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        검색결과 1,231

        2007.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to assess the test-retest reliability of heart rate (HR) and velocity measurements during peak effort and free treadmill walking tests in older patients with gait-impaired chronic hemiparetic stroke and control group. Twenty-two adults (13 men, 9 women; mean age, 73.7±5.2 yrs) with chronic hemiparetic stroke are the experimental group. Nineteen elderly people (5 men, 14 women; mean age, 72.3±3.5 yrs) were recruited as control group. Patients had mild to moderate chronic hemiparetic gait deficits, making handrail support necessary during treadmill walking. Free and peak effort treadmill walking tests were measured and then repeated at least two days later. Reliability was calculated from HR and walking velocity during free and peak effort treadmill walking test. Among the people who had strokes, HR [ICC(2,1)=.85, r=.86] and velocity [ICC(2,1)=.93, r=.93] were good parameters during free testing. Maximal testing generated good results for HR [ICC(2,1)=.81, r=.82] and velocity [ICC(2,1)=.96, r=.96] with the chronic hemiparetic stroke. In elderly people, HR [ICC(2,1)=.59, r=.62] and velocity [ICC(2,1)=.77, r=.76] were moderately reliable during free testing. Maximal testing produced moderate parameters for HR [ICC(2,1)=.74, r=.74] and velocity [ICC(2,1)=.66, r=.66] in the elderly. This study provides that free and maximal treadmill testing produce highly reliable HR and velocity measurements in adults with chronic hemiplegia using minimal handrail support.
        2007.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper presents a new approach for analyzing mold growth risk in buildings, based on a mixed simulation approach with consideration of uncertainties in relevant building parameters. The approach is capable to predict and explain unexpected mold growth occurrences that would typically not show up in standard deterministic simulation. This study simulates the local environmental conditions at material surfaces in buildings by using a mix of standard simulation tools. By introducing uncertainties in relevant input parameters, this approach generates a statistical distribution of time aggregated mold growth conditions at a number of "trouble spots"in a specific building case. This distribution is then translated into an overall mold risk indicator. In addition, our method identifies those parameters whose uncertainty range has a dominant effect on an increase in mold risk. By thus identifying the critical influence of building components, building operation and maintenance factors on the increase in risk, appropriate actions during the building design and procurement process can be set up to address these risks.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As English has been rapidly spreading to non-Western communities, we have had numerous varieties of English. In the Outer Circle, English gained an official status, which resulted in nonnative varieties of English. In the Expanding Circle, English achieved the status of the first foreign language. With a range of English varieties, educators and administrators have been faced with controversial questions such as: (1) how to define native speakers of English? and (2) which varieties to teach? This qualitative study investigates four Korean EFL teachers’ perception of speakers of English and the issue of target varieties. Using data from semi-structured interviews and personal conversations collected for one academic semester, the researcher found that the participants considered various features when identifying an individual as a native or nonnative speaker of English. They used to consider ethnicity and nationality important in the past, which have been replaced by language precedence, cultural attachment, native speaker’s intuition, and mutual intelligibility. The findings of this study also demonstrate that American English is regarded as the most preferred variety as an educational target in Korean ELT because of the power that its speakers have.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mormonilla phasma is redescribed, based on the specimens from the Northeastern Pacific. M. phasma in the study area has the following morphological characteristics; second endopodal segment of mandible partly fused to basis and a distinct three-segmented