusion of innovation, and the technology acceptance model (TAM). Using structural equation modeling with partial least squares (PLS), this study analyzes the effects of the intensity of competition, the environmental uncertainty, the innovativeness and self-efficacy of the individual farmers, and the impact of the credibility of the Agricultural Technology Service Center (ATSC), which acts as the principal agent of technology dissemination and as a leader of change, on the perceived usefulness of technology and the farmers’ intention to adopt the system. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, with regard to the underlying factors affecting the intention to adopt the new system, the intensity of competition within the industry and the institutional credibility of the ATSC were inferred to underlie the perceived usefulness. Second, institutional credibility has a positive impact on the perceived usefulness of the system, and the perceived usefulness, in turn, has a positive impact on the intention to adopt. The perceived ease of use also has a positive impact on the intention to adopt. Because the factor that has the biggest impact on the intention of a farm to adopt is the credibility of the ATSC, it is crucial for extension organizations, such as the ATSC, to make greater efforts to promote the expansion of the HACCP system. Because farmers feel that the implementation of the HACCP system is an instrumental strategy for coping with the high intensity of competition within the industry, they attempt to gain a competitive edge through the production of safe livestock products.