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        검색결과 9,512

        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effects of thinning on community diversity of wood-boring beetles were examined in Japanese Larch (Larix kaempferi) forest in In-je, South Korea in 2013. Three study sites were selected and thinning in the plots was conducted in 2010, spring 2012, and autumn 2012, respectively. Wood-boring beetles were collected every week using the 12-unit Lindgren multi-funnel traps with pheromone lure (Ipsdienol +50/-50 40mg, Ipsenol +50/-50 40mg) from mid-April to early November. Total 5 families (Cerambycidae, Curculionidae, Dryophthoridae, Scolytidae, Platypodidae), 62 species, and 26,638 individuals were collected. Diversity indices were 2.08, 2.02 and 0.76, and evenness indices were 0.55, 0.49 and 0.19 in 2010, spring 2012 and autumn 2012 thinning area, respectively. Among wood-boring beetles, the number of species of bark and ambrosia beetles were accounted for 44.4, 41.9 and 46.3% in 2010, spring 2012 and autumn 2012 thinning area, respectively. The number of individuals of bark and ambrosia beetles were accounted for 86.9, 82.2 and 98.4% in 2010, spring 2012 and autumn 2012 thinning area, respectively. Our results showed that the density of wood-boring beetles was the highest in the most recent thinning area, suggesting that thinning timing can influenced on the abundance of bark and ambrosia beetles. Among them, Ips subelongatus, I. acuminatus, and I. sexdentatus are species that mainly attack Japanese Larch. Ips subelongatus emerged faster than others and was the most dominant species.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nutritional conditions experienced during early growth have important implications for the lifetime fitness of herbivores. We investigated how the early life effects of imbalanced nutrient intake can be overcome in a generalist caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Over the fifth larval instar, caterpillars were pretreated on one of three diets that varied in protein: carbohydrate balance (p35:c7, p21:c21 or p7:c35). After molting to the sixth instar, they were transferred to one of three no-choice diets (p35:c7 ,p21:c21 or p7:c35) or a food choice where they received two nutritionally complementary diets (p35:c7 versus p7:c35). Approximately 80% of caterpillars that had been protein-deprived (p7:c35) during the fifth instar molted to the seventh instar. The threshold body mass for pupal metamorphosis was 144 mg at the start of the sixth instar. When given a choice, caterpillars pretreated on the low-protein diet (p7:c35) selected significantly more protein than those from other diets (p35:c7,p21:c21). Our results suggest that caterpillars are not only capable of switching their developmental program to reduce the deleterious effects of a nearly deficiency of protein, but also flexible at adjusting nutrient preference store dress specific nutritional imbalances experienced early in life.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The intracellular endosymbiont bacterium Wolbachia is currently considered the most abundant in arthropods and has also been isolated from nematodes, amphipods, isopods, mites and spiders. Recently, Wolbachia-based research was focused on the control of disease vector-population, such as several mosquitoes such as genus Aedes and Anopheles which cause dengue fever and malaria, respectively. For the analysis of regional difference between vector mosquito Aedes albopictus and Wolbachia, we selected different regions and collected Ae. albopictus which were distinguished with mountain chain and waterway. Whole genomic DNA were extracted from collected specimens with 9 regions. PCR analysis and sequencing were accomplished in each specimen for Wolbachia detection and identification using WSP gene. As a results, almost mosquitoes were infected with two strain of Wolbachia both wAlbA and wAlbB. However, regional separation of vector mosquitoes, wAlbA strain of Wolbachia were showed more than 98% sequence similarity. In this study, we first reported that Wolbachia infection and type of Wolbachia in Korea and endosymbiont Wolbachia was showed highly sequence homologies.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Oak wilt disease caused by Raffaelea quercus-mongolicae was firstly reported at Sungnam city, Gyeonggi province, Korea, in 2004, and spread to several area of Korean peninsula. Raffaelea quercus-monglicae was transferred by ambrosia beetle, Platypus koryoensis, and caused oak wilt disease. Because oak wilt disease is mediated by ambrosia beetle, Platypus koryoensis, control of this disease concentrates on managing the ambrosia beetle population. Until now, several control methods such as felling and fumigation of dead oak trees with metham sodium, sticky-roll trap for catching emerged or attacking beetles, and oak tree logs for attraction of ambrosia beetle have been mainly used to control oak wilt disease in Korea. Although effective, current control methods have many side effects. Felling of oak tree is very difficult and dangerous to workers. To reduce the side effects of conventional control methods, new and safe types of control method for managing the ambrosia beetle populations are essential. In this study, we investigated the number of caught beetles, effect of height and direction of collection bottles by using newly developed mass capturing device for P. koryoensis to evaluate the effectiveness of this device as practical use in field.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study examined the effects of environmental factors on the abundance of black pine bast scale (BPBS), Matsucoccus thunbergianae Miller and Park, in coastal disaster prevention forest stands composed mostly of Japanese black pine. Geographical factors, soil conditions and forest stand conditions were measured to evaluate the hazard rating for the occurrence of BPBS from 35 plots in the coastal forest stands. To assess the hazard rating, a combination of a self-organizing map (SOM), which classified the samples according to their characteristics, and a random forest model, which predicted the probability of the occurrence of BPBS from SOM results, was used in this study. Our results showed that major factors determining the abundance of BPBS were climate, tree size, and tree health. BPBS was more common in low latitude coastal forests, suggesting that warmer conditions were favorable to BPBS population buildup. Tree size also influenced the abundance of BPBS, which was higher in forests composed of larger trees (greater DBH). Finally, BPBS was also more abundant in areas with high soil salinity and clay-loam soil, and north-facing slopes where tree vigor was lower.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Early onset torsion dystonia is caused by mutations in DYT1 gene in humans. Two deletion mutations and one missense mutation were found from patients with this devastating disorder. The molecular and cellular etiology underlying this disorder is not still understood yet. Because vertebrates have more than 4 homologs in their genomes, it is very hard to elucidate the exact in vivo functions of Torsin1A. Instead, Drosophila has only one homolog named Torsin. To investigate the in vivo functions of Torsin, we generated and characterized transgenic flies expressing coding regions of Torsin mRNA or double stranded inhibitory DNA constructs (RNAi). The specific antibodies for Drosophila Torsin (DTor) also were generated. The transgenic expression of DTor cDNA or RNAi in all tissue induced significant changes in DTor proteins levels. Even though expression of DTor cDNA in neuronal system increased the amount of DTor proteins, expression of DTor RNAi did not significantly altered the amount of DTor. Consistent with this result, the numbers of flies with motor-activity were not discernible among neuronal expression lines. However, flies expressing DTor cDNA or RNAi on muscles showed significantly altered locomotor ability, suggesting that DTor plays important roles in regulating motor-activity at the post-synaptic terminals of motor neurons. In addition, DTor over-expressing flies showed increased resistance to H2O2. In the future study, we will found how those phenotypes were accomplished by performing various experiments. (NRF-2012R1A1A4A01011674: HRF-S-201.-6)
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect constitute the largest and most diverse group of animals on world and also serve as the hosts or nutrient sources. In addition, several insects have a strong influence on people's emotion. To utilize the preference and interest of insects in the field of mental healthcare, a survey study was conducted with individual living in Korea. As results, the most people had a high preference and interest of insect, but some were disagreeable to the insect itself. The preference and interest of insect were high on male, adult and practician experienced insect-related events than female, student and non-practician, respectively. The most favored insects were familiar or pet insects such as Papilio xuthus, Lucanus maculifemoratus, Allomyrina dichotoma and Lampyridae. These results may be useful to develop a healing program for mental healthcare using insects. Further research is needed to determine the effects of these insect in the mental therapy for this purpose.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to determine the oviposition preference and development of adzuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on five different leguminous seeds a) cowpea, b) white kidney bean c) soybean cultivar Daepung d) mung bean and e) azuki bean. A multiple choice test and a nochoice test were conducted to record the number of eggs laid, total developmental time, number of adults emerged, and adult longevity of C. chinensis on the five different leguminous seeds. Both choice and no-choice tests revealed cowpea seed as the most preferred oviposition substrate. Total developmental time from egg to adult stage ranged from 28 to 31 days; shortest of that on the cowpea followed by adzuki and mung bean seeds. Successful development of C. chinensis was not witnessed on soybean or on kidney bean. Rate of adult emergence was higher on adzuki and mung bean seeds with longer adult longevity of those emerged from adzuki bean and cowpea. Higher egg laying preference and shorter developmental time with longer adult longevity of the beetle on cowpea probably signifies importance of physical as well as chemical attributes of the seed as an oviposition substrate other than evolutionary history of the insect. Cowpea seeds can possibly be used as a pull stimulus either as a trap crop or as a stimulant in the mechanical traps against C. chinensis where other leguminous host crops are grown as main crops.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Studies have reported differential attractiveness of yellow, white or blue sticky cards to greenhouse pests, especially to Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera: Alyerodidae). The main aim of this study was to determine whether yellow or blue sticky card offers a better option in monitoring or mass trapping these sympatric greenhouse pests. Laboratory study that included a multiple choice and no-choice tests to observe the attractiveness of blue, yellow, white or green sticky card to F. occidentalis and T. vaporariorum was conducted. Also, a glasshouse study was conducted to determine better composite attractiveness of yellow or blue sticky card. F. occidentalis showed higher preference to blue and yellow sticky cards in laboratory study and blue captured the highest number of F. occidentalis in glasshouse followed by the yellow. However, while the blue sticky card captured few T. vaporariorum, the yellow sticky card captured the highest number of T. vaporariorum in both laboratory and glasshouse tests. Since yellow sticky card received composite affinity of both F. occidentalis and T. vaporariorum, placement of yellow sticky card for the greenhouse pests, rather than blue or yellow targeted to individual species, is recommended for economical and optimal monitoring and/or mass trapping success of the tested greenhouse pests.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Riptortus pedestris is an important soybean pest in Korea and Japan. Aggregation pheromone traps were evaluated in 12 soybean fields in Andong using three treatments of trap installation, i.e., installation for whole cultivation period, installation up to September, and no installation. The number of R. pedestris (in all life stages) were not significantly different among the treatments until October, but its abundance significantly increased at mid October in the fields where traps were installed. Trap catch of R. pedestris was relatively higher in August while bug population was low in the fields. However, in fall, R. pedestris populations become abundant in the fields while trap catch was low. There was no significant difference in parasitism as well as seed and pod damage among the treatments. In conclusion, aggregation pheromone trap should’nt be used as control measure, but can be used as a monitoring tool of R. pedestris population up to August in soybean field.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The fumigant activity of phosphine (PH3) and ethyl formate (EF) was determined to all stage of Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) under high oxygen concentration (50% and 80%). Oxygenated PH3 and EF were tested at two different temperatures (20°C and 4°C) during 7 days. Two oxygenated fumigants were treated with LC10, 30 and 50 values of single fumigant against each stage of P. operculella. At 10% inhibition of hatchability concentration value, inhibition of hatchability of P. operculella eggs was shown 20.3% and 9.2% with 50% and 80% oxygenated PH3 at 20°C at 1 day after treatment, respectively. The fumigant activity of oxygenated PH3 was increased at all stage of P. operculella except eggs both 20°C and 4°C. However, oxygenated EF was determined low fumigant efficacy to hatchability of eggs and emergence rate of pupae. The insecticidal activities of P. operculella larvae and adults were slightly increased mortality rather than single EF. In this result suggests that oxygenated phosphine is effective method for managing P. operculella. But, oxygenated EF is not effective.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Tetranychus piercei McGregor, T. truncatus Ehara, and T. bambusae Wang and Ma are considered as major pests of many agricultural crops in Bangladesh. T. piercei and T. truncatus has a diverse host plants although T. bambusae infest only bamboo leaves. We compared the development, survivorship, and life table parameters of T. piercei and T. truncatus on bean leaves and T. bambusae on bamboo leaves at 25ºC, 60-70% RH, and a photoperiod of 16: 8 h (light: dark). The development time from egg to adult female of T. piercei and T. truncatus was 10.2 and 8.8 days when feeding on bean leaves, respectively, whereas it takes 9.5 days for female T. bambusae when feeding on Bambusa sp. leaves. Mated females of T. piercei, T. truncatus, and T. bambusae laid on average 186.9, 132.5, and 46.3 eggs for the oviposition period of 22.3, 13.5, and 20.2 days, respectively. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.268 for T. piercei, 0.295 for T. truncatus, and 0.178 for T. bambusae. The finite rate of increase (λ) was 1.31, 1.34, and 1.20 individuals/female/day for T. piercei, T. truncatus, and T. bambusae, respectively. The doubling time (Dt) was lowest in T. truncatus (2.4 days) compare to T. piercei (2.6 days) and T. bambusae (3.9 days). The two polyphagous Tetranychus mites collected in Bangladesh are found to have similar life table parameters fall within the parametric range of other Tetranychus mites found in various regions irrespective of food sources. This is the first report of life table parameters of monophagous T. bambusae.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) and F. intonsa (Trybom) have been shown asymmetrical occurrence pattern in pepper and strawberry fields. To explain this phenomenon, interactive influence of temperatures (20, 25, and 30ºC) and relative humidities [Low (50-55%), Medium (70-75%), and High (90-95%)] were assessed on pupal and adult stage of the two thrips species. In pupal stage, mortality of both species decreased as the humidity increased without significant difference between the species. Also, pupal duration of the two thrips decreased as RH increased from low to high in all the temperatures tested, but significantly shorter duration was found in F. intonsa. In adult stage, F. intonsa survived better than F. occidentalis only in high humidity at both 20 and 25ºC. Frankliniella intonsa survived 2.5 and 2.4 times longer as RH increased from low to high at 20 and 25ºC, respectively, whereas F. occidentalis survived 1.8 and 1.6 times longer, respectively. In conclusion, both pupae and adults of F. intonsa performed better at higher RH condition compared to F. occidentalis. Thus, difference in relative susceptibility to changing environmental condition can be one of the underlying mechanisms for the differential occurrence pattern in the fields.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The phylogenetic analysis the queen polymorphic Vollenhovia emeryi ant reveals derivation of the Wolbachia- free short-winged from the Wolbachia-infected long-winged. However, intriguingly, some Japanese short-winged colonies harbor Wolbachia. Wolbachia specific bacteriophage (WO) is also detected in more than half of the infected colonies with no clear distribution pattern across the host insect lineage. We hypothesized that 1) the infected Japanese short-winged is in the intermediate stage to complete loss of Wolbachia and 2) the phage invaded the host after the host insect diverged. To test the hypotheses, we studied the strain diversity using the multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) of five ant colonies; three longwinged colonies from Korea and one long-winged colony and one short-winged colony from Japan. Both Korean and Japanese V. emeryi colonies show unexpectedly high level of Wolbachia strain diversity. However, the diversity is not significantly different between the long-winged and the short-winged against our first hypothesis. Phylogenies of Wolbachia show Korean strains and Japanese strains are largely monophyletic indicating prior infection before the host divergence. The strain diversity of the phage is also surprisingly high. Phylogenies of orf2 and orf7 genes are incongruent to that of Wolbachia and geographically distinct. This indicates that the phage is spatially static and the current infection pattern may be the consequence of local repeated gain and loss of the phage.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The ant species, Vollenhovia emeryi Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae) is endemic in East Asia and has invaded into North America. In this species, the queen caste shows polymorphism in its wing morphology; long-winged queen and short-winged queen, and two morphs are thought not to coexist in nature. This research is conducted to 1) deduce the phylogeographical structure of the two wing morphs in South Korea and to trace the distribution pattern from East Asia to North America, and 2) investigate the Wolbachia and WO phage infection frequency of the species. Either individuals or colonies of V. emeryi were collected from 80 locations, encompassing 68 locations in South Korea, 11 in Japan, and one in USA. Among the collected samples in South Korea, the long-winged morph is dominant and considered as the ancestral type, while the short-winged morph is very rare and derived character. The origin of the US population is neither Korea nor Japan at least in this study. However, we do not exclude the possibility that its origin is the other parts of Japan or the other countries. All of the long-winged morph are infected with Wolbachia, while the short-winged seems to be geographically partially infected. It suggests the possibility that the short wing trait is linked with the evolution of resistance to Wolbachia infection. Bacteriophage WO infection status has no correlation with host insect lineage.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Grapevines are cultivated globally, and are also damaged by a large number of insect pests especially including leafhoppers. Leafhoppers are one of the important insect pests on various crops including grape. Among them, the genus Arboridia Zachvatkin (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) was known as insect pests against grape farming. Eighty species were described in the genus in the world, and eight species were recorded in the Korean Peninsula so far, which are: Arboridia apicalis, A. kakogawana, A. koreacola, A. maculifrons, A. nigrigena, A. okamotonis, A. silvarum, A. suzukii. Among them, A. apicalis, A. kakogawana, A. maculifrons, A. nigrigena, A. suzukii have been known as important insect pests on grapes. In this talk, we propose a new species from the Korean Peninsula, and confirmed two new records: A. agrillacea and A. lunula. Additionally we present differential diagnoses of the Arboridia species damaging on grapevines for the field of applied biology.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dynamics of predator-prey systems are strongly affected by the strategic behavior of both predator and prey. Thus, understanding the relationship between the strategic behavior and the species survival is necessary to comprehend the system resilience and stability. In the present study, we constructed a spatially explicit lattice model to simulate integrative predator (wolf)-prey (two rabbit species)-plant relationships. Wolves have only the hunting strategy, while rabbits have the hunting-escaping strategy. When a rabbit simultaneously encounters its predator (wolves) and prey (plant), either hunting or escaping should take priority. Hunting priority is referred to as hunting preferred strategy (HPS), while escape priority is referred to as escape preferred strategy (EPS). These strategies are associated with some degree of willingness to either hunt (H) or escape (E). One rabbit species takes HPS (HPS-rabbit) and the other rabbit species takes EPS (EPS-rabbit). We investigated the changes in predicted population density for wolves, rabbits, and plant with changes in the value of H and E. Simulation results indicated that EPS-rabbit had a greater chance for survival than HPS-rabbit regardless of the initial density of EPS-rabbit, and the chance was optimized at the appropriate values of E and H. In addition, we briefly discussed the development of our model as a tool for understanding behavioral strategies in specific predatorprey interactions.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We elucidate the mechanism for inducing the production of ovicidal benzyl benzoate by Japonica rice varieties to kill eggs of the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatellafurcifera(Horváth), lying in the rice plant. Even when subjected to physical damage by a needle or damage with water, the rice plant produced no benzyl benzoate. However, significant benzyl benzoate was produced when the plant was damaged with a methanol extract or homogenate of S.furcifera. The extract of the male did not induce the production of benzyl benzoate, but that of the female did. We concluded from these results that benzyl benzoate was induced by some elicitor(s) in the female of S.furcifera.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The common bed bug, Cimex lectularius L. (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), is an ectoparasitic pest that feeds on humans as well as other mammals. We investigate that point mutations on the voltage-sensitive sodium channel are associated with the resistance to pyrethroids. Two point mutations (V419L and L925I) in the voltage-sensitive sodium channel (VSSC) α-subunit gene have been identified in deltamethrin-resistant bed bugs. L925I, located the intracellular loop between IIS4 and IIS5, has been previously found in a highly pyrethroid-resistant populations of whitefly. V419L, located in the IS6 transmembrane segment, is a novel mutation. To establish a population-based genotyping method as a molecular resistance monitoring tool, a quantitative sequencing (QS) protocol was developed. Frequency prediction equations were generated from the plots by linear regression, and the signal ratios were shown to highly correlate with resistance allele frequencies (r2 > 0.993). In addition to QS, the filter contact vial bioassay (FCVB) method was established and used to determine the baseline susceptibility and resistance of bed bugs to pyrethroids. A pyrethroid-resistant strain showed > 9375- and 6990-fold resistance to deltamethrin and λ-cyhalothrin, respectively. Resistance allele frequencies in different bed bug populations predicted by QS correlated well with the FCVB results, confirming the roles of the two mutations in pyrethroid resistance. Taken together, employment of QS in conjunction with FCVB method should greatly facilitate the detection and monitoring of pyrethroid resistant bed bugs in the field.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a Gram-positive and soil-dwelling bacterium and well known for its ability to produce insecticidal parasporal crystalline protein inclusions, which have attracted worldwide interest for effective pest management. A diseased silkworm by Bt was first discovered by Japanese scientist Ishiwata Shigetane in 1901, and in 10 years, it was re-discovered in Germany by Ernst Berliner, who isolated it as the cause of a disease called Schlaffsucht in flour moth caterpillars. The first commercial product, Bt. kurstaki HD-1 was released to a market in France in 1938. Optimization of mass production for crystal production and cost down enabled the industrialization to be successful, and now many products, such as WP, EC, SC and tablets are used worldwide. In 1976 Robert A. Zakharyan found that plasmids in Bt are involved in the production of crystal proteins and endospores. Pore formation model and signal transduction model were revealed to explain the mode of action of Bt. Works on Bt resistance included a group of receptors of crystal proteins, such as cadherin, APN and ALP. In 1996, a Bt cry gene was integrated to cotton, which successfully reached markets. AtMT technology was used to generate Bt crops. Now the area planted worldwide to genetically engineered Bt crops increased to 66 million hectares. Refuge may be particularly important in slowing the spread of insects resistant to the Bt insecticides. Researchers are trying to increase the insecticidal efficacy of integrated Bt crystal proteins using recent biotechnology.