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        검색결과 9,514

        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Allium sativum, belongs to a member of the onion family (Alliaceae) are economically important vegetables because of the culinary value and medicinal purpose. Using PCR strategy with degenerated primers targeted to conserved regions of orthologous phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) sequences available, full-length PAL and C4H from A. sativum. The amino acid sequence of these genes is highly conserved, particularly AsPAL and AsC4H has greater than 70% amino acid identity to other plants. AsPAL and AgC4H were most highly expressed in roots of A. sativum, whereas lowest level of transcript was detected in flower. Phenolic compounds most highly produced in flowers of A. sativum. The presented sequences and expression an alysis of PAL and C4H will provide possible material to enhance the understading of phenolic compounds synthesis in A. sativum.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        An unbalance of rice productions and consumptions caused serious problems in both of agricultural area and grain market of korea. In recently, various efforts for rice processing products such as rice noodles and rice wines are in progress to overcome the unstable rice market. Among them, waxy rice is predominant items in processing rice. However, varietal features of starch viscosity are not considered in the processing industries and rice breeding field. In this study, 12 waxy rices and 2 cultivars Ilmibyeo(japonica) and IR72(Indica) were studied for physicochemical and amylogram to characterize the use of waxy rices. The amylose contents of waxy rices were from 7.1 to 8.1% with soft gel consistency and relatively low alkali digestion value(1.4% KOH) compare to Ilmibyeo. In the amylogram analysis(RVU) of waxy rices, unlikely normal rices, very fast peak time(about 3.5 min.) was obtained compare to that of 6.2 min. of Ilmibyeo. And 2 to 3 groups were classified based on peak viscosity and consitency of RVU. Wangchal, Odorokimochi and Hangangchal showed relatively high peak viscosity seemed not suitable for rice cake due to the hardness speed. And most of waxy rices developed in korea were believed to be suitable for oil fried cakes(Hankwa) because of a certain grade of starch degradation speed. And Mochiminori and Midoromochi originated from japan could be a good sources in waxy rice breeding program to improve the cooking properties especially in slow down of hardness speed with very low peak viscosity, hot viscosity and cool viscosity.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Phytic acid, myo-inositol (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)-hexakisphosphate, is a material that plants store phosphorus in seeds. Phytic acid is classified as an antinutrient because of indigestibility. Non-ruminant animals, such as human and swine, excrete unavailable phytic acid. The unavailable phytic acid run off to ground water, river, sea, causing eutrophication as a factor. Accordingly, low-phytic acid crops draw the attention due to both nutritional and environmental reasons. Using more than 900 Glycine accessions including G. max, G. soja and G. gracillis, colormetric method was applied for detecting low-phytic acid mutant. Two hundred fifty accessions were screened by the colormetric method so far, but no mutant was identified. Screening of mutants with the rest 710 accessions is in progress. MIPS1 (D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate synthase) is considered as gene related to phytic acid content in soybean. Also, lpa1 (Zea mays low phytic acid 1) known as controlling phytic acid content in maize was recently reported that homologs of lpa1 were responsible for phytic acid content in soybean and located on linkage groups L and N (Chromosomes 19 and 3). After primers were designed from these three candidate genes for phytic acid content, identification of genes responsible for low phytic acid and investigation of genetic variation among 960 accessions will be performed as further study.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Corn (Zea mays.L) is the second leading cereal in Myanmar and an important commodity in earning farmers’ income and foreign currencies. To increase productivity, development of locally adapted better hybrid is strongly needed. For upgrading the hybrid corn research and development program, Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) invited the International Corn Foundation (ICF)/Kyungpook National University (KNU) in 2005. Under this collaborative program, research on genetic potential of exotic germplasm introduced from Nepal, Hawaii, Korea, China and IITA has been carried out in 2009 rainy season. Yield trials of 108 and 80 combinations of Myanmar lines and exotic germplasm (Normal × Normal crosses, Normal × Super-sweet) were carried out in Tatkone, Yezin (central zone), Nyaung Mon (north zone), Aung Ban (highland zone) research stations, respectively. These experimental crosses are produced in Korea and Cambodia, 2008. Two to five outstanding hybrids have been selected for three respective zones. Selected hybrids yielded 50-100% more than the best commercial hybrid, CP888 imported from Thailand.The hybrids are tolerant to Rhizoctonia blight in the Tatkone, Exserohilum turcicum blight in Aung Ban, and E. turcicum and stem borers in the Nyaung Mon. A couple of normal super-sweet corn hybrids were selected for nutrition, sugar and vitamin A+. These results point out that introgression of exotic alleles has a potential to increase the heterotic response in yield and biotic resistance. Thus, an understanding of the heterotic relationship between adapted and exotic is needed to exploit exotic germplasm intelligently.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The rice sucrose synthase 3 (RSUS3) localized predominantly inrice seed endosperm may play an important role in the starch filling in the milky stage of rice seed. As the genetic diversity at this locus is not known yet, forty three rice varieties/accessions were objected to amplify full sequence of the RSUS3 to examine the distribution of DNA polymorphisms. A total of 254 sequence variants, including 82, 150 and 22SNP sand indels, were successfully identified in whole length of 7,733bp sequence comprising promoter, exon and intron, and 3’ down stream non transcribed region(NTR). Eleven haplotypes were distinguishable among 43 rice varieties based on the nucleotide variation on the three defined regions (5’NTR, transcript and 3’NTR). The promoter region showed the occurrence of a base change on a cis-element which might involve a functional role of the motif in seed-specific expression. Non random process seemed to be acted in the genetic diversity of RSUS3geneamongricegermplasmusedinthisstudy. The analysis of polymorphism sites indicated a history of eleven minimum recombination mostly occurred in the transcribed region. This result might provide an insight for a clasditic approach for establishing future genetic association studies of RSUS3locus.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        TILLING (Targeting Induced local Lesions IN Genomes) is known to be an excellent methodology for reverse genetics approach. About 15,000 M3 TILLING lines have been developed after gamma-ray irradiation to the rice seeds of Donganbye. In order to assess genetic diversity of the TILLING population. we have employed a multiple dominant marker technique, such as AFLP. A total of 96 (0.64%) lines including Dongganbye were randomly selected and their genetic diversity was assessed on the basis of AFLP marker polymorphism by using 5 primer combinations. An average of 100.4 loci with a range of 97 to 106 were detected by using the primer combinations, resulting in 173 (34.6%) polymorphic loci among 96 lines. A broad range of similarities with 80% to 96% was evidenced between Donganbye and each of 96 TILLING lines, reflecting genetic diversity of the TILLING population. About 30 polymorphic loci have been cloned and their sequences have been blasted against rice whole genome sequences. The sequences evidenced highly significant matches to each of genes including exons and introns, upstream sequences and downstream of genes, and intergeneic sequences. Therefore, the TILLING rice population would be valuable genetic sources for rice functional genomics.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Somaclones regenerated from seed-derived callus culture of a rice cultivar, 'Ilpum', were evaluated for the agronomic and morphological characteristics. A total of 424 plants regenerated and the seeds collected from 297 lines were used for further analysis on morphological and agronomic traits. The results indicated that 21.5% (64 lines) of progenies showed significant differences from the donor cultivar 'Ilpum'. Somaclonal variations were induced leaf character, plant height, grain characters, heading date, and sterility. Among the variants, 8% (24 lines) of sterility, 1.4% (4 lines) of dwarf/semi dwarf, 1.7% (5 lines) of opaque, and 1.3% (4 lines) of leaf-rolling phenotypes were observed. The highest frequency of somaclonal variation was observed on heading date which occupied 9.1% (27 lines) of the entire lines included 6.4% (19 lines) of early heading and 2.7% (8 lines) of late heading. These results suggest that the somaclonal variation will be one of the promising genetic resources due to its wide variation and comparatively high frequency of mutation.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The whitebacked planthopper (WBPH) is one of the most serious insect pests of rice. The nymphs and adults suck the phloem sap which causes reduced plant vigor, stunting, yellowing of leaves. We employed a mapping population composed of 113 doubled haploid lines (DHLs), derived from a cross between resistant cultivar ‘Cheongcheong’ and susceptible cultivar ‘Nagdong’, to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with WBPH resistance. The DH population was evaluated for resistance to WBPH using seed box screening test. The WBPH resistance of each lines or plants was estimated when susceptible check ‘Nagdong’ was killed using 1-9 scale according to Standard Evaluation System for Rice (IRRI, 1988). A linkage map was constructed with 119 polymorphic microsatellite markers using the Joinmap 4 software program to adjust for segregation distortion. Transgressive segregation was observed on WBPH resistance. Two significant QTLs conferring resistance to WBPH, qwbph6.1 and qwbph6.2, were detected in the regions of RM588-RM276 and RM527-RM528 on chromosome 6 with LOD scores of 3.7 and 2.4, respectively. They collectively explained 55% of phenotypic variation. These two QTLs have large effects on WBPH resistance and may be useful for establishment of marker assisted selection (MAS) in the rice breeding programs.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A comparative phenotypic study between bl2 and spl6 mutant wasperformed to characterize spot formation mechanisms of bl2 mutant. Small spots appeared at the seedling stage in bl2 and later it covered large round areas on the leaves whereas, relatively small red spots in parallel line on both leaf surfaces at late tillering stage were observed in spl6. Vegetative and reproductive growth was reduced due to lesion formation at early age in the mutants. Lower growth habit and agronomic trait value was observed in mutants as compared to wild type plants. Genetic segregation data among F2 population revealed that both mutants are recessive in nature. Mesophyll chloroplast was not found in spotted area which demonstrates the damage of chloroplast cell at spotted area due to cell death. Transmission electron microscopy also confirmed the chloroplast damage. Increased level of total chlorophyll and hydrogen peroxide content were observed till 45 days of growth after transplantation under natural environment and dropped at 60 days. Catalase activity was increased until 45 days and decreased at 60 days whereas very slight level difference in protein content was observed. However, increasing level of total ascorbic acid contents were found in spl6 and bl2 as compared with wild type till 60 days after transplantation. Higher expressions of OsPDI and OsGPX1 in bl2 spotted leaves were found whereas OsTPX expression was very low in the spotted leaf. (This research was supported by the National Research foundation of Korea, Grant 0070065).
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rice with purple colored pericarp deposit anthocyanin on the seed coat and color accumulation increased rapidly during seed development. The purple color of rice pericarp is genetically determined by the Prp locus. Inheritance of purple pericarp was studied in Prp/ Kumgangbyeo (indica type Korean variety). Pericarp color of the F1 plants was purple and the F2 population of 274 plants segregated into 3 purple: 1 white ratio indicating dominant nature of the purple color. Comparative proteomic approaches using 2-DE were applied to analyze the protein profiles and molecular mechanism of purple color formation in ricepericarp. Results revealed that approximately 1,500protein spots were reproducibly detected in the gels with silver staining across the two biological replicates. Among them, 46 proteins were expressed differentially between purple color pericarp rice and white color pericarp of the wild type rice, in which 28 and 16 protein spots were more than two fold up regulated in the wild type and purple pericarp, respectively. MALDI-TOF MS analysis of nine spots revealed that putative fructokinase,embryo-specific protein and one unknown proteins were abundant in the wild type, whereas, anthocyanidin synthase, putative chloroplast inner envelope protein, and dihydroflavonol reductase were highly abundant in the Prp rice. Results indicated anthocyanidin synthase and/or dihydroflavonol reductase might be involved in the biosynthetic pathway of the purple color formation in the rice pericarp. [This research was supported by the Grant funded by Agricultural R&D Promotion Center, ARPC (IPET project number: 108091-05-1-CG000)].
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For the development of SSR marker system in Vicia villosa Roth, an enriched library was constructed by using a modified biotin-streptavidin capture method and the selected clones were sequenced with GS-FLX(454). Of 37,794 sequenced reads, we found that 8,474 reads (22.4%) were redundant, leaving 29,320 unique ones (77.6%). Among the unique clones, 17,174 reads (58.6%) were having microsatellite repeating motifs. Sequence analysis of all SSR-containing reads revealed a predominance of the di-nucleotide SSRs (62.5%). The tri-nucleotide and the tetra-nucleotide SSRs were 5.7% and 22.5%, respectively. As the di-nucleotide type, the AG/GA class of repeat motif was most frequently identified (55.0% of the total di-nucleotide SSRs), followed by the CT/TC class (19.5%), and the TA/AT class (12.1%). Among the tri-nucleotide SSRs, the AGT/GTA/TAG class of repeat motifs was predominant (22.2%), followed by the ACT/CTA/TAC class (17.8%). Among the tetra-nucleotide SSRs, the CTTT/TTTC/TTCT/TCTT class of repeat motifs was predominant (31.2%), followed by the AAAG/AAGA/AGAA/ GAAA class (19.9%). Finally, we designed 779 primer pairs from the flanking sequences of SSR containing reads. We are undertaking the analysis of polymorphisms using the diverse collected accessions of Vicia villosa Roth now. This newly developed SSR marker set shall provide a very useful tool for implementing molecular diversity assessment and population structure studies of Vicia villosa Roth onward.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There are many species as bioenergy crops and have different cold sensitivity in each. Cold-tolerant camelina and rapeseed, -sensitive jatropha, were used to investigate the cold stress response. Various physiological parameters such as leaf length, width, electrolyte leakage, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured to determine the growth rate treated with cold (2℃) for 5 days. Cold treated jatropha was damaged seriousiy but camelina and rapeseed were withstand. In order to investigate the cold-response on plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity isolated from leaves and roots of camelina, rapeseed and jatropha crops were exposed to cold stress. There were an increase in the activity of leaves and roots plasma membrane in cold-tolerant crops (camelina, rapeseed) while decreased the activity in cold-sensitive crop (jatropha). By western-blot analyses, the protein expression of plasma membrane H+-ATPase isolated from leaves and roots of camelina and rapeseed was increased in the presence of cold stress, but not in jatropha. These results may suggest that increased plasma membrane H+-ATPase of crops are closely related with cold-tolerant.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Tea plants growing under natural condition meet various stresses. The tea plants often subjected to adverse condition like low temperature and high light intensity during overwintering. Because tea plant is adapted well to low light intensity, higher light intensity might induce negative effects on tea growth at open field (exposed habitat). We investigated tea plant planted with the seeds of wild tea trees growing at Unsu-ri, Hwagaemyun, Hadong-gun on Nov. in 2008. The experimental field for juvenile tea plants was located in the hill neighboring GSNU at Jinju, Korea. We divided the field into open, semi-shaded, and shaded condition. Light intensity (PAR) at open condition was two times and twenty times higher than at semi-shaded and shaded condition, respectively. Growth of tea plants was highly dependent on light condition, the plants at open field was extremely poor as compared to plants grown at shaded field. Height of plants at open, semi-shaded, and shaded field were 14, 17.3, and 17.8 cm, respectively. Leaf size was also greater in plants grown at shaded field. Photosynthesis-related chlorophyll fluorescence (quantum yield) was also higher in shaded plants. Fv/Fm value of plants grown at open fields was lower by 50% as compared to that of the plants grown at shaded field. Chlorophyll content measured by SPAD meter also indicated higher value in open field plant than shaded plants. Our results suggested the photoinhibition during overwintering period strongly affects the growth juvenile tea plants because there was no significant difference in soil moisture content between open and shaded condition.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean sprouts produced at physiological optimal temperature around 20℃ are placed or displayed for several days in market shelf of relatively cool temperature (ca. 13℃). During this period a number of changes occur including changes in color, smell, taste, nutritional quality, and etc. In order to know the changes, soybean sprouts packed in plastic film bag were stored at different temperature of 3℃and 13℃. Morphological characters, physicochemical changes and enzymes activity related to soybean quality (color) were examined. Although the number of fine roots and hypocotyl length were greater in sybean sprouts stored at 13℃, there was no significant difference in diameter, fresh weight and dry weight of hypocotyl between storage temperatures. Browning of hypocotyl known as typical deterioration in sprout quality was highly dependent on the activity of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in hypocotyl. Considering the low level of soluble protein in hypocotyl, the relatively higher activity of PPO suggested a critical role of PPO in stored soybean sprout. PPO activity of sprouts stored at 13℃ was 2 times higher than that of sprouts stored at 3℃ after 4 days. The PPO activity was observed no longer than 6 day in sprouts stored at 13℃. Crude protein content was increased to 30.9~35.4% on a dry weight basis as storage period was extended. The changes in crude protein was more higher in sprouts stored at higher temperature (13℃). Total free amino acid content was increased in both temperatures. However, the changing rate was greater in sprouts stored at 13℃.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Experiments were conducted to investigated the change of primary dormancy and viability of Chinese milk vetch(CMV) seed buried in soil both as seed and pod with seeds under CMV-rice cropping system during the period of 2007~2009. The freshly harvested CMV seed alone and pods with seeds were buried in rice field at 0, 5 and 10cm depths and determined change of seed dormancy and viability at one to three month intervals for 10 months. The CMV seed had high dormancy of 95%, showing only 4~5% germination at the beginning in June but the seed dormancy was gradually broken at rice harvest time in autumn, showing 25 to 35% for seed and 55 to 61% for pod with seeds. The viability loss was faster in the seed than in the pod with seeds regardless of depths of placement in the soil base on decayed seeds. Also the seed placed on the soil surface lost viability faster than the 5~10 burial depths. However, appreciable number of CMV seeds still remained at even 4 months after burial in soil. These results indicate that seed dormancy was enable CMV plant to regenerate naturally from the remained soil seed bank at rice harvest time in autumn.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Field experiments were conducted to investigate persistence of Chinese milk vetch(CMV) seed under naturally reseeded CMV-rice cropping systems during the period of 2007~2009. Persistence of the CMV seeds were evaluated in the naturally reseeded CMV-rice field on different tillage methods and soil depths based on the seed number recovered and the seed longevity in soil. Field observation in the naturally reseeded CMV rice field showed that as many as 917~2,185 CMV seeds m-2 were found from 0~15cm soil depth in the rotary tillage and 250~10,105 CMV seeds in minimum tillage rice cultivation in autumn. The recovered seed germinated 25~33%, 23~43% but still had high percentage of hard seed having 64~72% and 51~77%. Field experiment showed that the CMV seedling still emerged even after 2 years of continuous destructive killing of emerged CMV plant by rotary tillage in naturally reseeded CMV-rice field, indicating that CMV seeds persistent at least two years in rice field.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To better understanding the function of the luminal sub-organelles within the thylakoid network, we have carried out a systematical analysis and identification of the lumenal proteins in the thylakoid of wheat by using Tricine / 1D-PAGE, and LTQ-ESI-FTICR mass spectrometry followed by SWISS-PROT database searching. We isolation and fractionation these membrane from fully developed wheat leaves using a combination of differential and gradient centrifugation couple to high speed ultra-centrifuge. After collecting all proteins to eliminate possible same proteins, we estimated that there are 407 different proteins including chloroplast, chloroplast stroma, lumenal, and thylakoid membrane proteins excluding 20 proteins, which were identified in nucleus, cytoplasm and mitochondria. A combination of these three programs (PSORT, TargetP, and TMHMM) was found to provide a useful tool for evaluating chloroplast localization, transit peptide, transmembranes, and also could reveal possible alternative processing sites and dual targeting. Finally, we report also sub-cellular location specific protein interaction network using Cytoscape software, which provides further insight into the biochemical pathways of photosynthesis. The present work helps understanding photosynthesis process in wheat at the molecular level and provides a new overview of the biochemical machinery of the thylakoid in wheat.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rice lax panicle (lax) mutant had defect in early inflorescence differentiation and lateral branch formation and exhibitedfewer numbers of rachis branches and spikelets in the panicle. The mutant also had abnormality in floral organ formation. Whereas, the spotted leaf 6 (spl6) mutant produced lesions in absence of pathogen. Analysis with a lax spl6 double mutant indicated both genes are controlled by single recessive factor and linked on chromosome 1 with 7 centiMorgan map distance. The lax gene was fine mapped within the 261.3 kb region between RM7594 and RM5389 that predicted 10 open reading frames (ORF) as candidate for lax gene. Sequencing of the candidates in the lax mutant revealed a substitution of nucleotide T by G corresponding to an amino acid substitution from serine (S) to alanine (A) at the 117th position within the coding region of the candidate ORF bhlh123. The intronless 1080 bp cDNA of LAX gene contains an ORF of 215 amino acids and encoded a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor. Analysis of a 5.1 kb genomic fragment of the lax gene from homozygous dominant progeny which corresponded to indica cultivar resulted in a long deletion of 24 nucleotides in the upstream of LAX cDNA. (This research was supported by the National Research foundation of Korea, Grant 0070065).
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Climate warming has the potential to deteriorate grain yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.), offsetting the stimulative effects of elevating CO2. To know how the change in sink-source balances by reducing sink-size (RSS) may affect grain yield and quality of rice grown under various climate change scenarios, we conducted a temperature gradient chamber experiment with/without CO2 fumigation systems which were established in paddy field. Rice crops (cv. Ilmybyeo) were exposed to either ambient (396ppmV) or elevated CO2 of 673ppmV in three levels of air temperature [(Ta), local ambient Ta (24.8℃), 1.3℃ and 2.4℃ above ambient Ta] over whole seasons. Thus, the experiment was a 2×3 factorial design with three replicate plots of each CO2×Ta combination. At flowering, for two hills from each combination treatment total thirty (10 per each top, middle and basal parts of panicle) spikelets per panicle were removed with order of panicle appearance by scissors. This corresponded to a 25% reduction of total sink-size per hill. In ambient Ta and CO2 , grain yield decreased with RSS by 23.4%, approximately mirroring the reduced sink-size. With rising Ta, however, the yield reduction by RSS was significantly mitigated (-5.6% in 1.3℃ above ambient Ta), and the yield rather increased with RSS by 9.3% in 2.4℃ above ambient Ta. This was due primarily to the increased single grain mass with RSS. A similar response fashion of grain mass and yield with RSS to Ta was found in elevated CO2, but not CO2×Ta interaction. For brown rice, the fraction of normal rice was linearly reduced with rising Ta, ranging from 78.5~79.2% in local ambient Ta to 48.2~55.5% in 2.4℃ above ambient Ta over CO2 treatments. However, this deteriorative effect of rising Ta was significantly alleviated with RSS; the fractions of normal rice were a 81.9~84.1%, 75.9~77.2% and 64.0~66.3% in local ambient Ta, 1.3℃ and 2.4℃ above ambient Ta, respectively. The alleviative effect of RSS on rice quality was due mainly to the reduced immature rice, and was more conspicuous as Ta rises. These results suggest that current rice cultivars in Korea, at least cultivars tested in this experiment, will likely to be prone to source-limitation in the future projected warming with elevating CO2, and thereby will be needed a cultivar having either a greater source ability or a less sink size compared with current cultivars, in order to ensure a rice quality in the future warming conditions.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To know how interacting climate drivers may affect rice quality, we investigated physio-chemical properties of brown and milled rice. Rice crops (Oryza sativa L., cv. Ilmybyeo and Pyounganbyeo) were grown under either ambient [370ppmV (2008)/396ppmV (2009)] or elevated CO2 of 650ppmV (2008)/673ppmV (2009) in three levels of air temperature [(Ta), local ambient Ta [25.9℃ (2008)/24.8℃ (2009)], 1.3℃ and 2.4℃ above ambient Ta] over whole seasons, using six temperature gradient chambers established in paddy fields. Over 2 years, thus the experiments were a 2×3 factorial design with three replicate plots of each CO2×Ta combination. The fractions of normal brown rice were reduced with elevating CO2 by 8% (Ilmybyeo)~14% (Pyounganbyeo), and with rising Ta by 16% (+1.3 ℃)~27% (+2.4℃) in Ilmybyeo and by 27% (+1.3℃)~42% (+2.4℃) in Pyounganbyeo (p=0.015, 0.000, 0.059, 0.000 and 0.017 for CO2, Ta, CO2×Ta, cultivar and Ta×cultivar, respectively). With respect to immature rice, elevating CO2 increased milky-white rice, white-based rice and white-belly rice across cultivars. Warming also significantly increased all immature rice across cultivars, though no CO2×Ta interaction was observed. Over 2 years, the deteriorative effect of warming on brown rice quality was significantly greater in Pyounganbyeo than in Ilmybyeo. Across cultivars, protein contents of milled rice were decreased (c. 5~9%) with elevating CO2 but increased (c. 5%) with warming, though no CO2×Ta interaction was found (p=0.119). Elevating CO2 significantly increased whiteness of milled rice over cultivars but not amylose contents and gloss value of cooked rice, while warming had a strong affect these properties all related rice quality. Overall, our results suggest that warming and elevating CO2, in each alone or in combination, may have the potential to deteriorate physio-chemical properties of rice related to quality.