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        검색결과 681

        2002.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2001.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Maternal stress was very common symptom that every pregnant women could have experienced during pregnant period. We found that the causative factors of stress for subjects were physical change(50.8%), family relationship(13.6%), change of body image(7.4%), concern baby(6.8%), economic difficulties(6.4%), depress(4.3%), morning sickness(3%), and miscellaneous(3.5%). According to our study, maternal stress during the first trimester negatively correlated with food and nutrients intake of pregnant women and gave low weight gain during pregnancy and low birth weight of infants. It also significantly correlated with monthly income(p〈0.001) and monthly food cost(p〈0.001) during pregnant period. Mean intake of Calcium and Iron were 47~60% of RDA and 35~48 of RDA, respectively. With the Iron supplement the total intake of Iron exceeded 100% of RDA. We also found majority of food items, except seaweeds, fruits and vegetables, were negatively correlated with maternal stress during three trimesters. Additional support system projected by professionals in health-care field could mediate maternal stress and lead to healthy pregnancy outcome.
        2001.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The initial irreversible capacity, Qi, is one of the parameters to express the material balancing of the cathode to anode. We introduced new terms, which are the initial intercalation Ah efficiency (IIE) and the initial irreversible specific capacity at the surface (Qis), to express precisely the irreversibility of an electrode/electrolyte system. Two terms depended on kinds of active-materials and compositions of the electrode, but did not change with charging state. MPCF had the highest value of IIE and the lowest value of Qis in 1M LiPE6/EC + DEC (1 : 1 volume ratio) electrolyte. IIE value of LiCoO2 electrode was 97-98%, although the preparation condition of the material and the electrolyte were different. Qis value of LiCoO2 was 0~1 mAh/g. MPCF-LiCoO2 cell system had the lowest of the latent capacity. Qis value increased slightly by adding conductive material. IIE and Qis value varied with the electrolyte. By introducing PC to EC+DEC mixed solvent, IIE values were retained, but Qis increased. In case of addition of MP, IIE value increased and Qis value also increased a little.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dr. Ha's compositional style, up to this point in time of new millenium, may be divided into three periods. His early period reveals both tonal and atonal practice, while his maturing second period shows atonal practice only. The third period since 1990, almost exclusively, has been dedicated to writing music for church. His piano suite, DIABOLUS belongs to the first period written in dodecaphonic stlyle. However, it displays typical Baroque suite formet of four movements. The suite uses a tone row which is systemetically constructed in such a way that the second half of the tone row is the retrograde inversion of the first. The entire composion uses only four rows: O-0, O-6, R-0 and R-6. The four movements are as follows: Praeludium is in unipartite form. Menutto is in composite tripartite form. Sarabande is in simple tripartite form. Giga, which uses canonic imitation, is in composite tripartite form. It is noticeable, as is implied in the title, that the interval of tritone predominates throughout the work. The term "diabolus" is borrowed from the medieval expression which describes the difficulty of singing the augmented fourth interval, the devilish interval. The tone row is strictly used throughout except a few places where three, four and six-notes are used as a group. The use of tritones and note-groupings is outstanding, particularly, in Giga. The significance of this analytical study of Jae Eun Ha's composition lies in the fact that the first hand informations concerning not only the composition itself but also the composer himself may be obtained from the composer, who is still living and active, thereby leaving a valuable material to similar studies to come such as this. It is hoped that such analytical studies on Korean native composer's works may continue in the years to come so that future generations may benefit from enrichment of modern scholarship.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Purpose of this Study is to find the Modern Movements which had done important roles on the development of modern church architecture and sacred art in the first half of 20th century. I had investigated the background and process of the movements, and analyzed the buildings which represented the movements. And I compared the architectural fruits of 'Riturgical Movement' and 'L' art Sacré Movement. The results are summarized as follows : First, there are two important movements in Catholic church in the backgrounds of the innovative changes of modern church architecture, Those are 'Riturgical Movement' which pursuits to establish a closer relation between clergy and congregation, and to make the positive participants in the service not mere observers and 'L' art Sacré Movement' which pursuits to accept modern secular art into church. Second, both movements had been developed on the bases of the theological studies with tow monasteries - Benedictine Order and Dominican Order - as leader. And the main concept was a kind of revival movement which recovers the Christian tradition. Third, The two movements began from the different themes and in the different regions. But they exerted influences each other, and achieved successful fruits in the Catholic churches of England and Swiss in 1960'. Fourth, 'Riturigical reformation' and 'Acceptance of modern art' had been officialized and generalized through the second Vatican Council(1962-1965).
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경상북도 영양군의 반변천에서 채집된 끄리의 형태적 특징을 검토하였다. 이는 끄리가 낙동강수계의 반변천에서 처음으로 발견된 예이다.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Food goods traded between Korea and Japan during the first term of the Cho Sun era included Omija (fruit of the Maximowiczia chinensis), Jat (pine nuts), Insam (Jinseng), rice, and beans as exports ; and pepper, sugar, and medicinal stuffs as imports. The trade between Korea and Japan was a result of Japanese envoies' visiting. The official number of Japanese envoies who had exchanges with Koreans were two thousand people a year. Once the Japanese entered Korea, they did not need to pay for their living expenses for the length of their visit because the Cho Sun government bore the whole expense. The Cho Sun government gave formal receptions to them, which included daily meals as well as banquet style meals. The daily meals included Jo-ban (breakfast), Jo-seok-ban (breakfast and dinner), and Ju-jeom-sim (lunch). Meals were served four times a day. The banquet style meals included Sam-po-yeon (a banquet that was held in Sam-po), Kyong-joong-young-jeon-yeon (a farewell banquet, and a welcome banquet that was held in Seoul), Jyu-bong-bae (to offer a guest a drink by day), No-yeon (a banquet that was held on the street), Kwol-nae-yeon (a banquet that was held within the Royal Court). It also included Ye-jo-yeon (a banquet that was held in Ye-jo), and Myong-il-yeon (a banquet that was held on a national holiday). The banquet style meals were composed of Ceon-tack (to set a table for dinner), Sang-hwa (a flower that was put on the food), Kwan-hwa (to offer a flower when a banquet was held), Ju-5-jan (the fifth wine glass), Dae-seon (meat), and music.