
한국약용작물학술대회 발표집

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2017년 한국약용작물학회 심포지엄 및 춘계학술발표회 (2017년 5월) 131

2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Ginseng is a perennial plant and damaged by various diseases and insect pests. The damage lowers harvest and quality. In particular, gray mold rot occurs to plants of every year, growth duration, and hibernating stage, and decays leaves, stems, and roots, lowering the amount of harvest. This experiment was conducted with the aim of effectively preventing gray mold rot, and other major diseases such as anthrax and spotting disease, and establishing chemical control system. Methods and Results : This experiment was conducted in three areas including Geunsan-gun, Yesan-gun, and Sejong city. As for the procedure of medical treatment, from the end of April to early May of germination period, Fludioxonil and Pyraclostrobin were used. From the mid-May to the end of July of growth period, Difenoconazole, Iminoctadine tris (albesilate), Cyprodinil, Metconazole, Fluazinam, and Pyrimethanil were used. From August to September, non residualizing polyoxinB + mancozeb was used. In November of hibernating stage, Fenhexamid and Carbendazim/diethofencarb were used. As for the interval, from the end of April to the end of July the interval was 10 days, in August and September once a month, and twice in every ten days in November. The chemical control system effect was compared with conventional prevention. When chemical control system was used, stem spotting disease occurred at a lower rate of 0.34% than 1.2% of the conventional method. Leaf spotting disease occurred at a lower rate of 1.4% compared with 7.1% of the conventional method, and anthrax occurred at a lower rate by more than 10% than the conventional method. Stem gray mold rot occurred at a rate of 4.1% when the conventional method was used, but the rate stood at 5.3% in Geumsan, 8.9% in Yesan, 2.3% in Sejong when the prevention method was used, which suggest the chemical control system was effective. Conclusion : When chemical control system was applied to prevent major diseases of ginseng, spotting disease, anthrax, and gray mold occurred at lower rates compared with the case where the conventional method was used. The finding is that the chemical control system can be utilized to prevent major diseases of ginseng.
2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Ginseng is a perennial plant and damaged by various diseases and insect pests. The damage lowers harvest and quality. Accordingly, a chemical control system was made with the aim of effectively control gray mold, anthrax, and spotting disease which occur during growth period. fungicide resistance of gray mold rot was examined to find out whether the chemical control system can be used over the long term. Methods and Results : This experiment was conducted in three areas including Geumsan-gun, Yesan-gun, and Sejong city. The chemical control system was done to the plants of two years old or older. As for the order of the treatment, from the end of April to May Fludioxonil (A) and Pyraclostrobin (B) were used; from the mid-May to the end of July of growth stages Difenoconazole (C), Iminoctadinetris (albesilate) (D), Cyprodinil (E), Metconazole (F), Fluazinam (G) and Pyrimethanil (H); from August to September nonresidualizing polyoxinB + mancozeb (K); in November of hibernating period, Fenhexamid (I) and Carbendazim/diethofencarb (J) were used. As for the interval, from the end of April to the end of July the interval was 10 days, in August and September once a month, and twice in every ten days in November. The isolation of Botrytis cinerea for examination into mycelial growth inhibition rate was conducted to 4-year old ginseng in Geumsan, 5-year old in Yesan, and 3-year old in Sejong. In Geumsan, the mycelial growth inhibition rate to Botrytis cinerea was 75.5% - 100%. Every fungicides showed good rate of mycelial growth inhibition. The lowest rate was seen in fungicide B at 75.5%. K showed the prevention rate at 76.8%, D at 82.7%, and I at 82.2%, and other fungicides at 100%. In Sejong area, the hyphal prevention rate of Botrytis cinerea was 71.0% - 100%, indicating all fungicides show good rate of mycelial growth inhibition. The lowest rate was recorded by fungicide B at 71.1%, D at 81.1%, K at 85.4%, and I at 95.4%. Yesan area also showed similar results to those of Geumsan and Sejong. Conclusion : Botrytis cinerea was isolated from ginseng and mycelial growth inhibition effect was examined in concentration of 11 kinds of fungicides. In all three areas where chemical control system were applied, resistance was not found, suggesting that the chemical control system can be applied to control diseases of ginseng.
2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Recent climate change has also affected the biological season for plants. There are various studies on this, but most of them are studying horticultural crops. The purpose of this study was to investigate the timing of flowering in different regions and to predict the flowering time of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baillon. using meteorological data. Methods and Results : The flowering time and cultivation area of Schisandra chinensis were searched and surveyed by the Internet data and Annual research report of the RDA. Accumulated temperature and Growing degree day at 0℃, 5℃, 10℃ or more and Cumulative hours of sunshine at 0℃ or more to the cultivation area and flowering period of irradiated Schisandra chinensis were calculated from meteorological data of KMA (Korea. Meteorological Administration) and calculated using Excel, respectively. statistical analysis was performed using Excel. The data collected were 15 research reports and 20 internet surveys, but it was difficult to use statistical significance due to the high coefficient of variation. The 5-year Suwon data and the 3-year data of Jinan were used in the study report data relatively close to the meteorological stations. Conclusion : Results of statistical analysis. The flowering time of Schisandra chinensis is the time when Accumulated temperature of 0℃ or more [Σ (daily average temperature > 0℃)] becomes 650℃ and the Growing degree day of 0℃ or more { Σ [ (day maximum temperature + day minimum temperature) / 2 > 0℃ ] } was 670℃. The coefficient of variation was 6.5% and 6.2%, respectively.
2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Insect pests damages are increasing on the field of Lycium chinense under eco-friendly organic management and especially, pest damage of Gelechiidae (Ilseopsis parki Povolny) is serious. Currently, various eco-friendly organic materials are registered, but insecticidal activity against Gelechiidae was not verified. Therefore, this experiment was carried out to select eco-friendly organic materials showing insecticidal activity in Gelechiidae. Methods and Results : To test insecticidal activity, the Gelechiidae lavas were collected from the field and Nine eco-friendly organic materials were collected from the market. method. The insecticidal activity assay method was, putting Gelechiidae lavas on the 90mm petridish then water-diluted eco-friendly organic materials were sprayed onto the laver. Result of insecticidal activity was observed with a microscope 10 minutes, 2 hours and 18 hours after the treatment. Microscopic observation results, insecticidal activity was shown only in 5 out of 9 materials. Conclusion : As a result, Insecticidal activity against Gelechiidae was not effective in all tested materials, but the 5 eco-friendly organic materials showed the same effect in repeated experiments. In this study, we selected 5 materials out of 9 eco-friendly organic materials against Gelechiidae, then future studies are planned to select the most suitable materials by field testing the 5 eco-friendly organic materials.
2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Even though Kalopanax septemlobus has been used as a traditional crude drug and a dietary health supplement, the wild or cultivated sources of this plant are not economically feasible. Methods and Results : In this study, a cell suspension culture of K. septemlobus using friable calli was established to make source sustainable. A cell suspension culture of K. septemlobus was incubated during 15th day and reached the maximum capacity of saponin production after day 6 (0.42㎍/㎎ of fresh weight). To investigate the effect of elicitors on the product yield of saponins in the K. septemlobus suspension culture, we treated methyl-jasmonic acid and coronatine (COR), which are known as signal molecules. COR positively regulates the total saponin production in the cell suspension of K. septemlobus at a concentration of 1 μM compared with the mock-treated control. Furthermore, the expression of beta-amyrin synthase (KsbAS) was induced by elicitation of COR. Consequently, oleanane-type triterpene saponins, oleanolic acid (2.369 ± 0.98 ㎍/㎎ of extract) were accumulated by only COR. Conclusion : From the above results, COR is an efficient elicitor for inducing saponin biosynthesis in a K. septemlobus suspension culture. Gene expression pattern and analysing precursor of triterpenoid saponin indicate that major target gene of COR in K. septemlobus suspension culture is KsbAS.
2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Although Oplopana elatus is a valuable medicinal plant that, like ginseng, recommends itself as source of herbal preparations, little molecular information on this plant is available. Therefore, to analyze the terpenoid biosynthetic pathway in O. elatus, we employed an RNA-seq approach. Methods and Results : To generate a transcriptome library of O. elatus, total RNA was extracted from different tissues, including leaves, stem, and root. A pooled RNA sample was prepared by combining equivalent RNA from different tissues. Using pair-end read with the Illumina platform, a total of 78,646,554 raw sequencing reads were generated. After data cleaning, approximately 77 million high-quality reads were obtained with 98% G20 (base quality of greater than 20). The high-quality reads were assembled into 208,959 unigenes with an average length of 1,073 bp and an N50 of 1,768 bp. Consistent with our prediction, which was based on the KEGG pathway assignment, we found 122 unigenes encoding 47 putative enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of terpenoid and triterpenoid saponins in the O. elatus transcriptome library. Conclusion : The transcriptome dataset generated in this study will serve as a valuable resource for accelerating genomic and functional genomic research in O. elatus and in the family Araliaceae.
2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) is one of the most important medicinal plants in Korea, but its yields are often reduced by a variety of root pathogens. The root rot of ginseng is a destructive soil-borne disease caused by Cylindrocarpon destructans (teleomorph: Ilyonectria radicicola). Methods and Results : Ilyonectria radicicola and its Cylindrocarpon-like anamorph represent a species complex that is commonly associated with root rot disease symptoms on virulence. During the course of this study, several species could be distinguished from I. radicicola sensu stricto based on morphological and culture characteristics. As results of investigated culture characteristics, optimal temperature for mycelial growth of isolates were 20℃, and colony pattern and color were slightly different on PDA. Isolates of I. radicicola were analyzed for their genetic relatedness based on several genes and microsatellite region. I. radicicola group was divided into two small groups. Conclusion : Therefore, we were able to confirm pathogenicity and genetic difference between the isolates in each of the groups of the pathogen. Among these isolates, 21.5% were classified as highly virulent and 78.5% were weakly virulent. *(Corresponding
2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : This experiment was carried out to investigate the occurrence of disease and pest and the yield depending on cultivation methods in Cynanchum wilfordii. Methods and Results : There were damages by anthracnose, aphid, mite, thrips, Gastrophysa atrocyanea, Tropidothorax cruciger and Metcalfa pruinosa. In the case of anthracnose, the number of damaged leaf in the untreated control plot per counting area (67.5 ㎡) was 8.6 times higher than that of chemical treated plot. As a result of investigation of shoot damage and leaf juice damage by Tropidothorax cruciger, which made the most obvious damage symptom, showed the significantly lower degree of damage in the treatments of insecticides (abamectin, suloxac flour liquid wettable powder). In addition to the pest damage, the yield of roots was investigated. As a result, it was found that the yields were 3.8 ㎏, 2.6 ㎏, 1.7 ㎏ and 1.4 ㎏ per 8.5 ㎡ respectively in vine scheme cultivation with chemical control, vine scheme cultivation with non-chemical control, non-vine scheme cultivation with chemical control and non-vine scheme cultivation with non-chemical control. Conclusion : The yield per 1,000 ㎡ was 449 ㎏, which was 1.9 times higher than the national average of three years in vine scheme cultivation with chemical control.
2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Cu ion is an essential mineral of animal feed. But rapid degradation of Cu ion in animal intestine causes poor immune activity and potential environment hazard. Therefore, to enhance immune system and control metal ion deliverly in intestine, we developed Cu ion nano suspension. In animal feed, > 127 ㎎/g of Cu ion are found but only 5 - 7 ㎎ are used out of them. Therefore, huge loss of Cu ion causes environment, economy and animal health problem. Methods and Results : Seven formulation were prepared to prepare nano suspension (particle size < 200 ㎚) of CuSO4. The particle diameter, polydispersity index, and zeta potential values of the samples were measured using dynamic light scattering (DLS) and laser Doppler methods (ELS-Z1000; Otsuka Electronics, Tokyo, Japan). Absorbance and Cu ion concentration was measured using UV-VIS Spectrophotometer. Cu ion nano particle (< 200 ㎚) was found in a formulation comprised of Cu ion : surfactant (lipophilic : hydrophilic) and PEG. In consistence with this result, total absorbance and concentration was found higher in the same formulation compared to control. Conclusion : From our experiment we may conclude that mixture of Cu ion : surfactant (lipophilic : hydrophilic) and PEG successfully prepared nano suspension which slow down the degradation of Cu ion in intestine with improving feed quality, animal health and prevent potential environment pollution.
2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : The practice of keeping the medicinal herbs at room temperature causes many problems, but due to lack of sufficient field research and study, it is difficult to improve related regulations and safety management. Methods and Results : The Cnidium Rhizome and Angelica gigas Root were inoculated with Lasioderma serricorne F. and incubated at 28℃ for 2.5 months and 5 months. After five months, the number of Lasioderma serricorne F. in Cnidium Rhizome increased from 30 to 1,429 (about 47 times). In the same period, the number of insects in Angelica gigas Root increased from 30 to 663 (about 22 times). Due to the rapid increase in pest population, hygiene deteriorated, changes in the active ingredient and appearance quality of the herbal medicines, which greatly damaged the value of the herbal medicine. Conclusions : These results show that current regulation requiring only sealing and not specifying the storage temperature do not guarantee quality safety. Therefore, it is necessary to establish appropriate preservation standards and improve management regulations in order to preserve safety.
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