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        검색결과 690

        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to reveal how EA affects BAX and NF-kB involved in cell deaths from global ischemia, and to do this, observes the changes of BAX and NF-kB caused by EA application after transient global ischemia. The experimental method is to give rise to global ischemia and apply EA to 27 SD rats with the particulars of being six-week-old, male, around-300 gram-weighing, and adapted to laboratory environment for more than a week, and divide them into three groups, that is, GV20 EA group(n=9), L14 EA group(n=9), no-treatment GI group(n=9), and then observe their changes of BAX and NF-kB at the time lapse of 6 hours, 9 hours and 12 hours after ischemia, using western blotting. The numerical decrease of BAX expression at the time lapse of 9 hours after EA application, though not statistically significant, was observed in GV20 EA group and L14 EA group, and the NF-kB expression appeared statistically significant decrease in GV20 EA group and L14 EA group, but the expression was higher in the group with EA application. Therefore, EA application at the early phase of global ischemia is considered to affect BAX and NF-kB and play a positive role in decreasing apoptosis and cell deaths by inflammation.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Attacin is a well-studied glycine-rich antibacterial protein in insect immune response, which has limitary antibacterial effect to some Gram-negative bacteria. A cDNA encoding the attacin gene was screened and isolated from the immunized larvae of the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. The complete P. xuthus attacin cDNA is 949 nucleotides encoding a 250 amino acid precursor that contains a putative 18-residue signal peptide, a common 42-residue propeptide sequence and a presumed 190-residue mature protein with a theoretical mass of 19904.01 and a pI of 9.13. The putative mature protein of P. xuthus attacin showed 48%~52% and 24%~30% identity in amino acid sequences with that of lepidopteran and dipteran insects, respectively. The attacin transcript was induced at significant level after injection with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Recombinant attacin was highly expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cells by fusing with an N-terminal S-tag/thrombin cleavage site configuration protein to avoid the cell death during induction. The expressed fusion protein was purified by Ni-NTA immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). After desalting and cleavage with thrombin, the recombinant attacin was released and showed considerably antibacterial activity against Gram-negative bacteria, E. coli ML 35. Our results proved that this protein family with a potent antibacterial activity may play a role in the immune response of butterflies.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to establish an indoor-rearing system for A. Alcinous, the effect of temperature and pupal diapause was investigated. Temperature has been suggested as an important factor in determining the developmental rate, Lifespan and mortality in invertebrates. As temperature increase, the developmental period was gradually reduced. The developmental period of A. alcinous larvae was 12.9 days and 25.8 days at 30℃ and 20℃, respectively. And we investigated the effect of different chilling days on diapause termination. Under longday condition(LD 16:8h, 20℃) oxygen consumption gradually increase. But oxygen consumption on the first day of pupa was the highest and rapidly fell down the next day and attained lowest point after 7days, with average value of 1.92mol/min/g under shortday condition(LD 8:16h). Diapause pupae were chilled for 60, 75, 90, 105 days at 8℃ and thereafter subjected to LD 16:8h at 25℃. And emergence rate at 60~90days was 57.1~80.7%.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The tribe Atimiini LeConte containing two genera (Atimia and Paratimia) and about 12 species is distributed in East Asia and North America. The systematic position of the Atimiini has long puzzled the Coleopterist due to the Lamiid-like aspect of the Atimia. But the Atimiini has regarded as a tribe of the subfamily Aseminae since Webb (1912) associated the Atimia with the Asemum on the basis of larval characters. The tribe is very specialized in food habits, the species of Atimia are all restricted to trees of the Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae, including Cupressus, Libocedrus, Thuja, Chamaecyparis, Juniperus, Taxodium, Sequoia, and their relatives. Members of the Atimiini are characterized by the combination of following features: head transverse, front short, vertical, mouthparts nearly horizontal; antennae 11-segmented, shorter than the body in both sexes, eyes large, moderately granulated, deeply emarginate, embracing antennal insertion; labrum transverse, ciliated; palpi unequal in length, the maxillary longer; pronotum quadrate, transverse; anterior coxae rounded, cavities usually not angulated, completely closed behind; mesonotum with a large, divided, stridulatory area; scutellum subquadrate; intermediate coxal cavities closed; metasternum deeply emarginate posteriorly, metepisterna narrow, attenuated behind; legs short; femora feebly clavate; tibiae armed with short spurs; wings with a closed cell in the anal sector. Here, we report the tribe Atimiini for the first time in Korea based on provisional identified species, Atimia spec. okayamensis Hayashi. We also provide a diagnosis, habitus photo, and drawings of diagnostic characters.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bicuculline is one of the most commonly used GABAд eceptor antagonists in electrophysiological research. Because of its poor water solubility, bicuculline quaternary ammonium salts such as bicuculline methiodide (BMI) and bicuculline methbromide are preferred. However, a number of studies have shown that BMI has non-GABAд eceptor-mediated effects. The substantia gelatinosa (SG) of the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (Vc) is implicated in the processing of nociceptive signaling. In this study, we investigated whether BMI has non-GABA receptor-mediated activity in Vc SG neurons using a whole cell patch clamp technique. SG neurons were depolarized by application of BMI (20M) using a high Cℓ⁻ipette solution. GABA ( 30-100μM) also induced membrane depolarization of SG neuron. Although BMI is known to be a GABAд receptor antagonist, GABA-induced membrane depolarization was enhanced by co-application with BMI. However, free base bicuculline (fBIC) and picrotoxin (PTX), a GABAд and GABAс receptor antagonist, blocked the GABA-induced response. Furthermore, BMI-induced membrane depolarization persisted in the presence of PTX or an antagonist cocktail consisting of tetrodotoxin (Nα+ nnel blocker),AP-5 (NMDA receptor antagonist), CNQX (non-NMDA receptor antagonist), and strychnine (glycine receptor antagonist). Thus BMI induces membrane depolarization by directly acting on postsynaptic Vc SG neurons in a manner which is independent of GABAд receptors. These results suggest that other unknown mechanisms may be involved in BMI-induced membrane depolarization.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper explores how the subject prominent features in a given language are correlated with the grammaticalization of syntactic rules within the Germanic typology. Drawing relevant data from German and English this research focuses on the grammatical constructions such as morphologically case-marked constructions, passive constructions, clause-union constructions and raising constructions. In this functional typological study, it is demonstrated that the subject-centered English type constructions can be interpreted as extreme cases even within the Germanic typology. Furthermore, it is claimed that prominence typology does not have to be viewed as a discrete dichotomy and that it is rather a gradable concept.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to establish a year round indoor-rearing system for Copper butterflies; large copper butterfly, Lycaena dispar, the effect of temperature on larval development and diapause was investigated. Temperature has been suggested as an important factor regulating the developmental rate, length of life, and survival rate from insect. As temperature increased, the developmental period was gradually shorten. The developmental periods of large copper larvae had a range of 11.0 days to 28.5 days at 30℃ and 17.5℃ respectively. The highest emergence rate was 94.2% recorded at 20℃. And the low emergence rate was 72.7% under 17.5℃. We investgated the sensitive stages to diapause induction in the larger copper effect of temperature and photoperiod. The experiment involves transfer of individuals from diapause averting (LD 16:8h, 25℃) to diapause inducing condition (LD 8:16h, 20℃) at various stages. Diapause was induced in 95.2% insect transferred at hatching larvae, in 15.6% of insects transferred at 2nd stadium molt, in 0% of insects transferred at after 3rd stadium molt. Percentage diapause induction increase with the length of short days and low temperature experienced. The main stage sensitive to photoperiod and temperature induction of diapause determination is the early first larval instar. The diapause induction began 14 days and ended 20 days after hatching larvae (LD 8:16h, 20℃).
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The 15,338-bp long complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the Japanese oak silkmoth, Antheraeayamamai (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) was determined. This genome has a gene arrangement identical to those of all other sequenced lepidopteran insects, but differs from the most common type, as the result of the movement of tRNAMet to a position 5’-upstream of tRNAIle. No typical start codon of the A. yamamai COI gene is available. Instead, a tetranucleotide, TTAG, which is found at the beginning context of all sequenced lepidopteran insects was tentatively designated as the start codon for A. yamamai COI gene. Three of the 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) harbor the incomplete termination codon, T or TA. All tRNAs formed stable stem-and-loop structures, with the exception of tRNASer(AGN), the DHU arm of which formed a simple loop as has been observed in many other metazoan mt tRNASer(AGN). The 334-bp long A+T-rich region is noteworthy in that it harbors tRNA-likestructures, as has also been seen in the A+T-rich regions of other insect mitogenomes. Phylogenetic analyses of the available species of Bombycoidea, Pyraloidea, and Tortricidea bolstered the current morphology-based hypothesis that Bombycoidea and Pyraloidea are monophyletic (Obtectomera). As has been previously suggested, Bombycidae (Bombyxmori and B.mandarina) and Saturniidae (A.yamamai and Caligula boisduvalii) formed a reciprocal monophyletic group.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate an effective recipient oocyte and culture system for producing of Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos. Hanwoo ear skin fibroblasts were used as donor cells. In vitro matured Hanwoo or Holstein oocytes were enucleated, and single donor cells were transferred into the perivitelline space of the enucleated oocytes. The couplets were subsequently fused and activated. The reconstructed embryos were cultured in a conventional or sequential culture system. In the former, embryos were cultured in CR2aa medium for eight days; in the latter, embryos were cultured in modified CR2aa-A (mCR2-A) for three days and then further cultured in modified CR2aa-B (mCR2-B) for five days. In the experiment with the recipient oocyte, the rate of embryo development to the blastocyst stage was significantly (p<0.05) higher in Hanwoo recipient oocytes than in Holstein ones (48.8% vs 38.9%). BIastocysts derived from Hanwoo recipient oocytes contained significantly (p<0.05) higher numbers of total cells than those derived from Holstein recipient oocytes (156.0+-68.2 vs 134.7+-54.8)). There was no difference in the mean proportion of apoptotic cells in blastocysts between the sources of recipient oocytes. In the experiment with the embryo culture system, the blastocyst rate was somewhat higher in sequential system than in conventional system (50.0% vs 43.5%), though there was no significant difference. The numbers of total (160.0+-69.0 vs 156.7+-68.4) and apoptotic cells (14.0+-10.4 vs 11.8+-6.4)) were not different between the culture systems. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that Hanwoo recipient oocytes and the sequential culture system were more effective in supporting the production of Hanwoo SCNT embryos.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수평 배향 액정 모드는 양의 유전율 이방성과 음의 유전융 이방성 액정을 사용한 프린지 필드 스위칭과 양의 유전율 이방성 액정을 사용한 인플래인 스위칭 모드가 대표적이다 . 이 대표적인 세 구동 방식의 화질 특성을 비교하기 위하여 각각의 최척화된 위상지연 값 조건하에서 밝기, 명암대비율과 색 특성을 조사하였다. 그 결과 양액정과 음액정을 사용한 프린지 필드 스위칭 모드가 밝기와 명암대비율 면에 있어서 인플래인 스위칭 모드보다 우수한 특성을 보인다. 또한 양액정을 사용한 프린지 필드 스위 칭 모드는 시야각 방향에서 적은 색 변이 특성을 보인다.