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        검색결과 1,884

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Xyrosaris Meyrick, 1907 is a small genus of the family Yponomeutidae, established by Meyrick (1907) for its type species Xyrosaris dyropa Meyrick, 1907. A total of nine species were recognized in the world. Most of species of the genus have been described by Meyrick at the early 20th century. Up to date, X. lichneuta Meyrick, 1918 has been reported from Korea. In the present study, we review the genus Xyrosaris from Korea, with two new species: X. sp.1 and X. sp.2. Key to species, illustrations of adult, male and female genitalia, diagnosis and short description are provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Pachynoa Lederer, 1863 reported 13 species in the world. This genus was established by Lederer, 1863 have been treated within the genera Pitacanda Moore, 1886 by Hampson, 1896 and Hypermeces Turner, 1933 by Shaffer et al., 1996. Species of the genus Pachynoa are mostly distributed from India and Taiwan to Solomon island. In this study, the genus Pachynoa is newly recorded in Laos with two species, Pachynoa xanthochyta (Turner, 1933) and Pachynoa thoosalis (Walker, 1859). These species are redescribed with illustrations of the adults and the genitalia, and their distribution is updated.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        One species of the genus Aphidius (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidinae) is recognized in this study. The genus Aphidius is a large braconid group distributed in the European, Palaearctic and Oriental regions, which includes currently 61 species in South Korea. This genus mainly parasitizes aphids. In this study, Aphidius transcaspicus Telenga, 1958 is recognized for the first time in South Korea. Historically, Aphidius transcaspicus is complexed with Aphidius collemani species complex. Descriptions, diagnosis distribution and illustration are provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Coptotriche belongs to leafmining family Tischeriidae, comprising about 60 species in the world. They live in inside leaves during immature stage; larvae feed on tissue of the leaf, producing mining trace. The pupa also spend in the mine, and emerge to become a adult from the mine. In Korea, two species, C. angusticollella and C. heinemanni, are reported and are known as pest about Rosa multiflora and Rubus crataegifolius respectively. In the present study, we review three species of genus Coptotriche in Korea with a new species. Brief descriptions and illustrations of the adults, male and female genitalia, larvae, pupae, and host plants are provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Genus Nemapogon Schrank, 1802, of Nemapogoninae is reviewed in Korea, with four species. The genus comprises approximately 70 named speices. Some species of the genus Nemapogon Schrank, 1802 (N. granella, N. cloacella, and N. variatella) are well known as storage pests and distributed worldwide (Gaedike, 2000). The larvae of these moths feed on stored food such as cereals, flour, and dried mushrooms (Robinson and Nielsen, 1993). In Korea, the genus Nemapogon have been reported only one species up to date (Byun et al., 2009), with Nemapogon granella (Linnaeus, 1758). In this study, three additional species of the genus Nemapogon Schrank is reported for the first time in Korea. The adults are briefly described and illustrated, including adults genitalia.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Meganola (Nolidae, Nolinae) was established by Dyar (1898), with the type species Meganola conspicua Dyar, 1898, from America (Type locality: Texas, Colorado, Arizona). This genus comprises 80 species described in the Palaearctic and Oriental region. In this study, genus Meganola Dyar is reviewed from Korea, with description of a new species. We redescribed 12 species and one new species. Illustrations of adults and genitalia of all Korean species are provided, with a key to the genus of Meganola based on the male genitalia.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Pyraustinae is one of the large subfamily in Crambidae. In Korea, more than 60 species in 20 genera of the Pyraustinae have been reported. Recently, Demobotys pervulgalis (Hampson, 1913) and Ecpyrrhorrhoe dissimilis (Yamanaka, 1958) were recorded by Choi et al. (2015). Among of the Pyraustinae, the genera Callibotys and Sinibotys were established by Munroe and Mutuura (1969). In this study, we report two species of genera Callibotys and Sinibotys from Korea for the first time, with a newly recorded genus Callibotys. Illustrations of adults, male and female genitalia, description are provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Encyrtidae, belonging to Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera), includes about 4,000 species in 460 genera worldwide. Many of the members are very important biological control agents of insect pests such as scale-insects (Hemiptera, Coccoidea). Many species have been relatively well studied in various taxonomic and biological fields because of economical and ecological importance of Encyrtidae. However, Korean encyrtids are poorly studied so far. In this presentation we will introduce the current status of taxonomy and biological characteristics of Encyrtidae. In addition further study plans are also presented.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We evaluated three previously known repellents of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), i.e., carvacrol, cis-jasmone, and methyl jasmonate for the attraction of commercialized predators, Orius laevigatus (Fieber) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), and native predator, O. minutus (L.), in Y-tube olfactometer. Higher proportion of O. laevigatus (mated unfed adult females) moved to the arm of methyl jasmonate or cis-jasmone than the arm of clean air. However, O. minutus did not show any significant preference to the chemicals tested. These results suggest that, among the tested chemicals, methyl jasmonate or cis-jasmone would be a good attractant for O. laevigatus.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내 판매되고 있는 사슴벌레종[넓적사슴벌레(Dorcus titanus), 참넓적사슴벌레(Serrognathus consentaneus), 남방넓적사슴벌레(D. titanus jejuensis, 가칭), 애사슴벌레(D. rectus) 및 왕사슴벌레(D. hopei)]과 부산 지역에서 채집한 넓적사슴벌레 12개체와 경남 의령군에서 채집한 1개체의 미토콘드리아 DNA 중 cytochrome oxidase I(COI) 를 이용하여 계통을 비교분석하였다. 아울러 NCBI에 기등록된 북한, 일본, 대만, 필리핀, 인도네시아 및 태국의 넓적사슴벌레의 COI 서열을 이용하여 추가 분석하였다. 먼저 판매되고 있는 사슴벌레종은 넓적사슴벌레, 남방넓적사슴벌레 및 참넓적사슴벌레의 group I과 애사슴벌레 및 왕사슴벌레의 group II로 구분되었다. 부산지역 및 의령에서 채집한 넓적사슴벌레의 경우 COI 및 COII로 분석 결과 북한에서 기보고 된 3개체를 포함해 유전적 변이에 있어 큰 차이가 나타내지 않았다. 또한 한반도와 일본 일부지역에서 높은 상동성을 확인하였는데 그 외 아시아 지역에 서식하는 넓적사슴벌레와는 다른 그룹을 형성함을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과들은 국내 서식 사슴벌레 종의 유전적 분석과 함께 외래 유입종을 판별하는 근거자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        식품 중 곰팡이 이물에 대한 연구를 위하여 식품 제조 및 유통/보관현장에서의 곰팡이 오염수준 및 주요 곰팡이류를 조사하였다. 측정은 식품유형별 총 9장소 (젓갈류, 식초류, 쌀류, 밀가루류, 냉동만두류, 면류, 과자류, 육가공류, 김치류)와 유통/보관현장 총 8장소(물류 창고)에서 진행하였고, 각 생산라인에서 부유곰팡이, 표면 곰팡이 오염도를 조사하였다. 측정결과, 육가공류 생산현장에서 부유곰팡이 오염도가 가장 높게 측정되었으며, 김치류 생산현장에서의 부유곰팡이 오염도가 가장 낮게 측정되었다. 설비 및 벽면에서의 표면 곰팡이 오염도의 경우, 식품 제조 및 유통/보관 현장에 관계없이 거의 검출되지 않았다. 현장에서 검출된 주요곰팡이를 조사한 결과, Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp., Cladosporium sp., 종이 우점종 곰팡이로 조사되었다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Hymenoptera is one of four largest orders of insects, with over 150,000 described species, 132 families, 27 superfamilies, and 2 suborders. There are currently about 3,000 hymenopteran species in 65 families and 20 superfamilies known in South Korea, of which the majority of the families have been studied while some of them are still poorly studied. The present overview on South Korean Hymenoptera aims to provide brief taxonomic history of the studies, a complete bibliography, a list of South Korean hymenopteran species, and information on South Korean hymenopterists for each taxon.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Geminiviruses are plant-infecting viruses with monopartite or bipartite single-stranded circular DNA genomes. They are known to be mediated by insects such as whiteflies, treehoppers, leafhoppers or aphids and can cause devastating plant diseases in a wide range of economically significant crops worldwide. In Korea, occurrence of geminiviruses were reported officially after the 2000s. Although Honeysuckle yellow vein virus (HYVV) and Sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV) were identified from honeysuckle and sweet potato in 2004 and 2006 respectively, these viruses did not spread and cause much concern for geminiviruses. In 2008, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) that has caused severe tomato production loss in many subtropical and tropical countries was first reported in tomato plants cultivated in Tongyeong. TYLCV rapidly spread through the country and has been continuously reported from tomato cultivating areas in Korea. In addition to TYLCV, Tobacco leaf curl virus and Sweet potato golden vein associated virus have occurred. In recent years, new geminiviruses including Papaya leaf curl Guangdong virus (PaLCGdV) and Euphorbia leaf curl virus (EuLCV) have been introduced. Newly emerging geminiviruses from tropical and subtropical countries are due to increased demand for various fruits and vegetables, and climate change. In addition, there are reports that some geminiviruses including TYLCV can be transmitted by infected seeds. Therefore it is important to study on epidemiology of virus introduction and spread among the countries and within country.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        금지급 과실파리 침입시 대응조치(박멸프로그램) 실행과정에서 박멸프로그램의 종료는 3세대기간 동안 미포획되는 상황을 기준으로 하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 카람볼라과실파리(Bactocera carambolae), 구아바과실파리(B. correcta), 남방고추과실파리(B. latifrons), 작은퀸즐랜드과실파리(B. neohumeralis), 일본귤과실파리(B. tsuneonis) 등 5종에 대한 기존 온도발육자료를 바탕으로 세대기간 추정에 필요한 적산온도 모형을 제시하였다. 각 종의 세대기간 추정에 필요한 발육 영점온도와 적산온도는 칼람볼라과실파리 11.8℃와 384.6 Degree days(DD), 구아바과실파리 11.6℃와 454.5 DD, 남방고추과실파리 10.4℃와 517.5 DD, 작은퀸즐랜드과실파리 9.2℃와 467.8 DD로 추정되었다. 일화성인 일본귤과실파리의 경우는 월동용의 우화모형(발육영점은 11.3℃, 625 DD)을 이용하는 방법을 제안하였다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is growing interest in the various functions of urban green spaces that can improve urban resilience. Urban green spaces have an important role in wildlife habitat, climate and hydrological control, and recreation and outdoor activities. The connectivity of a green space network is known to control urban resilience by minimizing the disturbance caused by urbanization and climate change and strengthening the adaptation capacity. In this study, we analyzed the social-ecological network characteristics of green space in the city of Jeonju, South Korea. To analyze the ecological network, we defined wildlife habitat as the ecological node and used an index based on graph theory. We defined residential area as the social node, and we analyzed the accessibility of green space from the residential area to assess the social network. The results indicate that the green spaces in Jeonju are highly connected in the social and ecological perspectives on the fringe of the city. However, our founding also indicated that the social and ecological connectivity of the green space network in the downtown area should be improved. This study can be used as a basis for establishing an Urban Open Space Conservation Plan that considers the improvement of urban resilience in the future.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Progressive muscle weakness is aggravated not only in the skeletal muscles but also in the respiratory muscles in many patients with neuromuscular diseases (NMD). Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) has been reported as therapy for pulmonary rehabilitation to improve respiratory strength, endurance, exercise capacity, and quality of life, and to reduce dyspnea. Objects: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of playing harmonica for 5 months on pulmonary function by assessing the force vital capacity (FVC), peak cough flow (PCF), maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), maximal expiratory pressure (MEP), and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) in patients with NMD. Methods: Six subjects with NMD participated in this study. The subjects played harmonica once a week for 2 hours at a harmonica academy and twice a week for 1 hour at home. Thus, training was performed thrice a week for 23 weeks. The examiner assessed pulmonary function by measuring FVC in the sitting and supine positions and PCF, MIP, MEP, and MVV in the sitting position at the beginning of training and once a month for 5 months. Results: Both sitting and supine FVC significantly increased after playing harmonica (p=.042), as did MIP (p=.043) and MEP (p=.042). Conclusion: Playing harmonica can be used as an effective method to improve pulmonary function in patients with NMD.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effect of the nonuniform grid on the two-dimensional transport equation was investigated in terms of theoretical analysis and finite difference method (FDM). The nonuniform grid having a typical structure of the numerical weather forecast model was incorporated in the vertical direction, while the uniform grid was used in the zonal direction. The staggered and non-staggered grid were placed in the vertical and zonal direction, respectively. Time stepping was performed with the third-order Runge Kutta scheme. An error analysis of the spatial discretization on the nonuniform grid was carried out, which indicated that the combined effect of the nonuniform grid and advection velocity produced either numerical diffusion or numerical adverse-diffusion. An analytic function is used for the quantitative evaluation of the errors associated with the discretized transport equation. Numerical experiments with the non-uniformity of vertical grid were found to support the analysis.
        2018.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To formulate folate receptor (FR)-specific graphene-based electrochemical electrodes, a folic acid (FA) derivative attached with two pyrene molecules on the glutamate tail of FA was synthesized. The resulting pyrene-functionalized FA (FA-Py) presented the spontaneous noncovalent binding on chemically reduced graphene oxides (rGO) through an π-π interaction. Ultrathin morphology, high water-resistance, and preservation of intact FR-specific pteroates from the rGO/FA-Py assembly allow this assembly to be exploited as robust and FR-specific electrochemical electrode materials. The limits of detecting rGO/FA-Py modified electrodes were found to be as low as 3.07 nM in FR concentrations in cyclic voltammetry analysis.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Purpose: The objective of this study is to verify whether cultural aspects influence consumers’ product appraisal by analyzing how consumers from two different countries choose products by designers with a diverse cultural background. Design/Methodology: A questionnaire was applied, with 321 female respondents (217 from Brazil, 104 from Israel) who chose swimsuits from two different styles (“Classic” and “Trendy”) in four different options: bikini, one-piece, solid colors, and print options. Findings: Both countries presented a preference for design from the same cultural background, but while Brazilian respondents opted mostly for designs by Brazilian designers, Israeli respondents chose more openly. Israeli respondents presented a much higher restriction on bikini models compared to one-pieces, while Brazilians presented the opposite type of rejection. Research implications: The results suggest that cultural aspects influence consumers’ choices in product appraisal, as respondents tend to choose designs made under the same cultural influence. Originality/value: behavior, product appraisal, swimwear, cross-cultural 1 Yael_
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Online reviews enable brands to promote their products by means of word-of-mouth communication. In an e-commerce environment, user-generated customer feedback, as a form of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), is a crucial source of information in the prepurchase stage as many customers base their purchase decision on feedback from other customers. eWOM is perceived as a reliable source of information and has become especially important in an online environment (Chevalier & Mayzlin, 2006; Li & Zhan, 2011). Existing research has shown that customer feedback positively influences sales (Chevalier & Mayzlin, 2006; Forman, Ghose, & Wiesenfeld, 2008; Ha, Bae, & Son, 2015). Yet, only very limited research on how to communicate customer feedback to maximize a company’s top-line growth has been conducted (Packard & Berger, 2017). In this study, we aim to fill this gap by investigating how numerical customer feedback metrics should be communicated to attract new customers. Using an experiment, we empirically investigate which of the two widely established numerical customer feedback metrics, a customer recommendation rate or a customer satisfaction rate, is better suited to attract new customers and hence stimulate company growth. The impact of the stimulus on the purchase process is measured by means of three different dependent variables to imitate the hierarchy of a purchase decision: consumers’ interest towards the ad, their attitude towards the product shown in the ad as well as their purchase intention. Furthermore, we include several moderating factors, which have proven to be relevant when looking at online reviews, namely product type as well as consumers’ motivation and ability to process persuasive communication (Gupta & Harris, 2010; Klein, 1998; Petty & Cacioppo, 1986).