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        검색결과 125

        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Prior to the initiation of new marketing activities, the majority of companies make great efforts to figure out a means of collecting all-round information on overseas target markets and global consumers for the purpose of strengthening competitiveness and then further increasing market share and enterprise benefits. The concept of customer equity has been introduced as a tool to continuously secure customers and create profits in the future. Globalization trends have attached great importance to altering the structure of the fashion industry. In particular, with expectation of conducting innovative marketing, companies engaged in SPA brands are gradually developed into global companies. Furthermore, corporate profitability is very sensitive to consumers’ attitudinal changes due to the short trend cycle of SPA brands. Most of our behaviors are predicated on the attitudes and behaviors of the others. The influence of loyal customers may turn potential customers into loyal customer owing to high customer equity. That is to say, companies may obtain more profits through higher customer equity. The study aims to explore the relationships among social influence, social learning and customer equity. The results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, the study elaborates on the relationships among social influence, social learning and customer equity. Second, by comparing the economic and cultural differences between South Korea and China, the study finds the social influence has a positive influence on customer equity in different ways between the two countries.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite the recent economic downturn, the worldwide sales of luxury fashion brands have increased. The luxury fashion market may have become more profitable and yet, at the same time, more competitive. The relationship between consumers and a luxury fashion brand is the type of relation that starts with an affinity towards a particular brand name and is manifested through the purchase of the goods (Okonkwo 2007).Luxury consumption generally involves purchasing luxury products and brands which can symbolise luxury values to an individual. Even though luxury consumption has always been associated with prestige-seeking behaviour, it goes beyond that. Consumers nowadays are looking for luxury brands and goods that are able to fulfil their own functional and emotional values or, specifically, perceived luxury values. Advertising is essential in selling luxury brands and most luxury brands are willing to invest in advertising. One of the main objectives of luxury brand advertising is to help consumers develop a good understanding of the perceived values that luxury brands can offer as compared to non-luxury brands. Only after perceived luxury values are well understood, will consumers be persuaded to purchase the brands. Luxury fashion brands are one of the most profitable and fastest-growing luxury sectors, yet at the same time most researchers tend to agree that the value perceptions associated with luxury fashion brands are poorly understood and under-investigated. Values in general can be regarded as beliefs that guide the selection or evaluation of desirable behaviours or end states (Schultz & Zelezny 1999). Luxury values explain why consumers desire and purchase one luxury brand rather than another. This is because luxury values associated with a specific luxury fashion brand influences consumers’ preference over another brand. There is a wealth of models for perceived luxury values and many researchers have attempted to measure perceived luxury values. Previous research has revealed that luxury values may consist of multiple dimensions. For example, luxury values may involve exclusivity, perceived quality, brand awareness and brand identity (Phau & Prendergast 2000). Vigneron & Johnson (2004) proposed five perceived luxury values which comprise conspicuous value, uniqueness value, quality value, hedonic value, and extended self-value. Subsequent to the study done by Vigneron & Johnson (2004), Wiedmann, Hennigs & Siebels (2007) extended and summarised nine perceived luxury values in relation to luxury fashion brand consumption which are: price value, usability value, quality value, uniqueness value, self-identity value, hedonic value, materialistic value, conspicuousness value and prestige value.Gender, in particular, has not been carefully examined in the luxury context. Since many luxury fashion brands are purchased as gifts for the opposite gender, good understandings of the gender differences in perceptions towards key luxury values becomes essential in this luxury market. Extended from Wiedmann et al.’s study (2007) and using a two (male and female endorser) by two (male and female consumer) factorial and quasi-experimental design, this study examines the impact of gender on consumer responses to seven key luxury values, including the appearance, quality, uniqueness, materialistic, hedonic, conspicuous, and prestige value. The sample included more than three hundred young consumers in Australia. Confirmatory factor analyses were used to test the validity and reliability of each value construct. T-tests were conducted to examine the difference between the male and female consumers with regards to each of the luxury value. The study found that, when exposed to the male-endorser advertisement, male and female consumers have significant different perceptions towards only three key luxury values including appearance, hedonic and prestige value. However, when exposed to the female-endorser advertisement, male and female consumers have different perceptions on all of the key values examined except the materialistic and quality value. The results reveal that gender is a key consideration in luxury brand marketing, particularly in the context of new luxury brand advertising. On one hand, the same advertisement may lead to different consumer perceptions on the luxury values of the advertised brand. On the other hand, some key perceived values (such as quality or materialistic) may not be influenced by gender (neither the gender of the endorser or the consumer). The findings of this study are important as they enable luxury marketers to understand the impact of gender in luxury brand marketing. The implications go beyond luxury fashion brands to other sectors of the luxury market.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Impacts of Relationship value on Loyalty of Online Group-Buying Customer in China With the development of e-commerce industry, online group-buying pattern has been one of the most popular online shopping patterns in China. Although the online group-buying platform has a large number of consumers, the consumer loyalty to specific online group-buying platform is low. For this phenomenon, scholars usually studied from the perspective of factors which influenced consumer behavior intentions. However, few studies focus on the component and measuring of relational benefits in the process of group-buying. Based on the perspective of consumers, this paper studied the relational benefits between consumers and online group-buying platform, and the perceived benefits of consumers who are in different relationship life cycle.This paper used SPSS to test the reliability and validity of data and carried some discussions about research model through factor analysis and regression analysis. The results indicated that relational benefits were significantly related to customer loyalty, that relationship quality and relationship life cycle was considered as mediator and moderator, respectively. Further, we made some management recommendations for operators in the online group-buying platform.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The core of vertical space greening of urban architecture which is an effective approach to build the green healthy living environment and to increase urban green space, is the ecological planting epidermis design. By means of learning the experience of international ecological planting design of construction epidermis, the paper reviews principles of ecological planting design of construction epidermis and the relationship between this and planting design, which bases on the concept of BBL, the bioclimatic buffering layer. Furthermore, it aims to find new creative ideas of the combination of green plants and construction epidermis design, in order to provide references for Chinese construction epidermis design practice.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        L2 synonyms (and other related words) that are undifferentiated (i.e., are translated as the same word) in learners’ L1 are among the most difficult lexical items for L2learners to grasp. How to help students learn the appropriate use of these words has been a great challenge for L2 teachers. Drawing on recent research in corpus linguistics and corpus-based language teaching, this paper strives to show that corpus analysis can effectively differentiate synonyms and help L2 students successfully learn the appropriate use of the words in a synonym set. The paper begins with a brief overview of research on synonyms and their learning/use. Then using four sets of English synonyms/related words that are not differentiated in Korean, it discusses, with specific examples of learning activities and exercises, how corpus analysis and its results can be used to help learners differentiate these difficult words and grasp their usage patterns. The paper concludes with a summary of both the benefits and challenges of such a teaching approach and some strategies for dealing with the challenges.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using the Submillimeter Array (SMA), we identified two bright hot subcores, MM1a and MM1b (size ~ 1" and mass ~ 0.5 M⊙) separated by about 1.600, in the 230 GHz continuum emission toward the massive star-forming region DR21(OH). Both display typical hot core characteristics but have slightly different chemical properties. For example, highly saturated species show stronger emission toward MM1a and seem to be evaporating directly from the grain mantles. In contrast, simple sulfur-bearing species have brighter emission at MM1b. These features indicate that MM1a is at an earlier stage than MM1b, and the small-scale chemical differences between these two cores may result from the age difference of the order of 104 104 years.
        2012.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The core of vertical space greening of urban architecture which is an effective approach to build the green healthy living environment and to increase urban green space, is the ecological planting epidermis design. By means of learning the experience of international ecological planting design of construction epidermis, the paper reviews principles of ecological planting design of construction epidermis and the relationship between this and planting design, which bases on the concept of BBL, the bioclimatic buffering layer. Furthermore, it aims to find new creative ideas of the combination of green plants and construction epidermis design, in order to provide references for Chinese construction epidermis design practice.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, fine cathode materials and were synthesized using the simple, convenient process of mechanical alloying (MA). In order to improve the cell properties, wet milling processes were conducted using low-energy ball milling to decrease the mean particle size of both materials. The cells of Na/ and Na/ show a high initial discharge capacity of 425 mAh/g and 577 mAh/g respectively using wet milled powder particles, which is much larger than commercial ones, providing some potential as new cathode materials for rechargeable sodium-ion batteries.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Light emitting diode(LED) plays important role in illumination applications such as general lighting, automotive, and outdoor lights due to their high reliability and energy saving elements. The long lifetime is one of the main advantages of LED and thus, the Accelerated Life T(ALT) is used to help achieving the target life time. This paper presents the investigation of ALT models and failures for LED in recent literatures. LED reliability improvement technologies will be discussed finally.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genomic structure and phylogenetic relationships of HSP88 genes from P. tenuipes Jocheon-1, P. tenuipes, C. militaris and C. pruinosa are described. The HSP88 genomic DNA from P. tenuipes Jocheon-1, P. tenuipes and C. militaris all contain 5 introns and 6 exons with the length of 13, 62, 32, 1438, 306, 288 bp, encoding 713 amino acid residues. C. pruinosa HSP88 genomic DNA contains 4 introns and 5 exons encoding 713 amino acids. The length of each exon of C. pruinosa HSP88 is 13, 62, 32, 1744, 288 bp and the length of exon 4 is identical to the total length of exon 4 and exon 5 of HSP88 of P. tenuipes Jochoen-1, P. tenuipes, and C. militaris. The deduced amino acid sequence of P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 showed 99% identity with the P. tenuipes, 97% identity with the Cordyceps militaris, and 98% identity with the C. pruinosa. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the P. tenuipes Jocheon-1, P. tenuipes, C. militaris and C. pruinosa HSP88 are placed together within the ascomycetes group of fungal clade.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, a full-length heat shock protein88 complementary DNA (cDNA) of Paecilomyces tenuipes Jocheon-1 was obtained by screening of P. tenuipesJocheon-1 Uni-Zap cDNA library and 5' RACE polymerase chain reaction. The Paecilomyces tenuipes Jocheon-1 heat shock protein88 cDNA contains an open reading frame of 2,139 bp encoding 713 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of the P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 cDNA showed 77% identity to N. haematococca HSP88 and 45-76% identity to other fungi HSP88. Phylogenetic analysis and BLAST program analysis confirmed that the deduced amino acid sequences of the P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 gene belonged to the ascomycetes group within the fungal clade and P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 also contains the conserved ATPase domain at the N-terminal. The cDNA encoding P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 was expressed as a 88 kDa polypeptide in baculovirus-infected insect Sf9 cells. Under different stress conditions, mRNA expression of P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 were quantified by real-time PCR and the result showed that heat shock stress affected the mRNA expression levels of P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The phase Ti-Nb-Sn-HA bio materials were successfully fabricated by high energy mechanical milling and pulse current activated sintering (PCAS). Ti-6Al-4V ELI alloy has been widely used as biomaterial. But the Al has been inducing Alzheimer disease and V is classified as toxic element. In this study, ultra fine sized Ti-Nb-Sn-HA powder was produced by high energy mechanical milling machine. The phase Ti-Nb-Sn-HA powders were obtained after 12hr milling from phase. And ultra fine grain sized Ti-Nb-Sn-HA composites could be fabricated using PCAS without grain growth. After sintering, the microstructures and phase-transformation of Ti-Nb-Sn-HA biomaterials were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The relative density was obtained by Archimedes principle and the hardness was measured by Vickers hardness tester. The -Ti phase was obtained after 12h milling. As result of hardness and relative density, 12h milled Ti-Nb-Sn-HA composite has the highest values.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The main develop stages of forage breeding in China was reviewed. The achievements in forage germplasm collection, preservation and evaluation were briefed. Registration varieties were classified. The improvement of forage breeding methods and techniques were summarized. Finally, make prospects on forage breeding of China.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, GSTs gene homology fragment from Mongolian wheatgrass(Agropyron mongolicum Keng) was isolated using homology-based method. one partials gene sequences have been obtained by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Sequence analysis using Software of DNAman and DNAuser etc, and showed that the cDNA sequences was 344 base pairs, encoding 62 amino acids. The partial gene had C-terminal conserved domains of substrate binding pocket (H-site) of GSTs superfamily. Homology comparison with GSTs gene amino acid sequences in other plants showed that it was 91% identical to 19E50 of wheat, 90% to pk0078 and 88% to gstf6. It was named as MwGSTs.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Thee kinds of explants, young spikes, immature and mature embryos, was compared in callus induction, embryogenic callus formation, differentiation and plant regeneration of Russian wildrye. Callus induction efficient of young spikes is highest. The imature embryos formed more somatic embryogenesis, and with highest frequency of embryogenic callus.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The cultivation of oat in China could be traced back to 2500 B.C. while the Qinghai province, which located in the North-East of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, has been the major region for oat production due to its high quality caused by the unique climate say long sun-shine hours and large temperature discrepancy between days and nights that is beneficial to the accumulation of nutrients in oat plant. Oat has been grown in the Qinghai alpine region on the altitude ranging from 1600m to 3600m and regarded as an ideal forage plant due to its resistance to environment. The role of oat drew more attention in 1980s along with the implementing of so called four-matched policy, which compounds establishment of fenced rangeland, animal bars, fodder production base and settled living place for local herdsmen who used to be nomadic around the region. To make a full use of the oat resource in Qinghai province, a great deal research and extension with respect of oat had been engaged in the region. The author overviewed researches accomplished in Qinghai province on oat germplasm collection, breeding of fine oat variety, cultivate techniques, oat base establishment and production and marketing system establishment as well in terms of projects completed.
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The question of conflict of jurisdictions between courts and arbitral tribunals not merely constitutes a purely theoretical issue, but it also has significance in the legal practice. When many countries show allowance to arbitration and support its development to the greatest extent, few courts in China fail to tackle the relationships between arbitration and courts. By means of an analysis of possible conflict of the jur isdictions between courts and arbitral tribunals, this article pleas for a supportive attitude of courts with respect to arbitration, so as to reduce the impact of courts’ judicial supervision on the due arbitration proceeding. In-depth theoretical discussions will develop on the principle of “competence-competence” and its application in China, justifying the conclusion that the essence of this principle is to have disputes between parties in arbitration agreements solved within the arbitration system and thereby to respect the parties’ decision to submit to arbitration.
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