Recently, several companies have released H. pylori stool antigen (HpSA) test kits. However, there is little information about the usefulness of HpSA testing for Helicobacter felis, which is the major Helicobacter species in cats. The aim of the present study was to compare diagnostic methods for diagnosis of H. felis with HpSA tests and PCR assay using cat stools or gastric mucosa. Male cats (n=6) were infected with H. felis ATCC 49179 (1.0 × 109 CFU /cat) by intragastric inoculation two times at 3-day intervals, and stool specimens of cats were collected 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 21 days after infection for HpSA testing and H. felis-specific PCR. For the results, sensitivities of the HpSA test and PCR analysis were 50.0% and 83.3% respectively. Cats were sacrificed 21 days after H. felis inoculation, and gastric tissues were homogenized. All gastric biopsy specimens were positive based on a rapid urease test (RUT) (6/6, 100%) and PCR (6/6, 100%). Based on these results, the HpSA kit is useful and effective for monitoring H. felis infection using stool specimens. If an HpSA test could be made with H. felis antibodies in the future, its sensitivity could be increased further. Further, PCR assay could be successfully used to detect H. felis in stools. Application of this HpSA kit and PCR assay can be utilized as a non-invasive strategy to identify H. felis in cats.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is recognized as the most common feline cardiac disease. Several studies have evaluated the population characteristics and survival time of cats with HCM; however, these reports included large numbers of asymptomatic HCM. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics and survival time of cats with symptomatic HCM admitted to emergency service. Medical records were examined to verify clinical diagnosis of HCM. Asymptomatic cats diagnosed with HCM were also excluded from the study. From a total of 13 cats, eight were classified in the arterial thromboembolism (ATE) group while the other five were in the congestive heart failure (CHF) group. Middle-aged (6 years, range 1.4~7 years) male cats (53.8%) were included in this study. Pelvic limb paralysis, depression, and respiratory distress were common clinical signs found in symptomatic HCM cats. Hematologic evaluation found that enzymes related to muscle damage and tissue necrosis were elevated in both groups and highly elevated in the ATE group. Left atrium was remarkably enlarged in ATE group cats. The median survival time of cats in the ATE group was significantly shorter than that of cats in the CHF group (P=0.002). Prospective investigation based on a large population would be required to clarify the effects of various factors on prognosis of HCM cats.
DNA methylation is the most common and well-characterized epigenetic change in human cancer. Recently, the association between GATA-binding protein 5 (GATA5) methylation and carcinogenesis of various types of tumors was investigated. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of GATA5 methylation status on clinicopathological features and prognosis in primary non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) patients with a long-term follow-up period. The GATA5 methylation status was determined for 171 human bladder specimens (eight normal controls [NCs] and 163 primary NMIBC patients) using quantitative pyrosequencing analysis. The primary NMIBC tissues were obtained from patients who underwent transurethral resection (TUR) for histologically diagnosed transitional cell carcinomas between 1995 and 2012 at Chungbuk National University Hospital. GATA5 methylation was significantly higher in NMIBC patients than in NCs and was significantly associated with higher grade and more advanced stage of cancer. Kaplan-Meier estimates showed significant differences in tumor recurrence and progression according to GATA5 methylation status (each p<0.05). Our results show that increased methylation of GATA5 was significantly associated with not only aggressive characteristics but also poor prognosis in primary NMIBC patients. Alteration of GATA5 methylation might be used as a biomarker for prognosis of NMIBC patients. However, prospective and functional investigations are necessary to clarify the role of GATA5 methylation in future clinical management of patients with NMIBC.
The objective of the present study was to examine the effects of β-glucan originating from Aureobasidium on full-thickness skin wound healing in diabetic C57BL/KsJ-db/db mouse models. In the diabetic C57BL/KsJ-db/db model, test articles were topically applied twice a day for 20 days starting from 1 day after wounding. The results were compared to that of MadecassolTM ointment (madecassol; 1% Centella asiatica extracts) topically applied at a concentration of 100 mg/kg. Treatment with β-glucan resulted in significant (p<0.01 or p<0.05) and dose-dependent decreases in wound size compared with that of vehicle control showing increased wound size (WS, %). In addition, 50% contraction time (CT50) was dramatically and dose-dependently reduced, and inflammatory cells in granulation tissues of the wound area were significantly (p<0.01 or p<0.05) and dose-dependently reduced compared with that of vehicle control showing increased numbers of micro-vessels and fibroblasts as well as re-epithelialization. In the madecassol group, similar changes in inflammatory cells and fibroblasts with re-epithelialization were also observed, but madecassol did not influence angiogenesis. No meaningful changes in body weight were detected in all tested groups compared with the vehicle control. Therefore, these data suggest that β-glucan has a beneficial effect on diabetic delayed skin wound healing and may be useful to manage incurable skin wounds in diabetic animals.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with multiple comorbidities, including depression, which carries a higher risk of exacerbation and hospitalization in patients with stable COPD. A newly developed questionnaire, the COPD Assessment Test (CAT), was developed as an alternative to other complex, time-consuming tools for quantifying the symptom burden of COPD in routine practice. It is possible that the correlation between the CAT and depression scales could be useful for early evaluation and management of depression in COPD patients. Thus, we investigated the relationship between the CAT and depression as measured by the Patient Health Questionnaires-9 (PHQ-9). We performed a retrospective observational COPD cohort study. A total of 97 patients were enrolled. The Korean versions of the CAT and PHQ-9 were completed for stable patients. A correlation analysis was performed between the PHQ-9 and CAT scores. Significant depression among the groups based on the 2011 GOLD guidelines occurred only in class Gold B and D patients (40% and 60%, respectively). The frequency of depression was significantly higher in the group with higher CAT scores (20~29 versus ≥30; odds ratio: 5.67 versus 22.66). Significant association was observed between the PHQ-9 and CAT scores (r=0.545 and P<0.001). As a result, the PHQ-9 score was significantly higher in COPD patients with a higher CAT score. The CAT is a simple and valuable predictor of depression in COPD patients, and it should be frequently used to detect COPD patients with depression in clinical practice.
A 5-year-old, 8.95 kg, female Schnauzer presented anorexia with a 3-day history and increased heart sound intensity. Based on the clinical and echocardiographic findings along with the positive blood culture result, the dog was diagnosed with infective endocarditis (IE). Using proper antibiotics treatment, clinical signs were improved within 3 days and resolved within 1 week. For exact identification of the causative agent, multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) methods were performed. The etiological agent was confirmed as Staphylococcus pseudintermedius with antibiotics resistance genes such as β-lactamase (blaZ) and methicilline resistance (mecA). The bacterial virulence factors included pyogenic toxin genes such as staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, C, D, and E and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1. Diagnosis of IE is challenging due to a variety of non-specific clinical presentations, rapid disease progression, and lack of a confirmative diagnostic technique. This report demonstrated that such molecular diagnostics could be very useful for diagnosing and identifying characteristics of the causative organism for prediction of prognosis and proper treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the isolation of S. pseudintermedius using molecular diagnostics from a clinical case of canine IE.
Traditionally, Centella asiatica leaf extracts are used to treat neurodegenerative diseases in India. Centella asiatica is reportedly used to enhance memory and treat dementia, but its promoting effect on neural stem cell differentiation has not been studied yet. In the present study, we investigated whether or not Centella asiatica leaf extracts act on neuronal precursor cells and neuronal cell lines to induce neuronal differentiation, neurite outgrowth, and neuroprotection. The neurogenesis-promoting potential of Centella asiatica leaf extracts was determined by differentiation assay on neural stem cells isolated from mouse embryos and PC12 cell lines. To understand the contribution of specific neural cell types towards increase after Centella asiatica treatment, neural stem cells were differentiated into various neural subtypes and checked by Western blotting using neural cell lineage-specific antibody markers. Neuroprotective activity of Centella asiatica was analyzed in PC12 cells exposed to 100 μM of H2O2. Cell growth was analyzed by MTT assay while cell death was analyzed by Western blotting detection of apoptosis-related proteins. Cells treated with Centella asiatica had significantly longer primary and secondary neurites as well as a higher number of neurites per cell compared to control cells. Expression levels of TUBBIII, TH, NF, and BDNF increased upon Centella asiatica treatment, suggesting that Centella asiatica has a neurogenesis-promoting effect. Centella asiatica also inhibited oxidative stress-induced neural cell damage through regulation of apoptosis- and cell cycle-related proteins. Thus, leaf extracts of Centella asiatica might promote neurogenesis, neuroregeneration, and neuroprotection in the context of neurodegenerative diseases.
The intradermal test (IDT) has been developed for confirming diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis (CAD). Prior to performing IDT, rapid immunoassay (Allercept E-screen 2nd generation; ES2G) can detect allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in canine serum. The objective of this study was to evaluate agreement between IDT and immunoassay in diagnosis of CAD in domestic atopic dogs. Forty dogs were diagnosed with CAD in accordance with Favrot’s criteria. Intradermal testing was performed using 39 selected allergens. ES2G detected IgE antibodies specific for three allergen groups, including indoor allergens, grasses and weeds, and trees. Among 19 dogs diagnosed by IDT, the highest positivity was observed in house dust mites, followed by molds, epidermis and inhalants, house dust, and weeds. A total of 28 atopic dogs were evaluated by rapid ES2G immunoassay. Indoor allergens showed the strongest positive reaction, followed by grasses/weeds and trees. IDT and ES2G were performed concurrently in 17 dogs. The results of ES2G showed slight agreement with those of IDT. Level of agreement was highest for indoor allergens, which showed a predictive positive value of 100% in ES2G. These results indicate that a rapid immunoassay may be valuable for predicting the results of IDT in atopic dogs sensitized to indoor allergens.
Norovirus (NoV) is an etiologic agent of human and animal acute gastroenteritis and is a member of the family Caliciviridae. NoV is classified based on nucleotide sequences of the VP1 gene into at least six genogroups (GI-GVI), among which GI, GII, and GIV are known to infect humans and GII is the most prevalent genogroup. In this study, VP1, the full gene of GII human NoV, was cloned from a human fecal sample and expressed using a baculovirus expression system. Human NoV VP1-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were produced using expressed recombinant VP1. Expressed VP1 in the recombinant virus was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), indirect fluorescence antibody (IFA) test, and Western blot analysis. Eight hybridomas secreting VP1-specific MAbs against human GII NoV were generated and characterized. All of the MAbs produced in this study reacted with human GII NoV VP1-recombinant baculoviruses but not with other non-human calicivirus recombinant baculoviruses. These MAbs reacted specifically with human NoV GII.4-2009 virus-like particles (VLPs), and some MAbs showed cross-reactivity with other GII.4 variant VLPs. Expressed human GII NoV VP1-recombinant protein and MAbs specific to this protein can be used as useful reagents for detecting and characterizing human NoV.
Mycoplasma hyorhinis (M. hyorhinis) is considered an etiological agent of arthritis in suckling pigs. Recently, some M. hyorhinis strains were shown to produce pneumonia that is indistinguishable from the mycoplasmosis caused by M. hyopneumoniae. In this study, we developed a sensitive and specific PCR assay to detect M. hyorhinis and applied the developed PCR assay for detection of Mycoplasma infection in clinical piglets infected with M. hyorhinis. We developed a new PCR assay using a M. hyorhinis-specific primer pair, Mrhin-F and Mrhin-R, designed from the Mycoplasma 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. The primers and probe for the assay were designed from regions in the Mycoplasma 16S-23S rRNA ITS unique to M. hyorhinis. The developed PCR assay was very specific and sensitive for the detection of M. hyorhinis. The assay could detect the equivalent of 1 pg of target template DNA, which indicates that the assay was very sensitive. In addition, M. hyorhinis PCR assay detected only M. hyorhinis and not any other Mycoplasma or bacterial spp. of other genera. The new developed PCR assay effectively detected M. hyorhinis infection in pigs. We suggest that this PCR assay using a M. hyorhinis-specific primer pair, Mrhin-F and Mrhin-R, could be useful and effective for monitoring M. hyorhinis infection in pigs.
Tight junctions (TJs) form continuous intercellular contacts in intercellular junctions. TJs involve integral proteins such as occludin (OCLN) and claudins (CLDNs) as well as peripheral proteins such as zona occludens-1 (ZO-1) and junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs). TJs control paracellular transportation across cell-to-cell junctions. Although TJs have been studied for several decades, comparison of the transcriptional-translational levels of these molecules in canine organs has not yet been performed. In this study, we examined uterine expression of CLDNs, OCLN, junction adhesion molecule-A, and ZO-1 in canine. Expression levels of canine uterine TJ proteins, including CLDN1, 2, 4, 5, JAM-A, ZO-1, and OCLN, were measured using reverse transcription PCR, real-time PCR, and Western blotting, whereas TJs distribution was determined by immunohistochemistry. The mRNA and protein expression levels of OCLN, CLDN-1, 4, JAM-1, and ZO-1 were identified in the uterus. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that TJs were localized to the endometrium and/or myometrium of the uterus. Our results show that canine TJ proteins, including CLDNs, OCLN, JAM-A, and ZO-1, were expressed in the canine uterus. Taken together, these proteins may perform unique physiological roles in the uterus. Therefore, these findings may serve as a basis for further studies on TJ proteins and their roles in the physiological or pathological condition of the canine uterus.
Regarding therapies for treatment of corneal wounds, ex vivo corneal culture is the most effective for minimizing expensive animal studies. Eighteen porcine enucleated eyes were soaked in 0.2% povidone iodine solution for disinfection prior to cornea excision. Subsequently, corneas were excised from whole eyes and filled with an agar/medium mixture. Corneas were transferred into culture dishes, after which culture medium was added until the limbus was covered. Cultures were then placed onto a plate rocker to mimic blinking action, followed by incubation at 37°C and 5% CO2. Corneas were harvested on Days 0, 3, and 7 after incubation, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed on Day 7. Two eyes from each group were fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde/4% paraformaldehyde for low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy (LV-SEM), and four eyes from each group were fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin for histological analysis. OCT results showed that central corneal thickness significantly increased by Day 7 compared to Day 0 (P<0.05). Using LV-SEM, gaps between endothelial cells were detected on Day 7 of ex vivo culture. In the histological evaluation, four to five stratified squamous cell layers, wing cells, and basal cells in the epithelium as well as flat-shaped keratocytes in the stroma were found on Day 0. By Day 7, stratified squamous cells and basal cells had decreased in number, and slightly round-shaped keratocytes were observed; however, the number of keratocytes was similar to that on Day 0. In this short-term ex vivo culture, epithelium and endothelium were sensitive to culture, whereas stroma and keratocytes were well maintained. An additional deswelling method will be needed to obtain more successful results in porcine corneal ex vivo culture.
Poria cocos is a well-known traditional Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) that grows around roots of pine trees in China, Korea, Japan, and North America. Poria cocos has been used in Asian countries to treat insomnia as either a single herb or part of an herbal formula. In a previous experiment, pachymic acid (PA), an active constituent of Poria cocos ethanol extract (PCE), increased pentobarbital-induced sleeping behaviors. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate whether or not PCE and PA modulate sleep architectures in rats as well as whether or not their effects are mediated through GABAA-ergic transmission. PCE and PA were orally administered to individual rats 7 days after surgical implantation of a transmitter, and sleep architectures were recorded by Telemetric Cortical encephalogram (EEG) upon oral administration of test drugs. PCE and PA increased total sleep time and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep as well as reduced numbers of sleep/wake cycles recorded by EEG. Furthermore, PCE increased intracellular chloride levels, GAD65/67 protein levels, and α-, β-, and γ-subunits of GABAA receptors in primary cultured hypothalamic neuronal cells. These data suggest that PCE modulates sleep architectures via activation of GABAA-ergic systems. Further, as PA is an active component of PCE, they may have the same pharmacological effects.
Speech and language are uniquely human-specific traits that have contributed to humans becoming the predominant species on earth from an evolutionary perspective. Disruptions in human speech and language function may result in diverse disorders, including stuttering, aphasia, articulation disorder, spasmodic dysphonia, verbal dyspraxia, dyslexia, and specific language impairment (SLI). These disorders often cluster within a family, and this clustering strongly supports the hypothesis that genes are involved in human speech and language functions. For several decades, multiple genetic studies, including linkage analysis and genome-wide association studies, were performed in an effort to link a causative gene to each of these disorders, and several genetic studies revealed associations between mutations in specific genes and disorders such as stuttering, verbal dyspraxia, and SLI. One notable genetic discovery came from studies on stuttering in consanguineous Pakistani families; these studies suggested that mutations in lysosomal enzyme-targeting pathway genes (GNPTAB, GNPTG, and NAPGA) are associated with non-syndromic persistent stuttering. Another successful study identified FOXP2 in a Caucasian family affected by verbal dyspraxia. Furthermore, an abnormal ultrasonic vocalization pattern (USV) was observed in knock-in (KI) and humanized mouse models carrying mutations in the FOXP2 gene. Although studies have increased our understanding of the genetic causes of speech and language disorders, these genes can only explain a small fraction of all disorders in patients. In this paper, we summarize recent advances and future challenges in an effort to reveal the genetic causes of speech and language disorders in animal models.
This study investigated the effects of LactoPlanta® (Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum), 2.0 × 109 colony forming units (CFU)/kg) on reduction of noxious gas emission in pig houses as well as improvement of carcass weight and quality in finishing pigs. A total of 850 finishing pigs were assigned to four treatment groups: control (CON, basal diet) (n=190), LP-0.1, 0.1% LactoPlanta® (n=210), LP-0.2, 0.2% LactoPlanta® (n=230), and LP-0.4, 0.4% LactoPlanta® (n=220). Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentrations were significantly reduced in all treatment groups compared to CON. Mercaptan contents and carcass weights of LP-0.2 and LP-0.4 were significantly decreased compared to CON, whereas there were no significant differences between LP-0.1 and CON. Carcass weight of LP-0.1 was slightly higher than that of CON, but there was no significant difference. However, carcass weights of LP-0.2 and LP-0.4 were significantly higher than that of CON (P<0.05). The prevalence of grade A carcasses in groups administered with L. plantarum (46.7~63.3%) was higher than that in CON (43.3%) and increased in a dose-dependent manner. Based on the results of this study, L. plantarum could be an effective candidate to reduce noxious gas emissions in finishing pig houses as well as improve carcass weight and quality in finishing pigs.
Mitral valvular prolapse (MVP) in dogs is characterized by myxomatous valvular degeneration, which is caused by abnormal valvular thickening and incomplete coaptation of the mitral valve leading to mitral regurgitation. Mitral regurgitation causes left atrial and left ventricular enlargement. Pathogenesis of the disease is unknown, although some studies have suggested the involvement of endothelin and systemic connective tissue diseases. Mitral valvular prolapse in dogs commonly occurs in aged small dog breeds, including Malteses and Shih Zhus. This case study investigated the clinical features of an affected Maltese family and performed pedigree analysis. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of putative familial mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation in Maltese dogs. All family members in this study showed degenerative valvular changes and echocardiographic features of mitral valvular prolapse. Although disease progression differed, all dogs progressed to advanced heart failure stage within 2-3 years after diagnosis. Therefore, this is the first study to identify putative familial mitral valve prolapse in Maltese dogs. This finding suggests strong genetic etiology involved in the development of degenerative mitral valve disease in Maltese dogs. Furthermore, this finding could be a valuable resource for the identification of gene mutations in dogs with familial mitral valvular prolapse.
α-Viniferin (AVF), a trimer of resveratrol, is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect via inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). It has been reported that up-regulated COX-2 and iNOS are expressed in colon cancer tissues of humans and rodents as well as pre-neoplastic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) of rodents. In this study, chemopreventive effects of AVF were assessed in Caco-2 cells as well as azoxymethane (AOM)-induced colorectal tumorigenesis in mice. Anti-tumor effect of AVF with regards to apoptotic induction was assessed by TUNEL and caspase-3 expression in human colon cancer Caco-2 cells. For development of ACF, AOM was administered with to mice intraperitoneally at a dose of 10 mg/kg once a week for 3 weeks. To induce colitis-related colon cancer, mice were administered a single dose of AOM (10 mg/kg) and 2% dextran sodium sulfate in drinking water. Mice treated with 0.05 and/or 0.1 mg of AVF by gavage showed significantly reduced development of ACF and colorectal tumors. Immunofluorescence detection in Caco-2 cells showed reduced COX-2 and iNOS expression, whereas cleavage of caspase-3 and apoptotic cell numbers increased upon AVF treatment. Immunostaining showed reduced expression levels of COX-2 and iNOS expression along with increased cleaved caspase-3 expression increased upon AVF treatment. These results suggest that AVF has chemopreventive effects on colorectal cancer via anti-inflammatory potential and pro-apoptotic activity.
Dietary and lifestyle modifications are widely prescribed to prevent recurrence of urolithiasis, although little is known about the clinical and demographic factors associated with patient compliance and urinary metabolic changes. The present study assessed the clinical and demographic factors influencing compliance with a modified diet and lifestyle in first-time ureteric stone formers as well as determined the effects of compliance on urinary stone risk factors. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 53 patients presenting with ureteric calcium stones. Using a self-completed questionnaire, patients were classified according to compliance with seven recommendations for modifying diet and lifestyle into good compliance group (complied with ≥ three recommendations) and poor compliance group. Before (on a random diet) and after prescribing the modifications, 24 hour urine samples were collected from those in the good and poor compliance group. The stone size at presentation and initial treatment modality were closely associated with patient compliance (P=0.019, P=0.027, respectively). Citrate excretion significantly increased in the good compliance group after adopting modifications (P=0.012), whereas the poor compliance group did not show a statistically significant difference. Moreover, patients in the poor compliance group showed significantly increased urinary calcium excretion by the end of the study (P=0.040). After adjustments for age, sex, body mass index, and metabolic abnormality status, poor compliance was found to be an independent risk factor for persistence or development of hypocitraturia (OR: 3.885; 95% CI: 1.102~13.694; P=0.035). In conclusion, our results imply that patient education programs regarding diet and lifestyle should be tailored to the individual’s clinical and demographic characteristics.
Macrophages play an important role in both the innate and adaptive immune responses. These include phagocytosis, killing of microorganisms, antigen presentation, and induction of immune cytokines and antimicrobial genes. Macrophage activity is reported to be controlled by diverse exogenous antigenic or endogenous metabolic molecules, and the underlying mechanisms are well documented in human and mouse macrophage cells. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is known to be one of the most potent stimuli activating macrophages through the toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling pathway. There are other antigenic molecules, such as muramyl dipeptide (MDP) and outer membrane protein A (OmpA), that are also known to activate immune cells. On the other hand, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate and butyrate are produced by gut microbiota and control host energy metabolism and signal transduction through GPR receptors. However, there are few studies demonstrating the effects of these molecules in macrophages from domestic animals, including domestic pigs. In this study, we attempted to characterize gene expression regulation in porcine macrophages (PoM2, Pig Monocytes clone 2) following treatment with LPS, MDP, OmpA, and two short chain fatty acids using porcine genome microarray and RT-PCR techniques. A number of novel porcine genes, including anti-microbial peptides and others, appeared to be regulated at the transcriptional level. Our study reports novel biomarkers such as SLC37A2, TMEN184C, and LEAP2 that are involved in the porcine immune response to bacterial antigen LPS and two short chain fatty acids.
Genetic polymorphisms within immunity-related candidate genes in pigs have been identified to control variations in immune functions and/or disease resistance. It has become necessary to evaluate the effects of other genetic markers of economically important traits prior to introducing them into marker-assisted selection programs. In this study, polymorphisms of porcine genes coding Interferon-induced Gunylate binding protein 1 (GBP1), GBP2, CD163, and CD169 were investigated for their association with growth and meat quality traits in a Korean native pig breed -Yorkshire inter-crossed F2 pig population (KY-F2). KY-F2 animals (n=346) have been successfully used for linkage mapping to identify quantitative loci that control meat quality, growth, and immunity traits. In our results, polymorphisms in genes GBP1 and GBP2 showed association with pig growth rate as well as meat quality traits such as crude fat, drip loss, and meat color (yellowness) in the KY-F2 population. The polymorphism in gene CD163 only showed association with crude fat, as a meat quality trait. CD169 gene was associated with pork tenderness. In conclusion, four immune-related genetic markers were validated for their association with growth and meat quality traits to gauge their potential use in a swine selection program. The results warrant further studies in other commercial pig populations.