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        검색결과 9

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식용곤충인 갈색거저리 유충이 식품 대체원료로써 식육에 대한 대체 가능성을 타진하고자 갈색거저리 유충 분말을 대체하지 않은 제품을 대조구로 설정하고 1%, 2%, 3% 비율로 대체한 유화소시지를 처리구로 하여 4±1℃에서 1, 8, 15, 22, 29일간 저장하면서 이화학적 특성과 관능적 특성 변화를 측정하였다. 갈색거저리 유충 분말을 첨가한 처리구의 pH는 대조구보다 증가하였고, 보수성(WHC)은 저장기간에 따라 대조구와 처리구 간 유의적인 차이는 크게 나타나지 않았으나, 대체량이 많을수록 보수성이 더 우수하였다(p<0.05). 휘발성 염기태질소(VBN), 지방산패도(TBARS) 는 대조구보다 감소하였으며, 관능검사의 경우 대조구와 유의적 차이가 나타나지 않았다(p<0.05). 따라서, 처리구가 대조구보다 우수한 품질과 저장성을 가지고 있었으며, 기호적인 측면에서도 뒤처지지 않아서 갈색거저리 유충 분말로 식육을 대체하는 것이 가능하다고 판단되어 식용곤충을 식품 대체원료로 제품화하였을 때, 식용곤충에 대한 거부감을 완화하고 소비자들에게 있어 긍정적인 인식의 변화를 이끌어낼 수 있는 기초자료를 제시할 수 있었다.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 지방 대체제로 첨가된, 각기 다른 입자의 크기로 분쇄된 돈피가 유화소시지의 이화학적 성질과 저장 기간, 그리고 관능검사에 끼치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 지방 대체제로 첨가된 돈피는 대조구에 첨가된 지방 12%와 동일한 수준인 지방 4%, 분쇄 돈피 8%를 T1에서는 3mm, T2에서는 5mm, T3에서는 7mm로 분쇄하여 첨가하였다. 모든 처리구들은 일반적인 냉장 온도인 4±1℃에서 0, 5, 10, 15일간 저장되며 시료로 쓰였다.첨가되는 돈피의 분쇄 입자 크기가 클수록 전단가와 경도, 검성, 씹힘성이 유의적으로 증가하였고, 전 저장구간에서 포장감량, TBARS, VBN, 씹힘성은가식권 내의 값을 유지하며 유의적으로 증가하였다. 관능검사에서는 Color에서 입자의 크기가 클수록 부정적인 영향이 있었고, Chewiness는 저장기간이 지남에 따라 유의적으로 증가하였고 입자 크기가 작을수록 유의적 으로 높은 값을 나타내었다. 실험결과 돈피를 첨가한 처리구가 대조구에 비해 Shear force, Puncture test, 관능 평가에서 우수한 평가를 받았고 저장성검사와 이화학적 성질에서도 큰 차이를 보이지 않고 모두 가식권내의 값을 유지하였다. 이는 돈피가 육가공품에서 지방이 작용하는 역할을 충분히 수행가 능하며, 좋은 평가를 얻어 지방을 대체할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 돈피를 첨가하지 않은 대조구와 돈피를 4% 첨가한 처리구 1, 8% 첨가한 처리구 2, 12% 첨가한 처리구 3으로 돈피 첨가수준을 달리하여 제조된 유화소시지를 4±1℃의 냉장온도에 저장하면서 15일간 5일 간격으로 이화학적 성질, 저장성 실험, 관능검사를 실시하였다. 제품 제조시 돈피를 지방 대체제로 사용하여 돈피의 첨가 비율만큼의 지방은 제외하였다. 지방의 비율이 낮아지고 돈피 첨가수준 이 높아짐에 따라 pH, 전단가, 경도, 검성와 씹힘성은 전 처리구에서 유의적으로 증가했고, 지방산패도 (TBARS: thiobarbituric acid reactive substances)와 휘발성 염기태질소(VBN: volatile basic nitrogen)도 유의적 차이는 나타나지 않았고 증가하는 경향을 보였지만 전 저장기간 동안 가식권에 있 었다. 관능평가에 있어서는 돈피를 8%를 첨가한 처리구 2가 가장 좋은 평가를 받았다. 저장기간이 경 과함에 따라 포장 감량(purge loss), 연도, 경도, 검성, 씹힘성은 전 처리구에서 유의적으로 증가하였으 나(p<0.05), TBARS와 VBN은 증가하였으나 유의성을 나타내지 않았다. pH는 대조구에서는 증가했으나 나머지 처리구에서는 변화가 없었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면, 대조구와 전 처리구에서 이화학적 성질 이 가식권 내 값을 유지하므로 관능평가에서 잠재적인 소비자들에게 우수한 기호성을 획득한 돈피 함량 이 8%가 최적의 첨가량임을 알 수 있다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Part of a field survey to assess the extent of damage by termite (Reticulitermes speratus kyushuensis Morimoto), termite samples were collected from various locations of Korea from 2009 to 2011. During the study period, we firstly discovered Reticulitermes species on Jeju island, and partial sequences of mitochondrial COII gene, which is proved useful to study phylogenetic relationships of termites were investigated. Also, morphological characteristics of the collected samples were compared with previous reports. According to the result of taxonomic study and comparative sequence analysis, it was identified as Reticulitermes speratus kyushuensis Morimoto, and this is first report of R. s. kyushuensis from Jeju island in Korea which can be used as estimation of population structure and tool of control strategy.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genomic structure and phylogenetic relationships of HSP88 genes from P. tenuipes Jocheon-1, P. tenuipes, C. militaris and C. pruinosa are described. The HSP88 genomic DNA from P. tenuipes Jocheon-1, P. tenuipes and C. militaris all contain 5 introns and 6 exons with the length of 13, 62, 32, 1438, 306, 288 bp, encoding 713 amino acid residues. C. pruinosa HSP88 genomic DNA contains 4 introns and 5 exons encoding 713 amino acids. The length of each exon of C. pruinosa HSP88 is 13, 62, 32, 1744, 288 bp and the length of exon 4 is identical to the total length of exon 4 and exon 5 of HSP88 of P. tenuipes Jochoen-1, P. tenuipes, and C. militaris. The deduced amino acid sequence of P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 showed 99% identity with the P. tenuipes, 97% identity with the Cordyceps militaris, and 98% identity with the C. pruinosa. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the P. tenuipes Jocheon-1, P. tenuipes, C. militaris and C. pruinosa HSP88 are placed together within the ascomycetes group of fungal clade.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, a full-length heat shock protein88 complementary DNA (cDNA) of Paecilomyces tenuipes Jocheon-1 was obtained by screening of P. tenuipesJocheon-1 Uni-Zap cDNA library and 5' RACE polymerase chain reaction. The Paecilomyces tenuipes Jocheon-1 heat shock protein88 cDNA contains an open reading frame of 2,139 bp encoding 713 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of the P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 cDNA showed 77% identity to N. haematococca HSP88 and 45-76% identity to other fungi HSP88. Phylogenetic analysis and BLAST program analysis confirmed that the deduced amino acid sequences of the P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 gene belonged to the ascomycetes group within the fungal clade and P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 also contains the conserved ATPase domain at the N-terminal. The cDNA encoding P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 was expressed as a 88 kDa polypeptide in baculovirus-infected insect Sf9 cells. Under different stress conditions, mRNA expression of P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88 were quantified by real-time PCR and the result showed that heat shock stress affected the mRNA expression levels of P. tenuipes Jocheon-1 HSP88.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Presently, We have constructed an olig-d(T) primed directional cDNA library from the silkworm Dongchunghacho, an entomopathogenic fungus, of which species is belonging to Paecilomyces tenuipes Jocheon-1. To isolate and screen genes in the fungus, 626 expressed sequence tags(ESTs) were generated by a partial sequencing from the cDNA library. Paecilomyces tenuipes Jocheon-1 cDNA encoding the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(Pt-GAPDH) of Paecilomyces tenuipes Jocheon-1 was cloned from the above cDNA library. The complete cDNA sequence of Pt-GAPDHis comprised of 1,014bp encoding 338 amino acid residues. The deduced protein sequence of Pt-GAPDH showed higher homology with Beauberia bassiana-GAPDH(93% amino acid identity). Hydropathy analysis revealed that Pt-GAPDH protein is hydrophilic. The major three amino acids in its composition of amino acid residues were alanine(11.54%), valine(9.47%) and glycine(8.88%). The cDNA encoding Pt-GAPDH was expressed as a 37 kDa polypeptide in baculovirus-infected insect Sf9 cells. The Pt-GAPDH gene of Paecilomyces tenuipes entomopathogenic fungus consisted of three exons and two introns coding for 338 amino acid residues, and the genomic DNA length of the gene spans 1302bp. The accession number of the gene in GenBank are GU997099 for Pt-GAPDH cDNA and GU997102 for Pt-GAPDH genomic DNA.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Fungi belonging to the Paecilomyces spp. have recently been used as food and herbal medicines in Korea and are greatly popular as commercially available powdered supplement or dried fruiting body. Despite this acceptance and its use, little is known of the genes related to its reactive agents. Presently, We have constructed an olig-d(T) primed directional cDNA library from the silkworm Dongchunghacho, an entomopathogenic fungus, of which species is belonging to Paecilomyces spp. based on the previous identification of ITS1 and ITS2 at the molecular level and collected from Jocheon Miryang, Korea. To isolate and screen genes in the fungus, 626 expressed sequence tags(ESTs) were generated by a partial sequencing from the cDNA library. cDNA encoding the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(Pt-GAPDH) of Paecilomyces tenuipes- Jocheon was cloned from the above cDNA library. The complete cDNA sequence of Pt-GAPDH is comprised of 1,014bp encoding 338 amino acid residues. The deduced protein sequence of Pt-GAPDH showed higher homology with Beauberia bassiana-GAPDH(93% amino acid identity). Hydropathy analysis revealed that Pt-GAPDH protein is hydrophilic. The major three amino acids in its composition of amino acid residues were alanine(11.54%), valine(9.47%) and glycine(8.88%). The Pt-GAPDH gene of Paecilomyces tenuipes entomopathogenic fungus consisted of three exons and two introns coding for 338 amino acid residues, and the genomic DNA length of the gene spans 1302bp. The accession number of the gene in GenBank are GU997099 for Pt-GAPDH cDNA and GU997102 for Pt-GAPDH genomic DNA. More investigation works including gene expression, immunological analysis etc. will be carried continuously without hesitation after this presentation.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A full genomic DNA microarray technique was employed to investigate the effects of Dongchunghacho on aortal and hepatic gene expression in apolipoprotein E knockout mice fed a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet. Male 8- week - old ApoE-/- mice were randomly divided into two groups, control(high cholesterol group; HC) and supplementation of Dongchunghacho (SD). All of the mice were fed a high-fet/high cholesterol diet with or without Dongchunghacho supplemented by 1% for 6 weeks. At first, lipid profile of the Dongchunghacho was measured by biochemical analysis. No differences were observed in serum triglyceride and total cholesterol levels between the two groups. Antigenotoxic effect of the Dongchunghacho was measured by the single cell gel electrophoresis assay (Comet assay) and quantified as % fluorescence in tail. Dongchunghacho supplementation decreased significantly leukocytic DNA damage and also there was a tendency of reduction in hepatic DNA damage in Dongchunghacho group compared with the control group. In up regulated genes in liver and aorta of the mice, genes with 0 to 2- fold difference in expression level between the two group (HD and SD) was very much more in liver than in aorta, on the contrary, those with 2-fold to 16-flod difference increased greatly rather in aorta than in liver. Also, almost the same results were observed in down regulated genes in liver and aorta between the two groups. These results suggested that supplementation of Dongchunghacho might be helpful in preventing leukocytic DNA damage induced by high fat diet, and has a more crucial roles in aortal gene expression.