
복지경영학연구 The Academic Society of Welfare Management

이 간행물 논문 검색


창간호 (통권 제1호) (2012년 12월) 11

2012.12 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
우리나라는 급격한 경제성장을 경험한 세계적으로도 드문 나라이지만, 그동안 복지 분야에 대한 배려는 상대적으로 낮다는 평가가 있었다. 최근 우리나라는 세계적인 경 제침체에 직면하고 있고, 또한 급속한 고령화사회로 인하여 많은 국민들이 복지에 대 한 관심이 증폭되고 있다. 이러한 사회적 변화를 반영하여 정치권에서도 복지분야에 대한 막대한 재정지출을 약속하는 등 큰 변화를 겪고 있다. 이와 같이 우리나라에서는 최근 복지분야의 환경변화에 따라 복지기관 등의 효율적 경영전략에 대한 접근이 요구되고 있다. 따라서 복지와 경영의 융합을 통한 복지경영 학의 연구가 필요하게 되었고, 이를 위하여 한국복지경영학회가 2011.5.1에 출범하게 되었다. 그동안 한국복지경영학회는 2011년에 두차례의 학술발표대회와 2012년 한차례의 학 술발표대회를 개최한 바 있었으며, 이를 통해 복지경영학분야의 논문들이 축적되어 왔다. 또한 많은 대학 및 대학원에서 복지경영학과 등이 개설되었고, 복지경영학관련 과목들도 강의가 이루어지고 있다. 이와 같이 복지경영학에 대한 많은 연구자들이 늘어나고 있고 또한 연구논문들도 축적되어 왔다는 면에서 이번에 한국복지경영학회에서는 "복지경영학연구" 창간호를 발행하는 것은 매우 의미가 있다고 할 것입니다. 이 창간호가 발행되는 과정에서 순 덕기 초대 편집위원장 등의 노고에 감사드립니다. 앞으로 이번 「복지경영학연구」의 창간호를 계기로 복지경영학의 분야가 한층 발 전되기를 바라며, 더많은 심층적 연구가 진행되기를 기대합니다.
2012.12 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Korean population aging is proceeded the substance rapidly in the speed. Is expected to be aged society which old man population more than 65 years old reaches for 14% of the total population in 2022 because graying is accelerated more after pass over 7% in 2000 and change of sudden structure of population is giving very important influence in national policy establishment such as pension system, medical treatment system, economic growth. In particular, it is important problem that cause balance problem of redistribution that the speed of graying is sour in pension system. In the case of West Europe Nation, old man increase in population increases gently and have foreseen that graying age comes and prepare enough. But, that it is aging in occasion of our country that equip minimum basic appearance call, is facing in difficulty that should prepare to minimize contradictory influence that population aging gets on society whole within short period. It is post old poverty and fitness and real condition that political care and social preparation about support problem are pressing. Change of change serious low birthrate phenomenon and specific gravity that old man population dominates in the total population going in gear misgovernment that is accelerated more be. Welfare Budget is actuality that is reaching in very serious situation to be solved in graying. For old people's welfare service, woman brings important meaning of policy as culture and education and old age that work. Wishes to present prompting competition in cooperation plan etc.. diversified side and is effective more through approach social welfare management access with qualitative improved program development and effective operation plan, a related agency for efficiency of budget and seek efficient operation. And engines that supply old people's welfare grasp what want through improvement of service that is undifferentiated on the basis of these principles and fit service diversify · to service because should specialize necessity be.
2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study show in the Social Work Field(focus on the welfare facilities) about Literature and Concept Definition on the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency'. And, show a case to study for 'Management' and 'Efficiency' on the 'welfare facilities'. Also, this study try to find on the development of the Social Work Field through the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency'. First, show the new concept on the 'Welfare Management'. Existing 'Welfare' and 'Management' have been using independently of each other in their field. but now, when use the 'Welfare Management' that a new word, define the word 'Welfare Management' and help to another researcher who study on the 'Welfare Management'. Second, show the exemplary case on the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency' in welfare facilities. It arrange for exemplary and typical case in the various study case and basic information offer to the persons who try to study for 'Management' and 'Efficiency' in social work field. third, In the Social Work Fied, I try to find a way to vitalize and development that the study and practice on the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency'. Exisiting 'Management' & 'Economy' treat the terms unprofessionally in the Social Work Field. Social Work Field must cope with quickly and correctly to the current of times like that unlimited competition & development, downfall of the traditional social safety net, economic crisis of a welfare state, etc., in immense framwork of a capitalistic society & a new liberalism. And changing paradigm of social welfare policy. In the end, this study try to find a way for more growth of the Social Work Field trough the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency'. Keywords : Social Work Field(Social Welfare Facilities), Welfare Management, Efficiency
2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Recent changes in the policy environment that have been delegated the authority and responsibility of from public sector to private sector, from the central government to local governments, and upper government to lower government. Besides, it is necessary to explain the new approach that enhancing the effectiveness of social service delivery and changes from provider to consumer centric approach. In the broad terms, welfare governance(welfare state governance and social service management) is cooperation and role concerning administrative system, financing, service plans and service deliveries on the local governments and social service providers in the community-based. In the narrow sense, welfare governance is means the "local social welfare system" that the networking which community, the public s ector, and private sector assess, diagnose, identify needs, apply for benefits and services, check availability, and provide directory information to needy people. Local governments can establish the social services plan effectively utilized the limited resources, determine the supply of social service providers, regulate providers, and manage the quality of service. Social service providers have to submit service delivery planning and agencies business plans to local government, based on these plans agencies delivery qualified services to user.
2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The increasing number of divorces between international couples, especially between foreign wives and Korean husbands, has drawn attention to the relationships and divorces of multi-cultural families. With continuously increasing international marriages, the problems faced also increase, which causes instability in international families. Rapid industrialization has also increased instability in international families damaged family relationships by bringing life diversity and changing values. Therefore, healthy family relationships has become a social topic and this is what we, who have just became a multi-cultural society, should focus on to build up strong, healthy family relationships. Accordingly, this research found the threats to healthy multi-cultural family relationships, and provides some solutions through welfare management of multi-cultural families that improve multi-cultural family relationships. Welfare Management can bring a stable society, healthy culture, and ultimately, social integration. Welfare management for multi-cultural family relationships are: First, the ability of the female marriage immigrants to speak Korean has a huge effect on the health of the family relationship, and it shows that awareness of conversation in multi-cultural families must be changed. Second, the ability to overcome culture shock or conflict while they settle in Korea is needed. Culture shock or conflict disturbs social integration and also causes individual crisis. Some immigrants come to Korea with limited or skewed information about Korean society. This leads to culture shock and conflict. Economical problems, childbearing problems, cultural differences, poor relationships with in-laws, language barriers, bias, discrimination, and personality differences are also factors that cause conflict. Generally, rational thoughts can deal with these conflicts. Third, multi-cultural family relationships need to be managed by a social support network. Social support is a continual interacted social aggregate between individuals or between an individual and a group. This social support increases mental stability and provides guidelines, so that feed-back can be given on identity crisis. Support programs that build a network based on mutual dependence and the mutual exchange of financial and institutional information must be developed. Fourth, human resource development welfare management that helps female immigrants find jobs should be developed. Almost half of multi-cultural family members think about establishing small businesses having to do with their culture. It is important to find capable immigrants who are interested in cultural diversity and provide education and job training to them, so they can deal with unemployment and also raise their value as members of Korean society. This research is limited to literature.