
Global Marketing Conference

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2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul (2023년 7월) 500

2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Smart retail enabled through in-store technology (IST) is believed to be the future of retail. However, several IST impacts, especially on individuals' well-being remain undisclosed. This study attempts to discover IST impact, particularly electronic shelf label (ESL) as a prospective technology, on customer well-being and post-transaction behavior (i.e., willingness to pay (WTP) and positive word of mouth (PWOM). Survey were from generations X, Y, and Z generating 305 respondents. A post hoc analysis utilizing PLS MGA is discussed for Gen X & Millennials vs. Gen Z groups. This study provides empirical evidence of smart retail on customer well-being and how it affects customer post-purchase behavior, namely WTP and PWOM. This study also provides evidence of how it differs across generational cohorts.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Robo-advisors are gaining momentum, as they aim to provide personalized and low-cost financial advice (Jung et al., 2019). However, the effectiveness of robo-advisory is bounded by the lack of trust (Jung et al. 2018). Anthropomorphism or robo-advisor resemblance to a human (i.e., avatar, name, or gender) can remedy that. Indeed, robo-humanization can establish trust and impact on behavioral intents toward the advisory technology through social presence (Go & Sundar, 2019), warmth (Cyr et al., 2009), perceived expertise of the advisor (Qui & Benbasat, 2009), including perceived integrity and persuasiveness (Tan & Liew, 2020). Gender can amplify anthropomorphic cues and, thus, increase trust (Beldad et al., 2016). Finally, trust toward the technology is directly related to its adoption intent (Bruckes et al., 2019).
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The wide application of digital media technology in fashion shows has become the epitome of the development and innovation of today's fashion industry, enabling designers to break through the constraints of time and space, changing the performance of today's fashion shows, and making them present unprecedented new features. With the development of information technology, the integration of emerging digital technology and the fashion industry is accelerating. So far, separate studies have been carried out in various academic fields on the combination of Metaverse and NFT, but the current status and nature of relevant research are still incomplete. Furthermore, the current research on virtual fashion shows and NFT in China's apparel industry is limited. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of digital fashion marketing stimulation on consumer brand attitudes using the stimulation-organ-response (SOR) framework model. By analyzing 77 cases of virtual fashion shows in China, this study obtained antecedent variables and designed a research model. An online sample of 300 Chinese Gen Z consumers was collected and analyzed using SPSS and FSQCA. This research hopes to provide valuable information for the sustainable development of China's fashion industry, and to help Chinese fashion brands confirm the future market development direction of Metaverse and NFT.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
With the growth of blockchain technology, the potential of NFTs is receiving significant attention across all industries. As NFTs emerge as a novel type of asset, they are drawing attention as a potentially important market, particularly for many luxury goods. This study aims to understand the concept of NFTs and their influence on e-WOM. This study develops a research model that facilitates an understanding of luxury brands’ NFT marketing activities and tests it with a consumer survey. Our analysis reveals important characteristics of perceived NFT marketing activities such as scarcity, resaleability, and authenticity. Furthermore, the impact of specific NFT marketing activities and their influence on e-WOM are discussed. This study contributes theoretical insights for researchers and has practical implications for practitioners who manage marketing activities for NFTs.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
In the past decade the level of prosocial behavior has raised some concerns, whereas an empathic concern, one of the main predictors of prosocial behavior, is decreasing. Lack of empathy and less forgiving attitudes are one of the main characteristics of entitlement Entitlement, or feeling of deserving more than others, is negatively related to pro-social behavior (Campbell et al., 2004). In H1, we suggest that entitled individuals engage in prosocial behavior more when there is an opportunity to self-enhance vs. when there is no opportunity to self-enhance.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Internal reference price (IRP) is conceptualized as ‘a dynamic, internal price to which individuals compare the offered price of a product or service’. For this internal price, multiple conceptualizations and operationalizations have been proposed. This study finds heterogeneity in the use of reference price cues when consumers form an IRP and stablishes that seven distinct segments with different approaches can be can be distinguished.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Referral programs are ubiquitous in the marketplace and incentive design is crucial in such programs. Most companies opt for a two-sided design where they reward both the referee and recipients in their referral programs. However, surprisingly little research examines the incentive designs in two-sided programs.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
As part of an effort to promote the circular economy, an effective marketing communication is needed to convince consumers to choose the environmentally-friendly products. How a marketer frames a communication message, together with a consumer characteristic which shapes how a consumer thinks and feels, should influence consumer perception, as well as their decision regarding the green purchase. There remains a literature gap in this area in which the current research seeks to add its contribution. This paper investigated how message framing and self-construal influences consumer perception in supporting the environment. A 2 (holistic versus analytical message frame) x 2 (independent versus interdependent) self-construal between-subject experiment was designed. The research context is an apparel industry. It was found that independent (vs interdependent) self-construal respondents have higher environmental perception of the product. This surprising result is actually not in line with the hypothesis, yet yields insightful finding that opens up discussion and new avenue for the future research in this area.
2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The research examines the influence of emotions on tourists’ visit intention towards sustainable tourism and evaluation by using the application of an electroencephalogram (EEG). This method can give objective information about tourist emotion reactions towards sustainable tourism experiences that will drive tourists’ visit intention. The main research objective was to observe and evaluate consumer’s brain activity in different brain regions while they were being exposed by sustainable tourism experiences as stimuli. The participants consists of 30 local and foreign tourist, have normal vision, right-handed, and are considered as potential visitors of sustainable tourism destination. The participant’s brain activity was collected using neuroheadset (EEG) with an international 10/20 system. Analyzing of tourists’ emotions may help marketers to build their customer's experience and reach their target markets more effectively and develop strategies to ensure that the consumer’s attracted.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Based on the Stereotype Content Model and the credibility and persuasion literature, this study examines the influence of COO on advertising claim credibility and purchase intentions. A set of hypotheses were developed and tested with an experimental design on a British sample of consumers.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Prejudice refers to ideas, beliefs, feelings, and attitudes that people have about other less familiar groups as a whole or individuals within those groups, based on their perceived group membership (e.g., race, class, gender, and religion. Prejudice has become increasingly of major importance to scientific thinking about relations between groups. However, little is known about how prejudice affects consumer buying behavior, especially regarding shopping activities that involve crossing between suppliers.
2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The wellness travel industry faces a curious challenge: it experiences high consumer demand for indigenous experiences while also facing growing accusations of cultural appropriation of authentic practices. According to the Global Wellness Summit (2023), “hyper-indigenous” wellness travel is a global trend for 2023, as travelers seek the source of ancient healing knowledge. However, many of these cultural practices have already spread across national borders like the turmeric latte served in Western retreats or yoga that is practiced globally, leading to an established yoga tourism market (Market Research, 2022). How can these conflicting realities, rooted in the concept of authenticity, be reconciled? This study aims to explore this research question by analyzing two wellness narratives: one that commodifies ingenious practices outside their original borders and another that safeguards them within national and cultural boundaries.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Livestreaming commerce is a form of e-commerce that embedded real-time video presentation and social interaction. It provides immersive shopping experience reinforced by high levels of interactivity and instant bidirectional communication. China, as one of the biggest livestreaming markets, has reached 2.3 trillion (CNY) livestreaming commerce market value in 2022. In a 2020 survey, two-thirds of Chinese consumers experienced livestreaming shopping in the previous year. Accordingly, luxury brands, such as Chanel and Louis Vuitton have started to implement livestreaming commerce in China. However, for years, luxury brands have struggled with online commerce as it may impact upon perceptions of exclusivity and dilute brand value. Research on the efficacy of live commerce emerged in recent years and mostly focused on non-luxury brands. However, luxury brands cannot simply copy digital marketing strategies that proved to be effective for non-luxury brands. To date, limited academic attention has been devoted to the luxury commerce in a livestreaming context.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
How to shifting consumer behavior to be more sustainable has been a hot research topic. The COVID-19 Pandemic has ignited this since consumers pay more attention to sustainability issues. Sustainability application (app) has been a promising way to connect individuals and provide information to promote a habit of sustainable consumption. The use of these apps to facilitate sustainable consumption has been a recent research focus. The strategy to encouraging app adoption is a research priority identified in a synthesized literature review of prior studies on mobile app marketing. As such, it is imperative to understand how to design sustainability apps to motivate consumers to facilitate app use intention. Attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction (ARCS) model is one commonly used motivational design model, which has been applied to mobile learning systems to examine gamification design. The four factors of ARCS correspond to different strategies to increase users’ motivation to use the app. Thus, the aim of this research is to develop an ARCS motivational model for sustainability apps. A simulated gamified sustainability app was utilized with the aim of reducing carbon footprint. A market research firm was contracted to collect data by using an online questionnaire. Respondents were shown the pictures and functions of the app including the interface of the app, carbon footprint status, the leaderboard of carbon emissions in the community, shop, personal profile and then answered questions. 346 usable questionnaires were obtained. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Recently, the luxury sector has witnessed a significant rise in luxury consumption, reaching £233 Billion in 2022 (Statista, 2022). This rise demonstrates the growing popularity of the luxury consumption phenomenon globally. However, the climate crisis may impact future trends in luxury consumption (Gardetti and Muthu, 2019). The luxury sector has endorsed a considerable growing demand for sustainability from environmental and ethical luxury consumers. In recent years, concerns have grown around the ethicality of supply chains, where consumers develop contradictory feelings and beliefs, veering between conscious and hedonistic decision-making (Kleinhaus, 2011; Helm, 2020; Wang et al. 2021). Moreover, consumers face a conflict between choosing what they believe is ethically right and indulgence (Hennigs et al. 2013). The supply chain plays an important role in achieving sustainability goals, and yet some researchers argue that the luxury supply chain can involve ethical and environmental breaches in terms of labour and raw materials, such as use of leather and fur (Klerk et al. 2018). However, some luxury brands such as Stella McCartney and Vivienne Westwood are focused on sustainability and the use of vegan raw materials (YNAP, 2021).
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
This study examines Japanese consumers’ innovative behaviors toward adopting electric vehicles (EVs) and the differences between male and female car owners in the adoption process. A theoretical framework is formulated based on six constructs: passive innovation, active innovation resistance, cognitive innovativeness, affinity for newness, social innovativeness, and actualized innovativeness. The premise of the study is to investigate whether these key independent constructs differentially influence Japanese car owners’ actualized innovativeness to adopt electric cars. This research seeks to address the following research questions.
2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Fear of missing out (FoMO) is an emotional, psychological, intellectual, and physical feeling of deprivation or exclusion from an event. This paper aims at finding key factors and sub-factors responsible for FoMO among social media users. The survey data for conducting factor analyses and structural equation modeling (SEM) was collected from heavy and moderate users of social media. It analysed the role of gratification, popularity, and acceptance in social media users in the FoMO phenomenon. The factor analyses gave the final construct impacting FoMO. The study highlighted the agenda for future researchers in the given domain.
2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
This study explores internal and external factors that influence consumers’ novel food technology acceptance (NFTA). Findings suggest that the primary driver of the purchase intention of NFTA is hedonic motivation. Also, the level of trust in the food regulatory organizations can play a vital role in driving consumers’ NFTA.
2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Automation of frontline service encounters, or the replacement of frontline employees by technologies, is increasingly more common. This new service style, often called self- service, has attracted the attention of service providers who are looking to cut costs (Lin & Hsieh, 2007; Walker et al., 2002) and increase efficiency (Bitner et al., 2002; Curran et al., 2003; Dabholkar, 1996). On the other hand, a major disadvantage of self-service is that it puts the burden of service delivery on consumers (Lu et al., 2019). In other words, the introduction of self-service means a shift from consumers being served by frontline employees to their serving themselves by interacting with technologies. This means that consumers’ acceptance is key for self-service to be implemented successfully.
2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A new high-tech product - lab grown meat (LGM), has been gaining media attention while initiating public discourse on social media (SM) platforms. This netnographic study is based on a dataset of selected SM public posts, comments and discussions collected during 30 days in early 2023. The findings indicate that LGM is highly contradictory, while not being fully understood how it is produced or when it will become commercially available. The findings indicate that this novel food requires carefully designed marketing strategies: when naming a new product category; must allow transparency and sensibly explain all product’s attributes; and invest time and efforts to educate consumers, leading to higher adoption rates when launched on mass consumer markets, as an alternative to conventionally grown foods.