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        검색결과 453

        2002.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of ceramic-treated water on the inhibition of algal growth. The growth of Scenedesmus quadricauda and Chlorella vulgaris was enhanced by the ceramic- treated water in Allen medium containing high concentration of nutrients, but inhibited in natural water containing low concentration of nutrients. The growth of Oscillatoria tenuis and Microcystis aeruginosa was inhibited in both Allen medium and natural water. When comparing the effects of ceramic-treated water 1 (NC1) and 2 (NC2), the growth of O. tenuis and M. aeruginosa was somewhat enhanced by NC1, whereas inhibited by NC2. Therefore, it is suggested that NC2 can be more effective than NC1 in controlling the algal growth.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Effects of physico-chemical factors on the zonation and vertical distribution of benthic microalgal communities in the tidal flats of Youngkwang and Gangjin, Korea, were studied. Concentrations of nutrients were low throughout the study period. A 38 species of benthic microalgae was identified. Most of the algae were pennate diatoms with small size. Cell numbers at silty sediments were higher than sandy sediments, and showed high patchy distribution. Zonal distributions of benthic microalgae showed higher variation from silty sediment than sandy sediments. Benthic microalgae showed vertical migration within the upper few mm of sediment with periodicity closely related to tidal cycles. Maximum cells were observed from 0 mm depth both sandy and silty sediments. Cells of benthic microalgae in the 1 - 2 mm depth decreased after desiccation of sediments. The variation of cells was higher at sandy sediments than silty sediments. Cell numbers of benthic microalgae showed no positive relationships with pH and nutrinets except NH4-N.
        2001.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the prechlorination on algal removal by application of a varying amount of different coagulants, such as LAC, PAC, PACS following the process of coagulation and sedimentation of algae in the Nakdong River. The samples used as a source for the raw water of the Nakdong River were collected from the D Water Purification Plant in Taegu city. With the application of the process of prechlorination, the removal rate of the algae was increased from 10∼25% for Synedra spp., 20∼35% for diatoms and 4∼17% for turbidity. Generally, the removal rate of the algae was increased with the increase of the concentration of the coagulants. The PAC and PACS showed 5% higher removal rate for turbidity as compared to the LAS. On the hand, LAS showed 12% higher removal rate for Synedra spp. as compared to the PAC and PACS. The variations in the removal rate of diatoms with the change of coagulant were not significant. In conclusion, the application of LAS, polymeric coagulant and chlorination for at least 20 minutes could be considered as a reliable treatment process for the removal of source water containing a variety of algae.
        2001.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        HRP(high rate pond) which had kept the manufactured clay of 3㎝-thickness as benthic clay in reactor and the 6 flat-blade turbine as impeller for agitation was named HRASP(high rate algae stabilization pond). And the experiment for treatment of artificial synthesis wastewater containing COD : 300㎎/ℓ. , NH3-N : 30㎎/ℓ, T-P : 9㎎/ℓ. as nutrients was been performed successfully. This reactor was been operated under conditions : 24 hrs.-irradiation and water temperature, 25℃ and pH 7 and agitation velocity, 15, 30, 45rpm and the effect of agitation velocity on algal bioaccumulation of nutrients was been studied with view point of fluid dynamics. The next followings could be obtained as results. 1. The agitation with a turbine impeller blade in HRASP makes clay particle indicate superior suspension effect by means of forming of excellent curl/shear flow in reactor. 2. The excessive suspension of clay particle which is created at 45rpm as rotation velocity of impeller blade of turbine disturbs the light penetration and algal photosynthesis reaction. 3. Efficiencies for removal of nutrients come out as COD : 93.9%∼94.3%, (NH3-N + NO3-N) : 81.9%-99.0%, T-P : 46.8%-53.6%. 4. Kuo values of K1 for algal growth come out seperately as 15rpm : 1.876×10-2, 30rpm : 4.618×10-3. 5. Kuo values of K2 for removal of N, P come out seperately as 15rpm : 8.403×10-1 and 1.397×10-1, 30rpm : 4.823×10-1 and 2.052×10-1. 6. It can be guessed easily that the excessive agitation can inhibit the algal and bacterial symbiotic reaction if it is considered that micro organism' sense to preservation of life is relied on natural function of metabolism. Therefore the studies for this matter should be followed continuously.
        1999.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to determine the optimum coagulant dosing for effective treatment of raw water in Chinyang lake. Removal rates of algae and characteristics of the water according to coagulants dosage were investigated by treatment with Microcystis aeruginosa, which is a kind of blue-green algae, to the raw water below 5NTU. The coagulants dosage for maximum removal rate of algae were 30 ㎎/ℓ of Alum, 30 ㎎/ℓ of PAC and 10 ㎎/ℓ of PACS, respectively. The removal rate of algae in 30 ㎎/ℓ of PAC was highest as 85% compared with the other treatments. At the point of maximum removal rate of algae, the removal rates of turbidity were 34%, 66% and 22% in Alum, PAC and PACS, respectively. Residual Al was decreased depend upon decreasing turbidity in water by treatment of Alum or PAC, but decreased depend upon increasing turbidity in water by treatment of PACS. The removal rate of Mn2+ in water was high in the order of Alum, PAC and PACS treatment. And Fe2+ in water was not changed by treatment of these coagulants. Particle numbers distributions according to the particle size of suspended solids that were not precipitated at 8 min. of settling time after treatment of coagulants dosage for the maximum removal rate of algae were investigated. Most of the particle sizes were below 30 ㎛ and particle numbers distributions below 10 ㎛ were 64%, 56% and 66% by treatment of Alum, PAC and PACS, respectively. Zeta potential was in the range of -6.1∼-9.7 mV at optimum coagulants dosage for algae removal.
        1998.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        During the spring and fall of 1994 and winter of 1995, the exposure time of periphyton biomass on the artificial substrata at 10 headwater streams in the southeastern Korea was evaluated in 7-14 day interval. In the streams with low periphyton biomass (chl a: 2-4 ㎎/㎡) in natural rocks, biomass of artificial substrata (unglazed the: 3.7 × 9.5 × 2 ㎝) exceeded that of the natural rocks after 28 days, while sites with high biomass (chl. a: 20-60 ㎎/㎡) in natural rocks showed slower biomass accumulation after 40 days. Due to the high light input and temperature in a partially shaded mountain stream, development of periphyton biomass in spring occurred faster than that of winter. In general, development of periphyton biomass placed on artificial substrata took 4-5 weeks in spring and at least 6 weeks in winter to reach the natural level.
        1997.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The pilot plant had been made so as to be an association system from the various items managed to have degrees of efficiency and it have been done to consider the experimental result with irradiance period and pH influence of all major things to treatment function of Waste Stabilization Pond. The results are as following. The attained results for continuous & cyclic irradiance 1. 24L.-reactor was prior to 12L.-12D.-reactor on oxygen generation & algal production ability. 2. 24L.-reactor was prior to 12L.-12D.-reactor on nutrients removal efficiency. 3. In 24L.-reactor it maintained 5 ㎎/L∼6 ㎎/L, DO concent. enough to a fish`s survival. The attained results for pH condition 1. Oxygen generation & algal production in pH 4-reactor were higher than those in pH 10-reactor. 2. The acidic condition at pH 4 and alkalic condition at pH 10 did not so much affect an algal growth and nutrients removal. The attained results for whole 1. In view of the results appeared as [(NH_3-N)+(NO_3-N)] removal efficiency, 89.1%∼93.9% and PO_4-P removal efficiency, 34.3%∼83.7% & COD removal efficiency, 88.5%∼93.9%, It is possible to treat the wastewater with starch and pH which have been known as thedifficult problem. 2. At the point of non using methanol to nitrificate NO_3-N, the nutrients removal method by using an algal growth is the most economical method in the whole nutrients removal methods. 3. The nutrients removal method by using an algal growth contributes to natural ecosystem. 4. The nutrients removal method by using an algal growth is excellant in the prevention against the eutrophication.
        1996.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Photosynthetic pigments and their degradation products in suspended and sinking particles collected from the Gulf of Mexico waters 1987∼88, were measured using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The short term variations in flux rates of chlorophylls and carotenoids as well as their degradation products were compared at the mesoscale cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation features (cold core ring and warm core ring). Chlorophyll a was the predominant porphyrin of suspended particulate matter at both CCR and WCR. Among carotenoid pigments, 19`-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, which is a biomarker of prymnesiophytes, was dominant pigment at both rings. Phaeophorbide a, which is produced through the grazing processes of grazers, was the predominant degraded pigment in sinking particles at the study area. Total pigment flux in CCR was an order of magnitude higher than that in WCR. Less than 1% of the standing stock of the pigments measured sank out of the upper 200 m of the WCR on any given day. Thus, suspended particulate matter in Gulf of Mexico was not recycled rapidly.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The increase of population and industrial activities had brought into eutrophication in the Nakdong river. A remarkable acceleration of eutrophication brought about serious problems for water supply. Therefore, for the purpose of conservation of water quality in the Nakdong river it is necessary to control nutrients. MBOD method was used to evaluate algal growth limiting factor and algal growth potential in the Nakdong river from June to August 1994. The modified biochemical oxygen demand(MBOD) depends on the amount of available inorganic nutrient and organic substrate during 5 day incubation in the dark at 20℃. The MBOD assay depends on inorganic nutrients such as P and N as well as reduced carbon and called the MBOD, the MBOD-P, and the MBOD-N, respectively. The results of bioassay by MBOD(Modified BOD) method showed that the MBOD, MBOD-P and MBOD-N value were found to be in the ranges of 3.8∼96.0 ㎎O_2/ℓ, 5.6∼94.0 ㎎O_2/ℓand 42.0∼220 ㎎O_2/ℓ, respectively. And the the bioassay value was found to be the highest in Koryong area and the lowest in Waekwan area throughout the Nakdong river. The variations of MBOD-P and MBOD-N value showed similar tendencies to the variations of phosphorus and nitrogen value, respectively. By MBOD method, the relationships of MBOD, MBOD-P and MBOD-N value were MBOD ≒ MBOD-P ≪ MBOD-N. The MBOD value was nearly equal to the MBOD-P value, and the MBOD-N value was 3 to 20 times more than the MBOD-P value, approximately. Therefore, in the Nakdong river, phosphorus was the limiting factor for algal growth during summer season. The algal growth potential as the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the summer was maximum 5 times more than standing crop as it.
        1995.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Generally, It is introduced to well-known other models without considering tidal current of the field. The paper presents field measurements and numerical model solving velocity field of Cheonsu Bay by two-dimensional tidal model. It was proved that this scheme is easy to handle complex topography. Computed results is represented characteristics of tidal current for Cheonsu Bay. The results of the study can be summarized as follows ; 1. Tide form number has 0.21 value. Tidal range estimated 630.3 ㎝ on spring, 454.1 ㎝ on mean and 277.9 ㎝ on neap, respectively. 2. Tidal current has semi-diurnal form. Distance of traveling observed 16.6 ㎞ on flood and 15.5 ㎞ on ebb. 3. Tidal velocity showed reversing current. It was found that tidal velocity above 100 ㎝/sec is about 20 %. 4. Computed results are in good agreement with the observed data. Applying the algorithm to Cheonssu Bay, velocity fields and dry bank phenomena are simulated well in spite of complex topography. 5. An advanced study on the effects of open boundary conditions should be continuously performed.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Growing algae spread over open water surface of water hyacinth system the leaves of hyacinth prevented the passage of sunlight through the water surface. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of the algae growth on the effluent of water hyacinth wastewater treatment systems operated with the variation of an organic loading rate between 190 to 550 kg COD/ha.day. The effluent from the system contained algae was discharged for about 2-3 weeks from the beginning of experimental operation of water hyacinth systems. BOD and SS concentration of effluents during algae growthing periods were higher than those during the period of algae control. But nitrogen and phosphrous romoval efficiencies during in algae growthing periods were slighty higher than those during the period of algae control.
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