The purpose of this study was to develop a program based on the Earth system based program to help students achieve science literacy. This program was designed to be connected across grade levels, and contents of the program were constructed to have meaningful interdisciplinary context. All the activities in the program were inquiry-based, and understanding of the nature of science was considered essential throughout the program. In addition, appreciation and stewardship for the Earth system were systematically emphasized on any grade level. Design of the program applied U.S. National Science Education Standards for the quality of and conditions for school science programs.
The purpose of this study was to explore the elementary students' perceptions of Earth systems and environmental issues. A survey was conducted to determine the students' perceptions on the following aveas: (1) the concepts of certainty and tangibility, (2) self-reported knowledge level, (3) perceived danger level of selected eight Earth systems and environmental issues, and (4) their primary information source on these issues. Results indicated that ozone hole, acid rain, El Niño, and global warming were identified by the students as uncertain and intangible issues. Perceived certainty and perceived tangibility were highly positively correlated with self-reported knowledge compared to other relationships. The results also showed that learning from school was the most frequent information source for environmental issues. The second most frequently used source of information was television among several mass media sources. It is hoped that this study contributes to understanding the elementary school students' perceptions toward the selected Earth systems and environmental issues.
This paper presents vibration control of a real-scaled five-story steel structure subjected to horizontal excitation using a semi-active magneto-rheological (MR) damper. A large-sized double-rod MR damper, which is applicable for vibration control of the real-scaled five-story structure, is designed and manufactured on the basis of the field-dependent Bingham model of the MR fluid. The damping force of the MR damper is experimentally evaluated with respect to the excitation frequency at various magnetic fields. After formulating the governing equation of motion for the five-story structure associated with the MR damper, displacement and acceleration responses of the structure are discussed under pseudo earthquake excitation in which a hybrid mass damper is designed to reproduce seismically excited structural responses. The controllers which require only structural response of the damper installed floor for calculating the input current of the MR damper are designed to effectively suppress unwanted structural vibrations
In this paper, simulating the wind induced responses of a building structure using a linear mass shaker is presented. The shaker force is calculated by using the inverse transfer function of a target structural response to the actuator. Filter and envelop function are used such that the error between wind and exciter induced responses is minimized by preventing the shaker from exciting unexpected modal response and initial transient response. The analyses results from a 76-story benchmark building problem in which wind load obtained by wind tunnel test is given, indicate that the linear mass shaker installed at a specific floor can approximately embody the structural responses induced by the wind load applied to each floor of the structure. The linear mass shaker signal is generated by the proposed method can be effectively used for evaluating the wind response characteristics of a practical building structure and for obtaining an accurate analytical model of the building under wind load.
본 연구의 목적은 한국건축프로젝트의 경영적 특성을 파악하는데 있다. 본문은 건축프로젝트의 주요 세 요소인 디자인, 건설, 유지관리의 프로세스 질 관리에 영향을 미치는 요소들을 조사한다. 설문조사는 건축관련 대학원생 및 교수, 설계자, 시공자들의 건축프로젝트에 있어서 프로세스 질 관리에 대한 상이한 시각을 보여주고 있다. 이러한 요소들을 분석함으로써 현재 국내의 질 관리 시스템과 프로그램 내용을 교정하고 개선하는데 도움이 될 것이다. 프로세스 질 관리에 있어서 여러 요소 중 설계자와의 협조가 가장 주요 요소로써 부각되었다.
It is important to evaluate energy absorption capacity of frames required during a design earthquake. An inelastic computer analysis based on mathematical modelling of energy absorbing frames and elements makes it possible to evaluate required energy absorption capacity. But such an analysis sometimes consumes much computation time particularly in case of complicated structural system. This paper presents a proposal to predict energy absorption of multi-bent steel frames by simple equivalent linear method.
This paper presents a design process for viscoelastic dampers and a full-scale test of a 5-story steel structure with added viscoelastic dampers. The mechanical properties of viscoelastic dampers and the dynamic characteristics of the model structure were obtained from experiments, and the results were used in the design process. The additional damping ratios required to reduce the maximum response of the structure to a desired level were obtained first by the convex model. Then the size of dampers to realize the required damping ratio was determined using the modal strain energy method by observing the change in modal damping ratio due to the change in damper stiffness. The designed viscoelastic dampers were installed in the first and the second inter-stories of the model structure, and the system was excited by a hybrid mass driver located on the fifth floor. The experimental results indicated that after the dampers were installed the dynamic response of the full-scale model structure reduced as desired in the design process.
The East Sea, a semi-enclosed marginal sea with shallow straits in the northwest Pacific, is marked by the nearly geographic isolation and the low sea surface salinity during the last glacial maximum (LGM). The East Sea might have the only connection to the open ocean through the Korea Strait with a sill depth of 130 m, allowing the paleo-Tsushima Water to enter the sea during the LGM. The low paleosalinity associated with abnormally light δ18O values of planktonic foraminifera is interpreted to have resulted from river discharge and precipitation. Nevertheless, two LGM features in the East Sea are disputable. This study attempts to estimate volume transport of the paleo-Tsushima Water via the Korea Strait and further examines its effect on the low sea surface salinity (SSS) during the lowest sea level of the LGM. The East Sea was not completely isolated, but partially linked to the northern East China Sea through the Korea Strait during the LGM. The volume transport of the paleo-Tsushima Water during the LGM is calculated approximately(0.5~2.1)×1012m3/yr on the basis of the selected seismic reflection profiles along with bathymetry and current data. The annual influx of the paleo-Tsushima Water is low, compared to the 100 m-thick surface water volume (about 79.75×1012m3) in the East Sea. The paleo-Tsushima Water influx might have changed the surface water properties within a geologically short time, potentially decreasing sea surface salinity. However, the effect of volume transport on the low sea surface salinity essentially depends on freshwater amounts within the paleo-Tsushima Water and excessive evaporation during the glacial lowstands of sea level. Even though the paleo-Tsushima Water is assumed to have been entirely freshwater at that time period, it would annually reduce only about 1‰ of salinity in the surface water of the East Sea. Thus, the paleo-Tsushima Water influx itself might not be large enough to significantly reduce the paleosalinity of about 100 m-thick surface layer during the LGM. This further suggests contribution of additional river discharges from nearby fluvial systems (e.g. the Amur River) to freshen the surface water.