We would like to report a case of leiomyoma of the ovaries in a dog. Leiomyoma is commonly seen in the vagina in dogs. However, it is a very rare neoplasm in the ovaries. As there have only been a few reported cases, this report provides valuable information on veterinary medicine and pathology. Masses found in the ovaries need to be differentiated from other ovarian tumors. Therefore, we describe the gross, histopathological, and immunohistochemical features of a case of ovarian leiomyoma in a 10-year-old female Yorkshire Terrier dog. The mass on the right of the uterus was found accidentally by pelvic ultrasonography. Laparatomy revealed a large multi-nodulated ovarian mass. Grossly, cut surfaces of the mass showed multiple firm whitish nodules in the cortex and bloody loose connective tissue in the medulla. Histopathologically, the cortex of the mass was composed of spindle cells forming interlacing fascicles. The cells had elongated, blunt-ended nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm as detected by hematoxylin and eosin staining. Immunohistochemical stained sections were immunoreactive for α-smooth muscle actin and desmin but negative for vimentin and S-100. Therefore, differential diagnosis confirmed leiomyoma based on morphology and positive staining for α-smooth muscle actin and desmin.
Localized tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TGCT) usually occurs in the hand and foot regions. However, localized TGCT with extensive cartilaginous metaplasia is rare, especially in the tendon sheath of the toe. Here, we report a case of localized TGCT with cartilaginous metaplasia in a 57-year-old man. The tumor presented as a lobular mass measuring 2.2 cm in its greatest dimension and arose in the flexor digitorum tendon sheath of the right 2nd toe. Clinically, the mass was palpable 1 year ago and brought pain during walking. Microscopically, the mass was composed of focal conventional TGCT and cartilaginous components. The conventional TGCT areas consisted of mononuclear cells, multinucleated giant cells, and hemosiderin deposition. The chondroid areas were extensive and comprised more than 90% of the whole tumor. In this case, the mononuclear cells in the conventional TGCT areas showed focal immunohistochemical staining for podoplanin and S100 protein as well as diffuse staining for CD68, which is consistent with the staining pattern of conventional TGCT. The mononuclear cells in the chondroid areas were focal positive for podoplanin and diffuse positive for S100 protein. Chondroid metaplasia in diffuse TGCT has been reported in 10 cases involving the temporomandibular, elbow, and hip joints. However, there has been no report of a localized form of chondroid TGCT involving an extra-articular region.
Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) is known to be associated with the long-term administration of antibiotics, which alter normal gastrointestinal flora and allow overgrowth of Clostridium difficile. However, antituberculosis agents are rarely reported as a cause of this disease. Besides, most cases of antituberculosis agent-induced PMC have been observed in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis but not with tuberculous meningitis. This report presents a case of PMC associated with antituberculosis therapy in a patient with tuberculous meningitis. A 29-year-old female patient was admitted due to headaches and diplopia that had lasted for 2 weeks. She had not recently received antimicrobial therapy. She was diagnosed with tuberculous meningitis by cerebrospinal fluid findings and neurologic examination, including brain imaging study. She was treated with standard antituberculosis agents (HERZ regimen: isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampicin, and pyrazinamide). After 11 days of HERZ, she developed a fever, sudden widespread skin eruption, and elevation of liver enzymes. Considering adverse drug reactions, antituberculosis agents were stopped. One week later, her symptoms were relieved. Thus, antituberculosis agents were reintroduced one at a time after liver function returned to normal. However, she presented with frequent mucoid, jelly-like diarrhea, and lower abdominal pain. Sigmoidscopy revealed multiple yellowish plaques with edematous mucosa, which were compatible with PMC. She was treated with oral vancomycin considering drug interactions. Symptoms were relieved and did not recur when all antituberculosis agents except pyrazinamide were started again. Therefore, when a patient complains of abdominal pain or diarrhea after initiation of antituberculosis therapy, the physician should consider the possibility of antituberculosis agent-associated PMC.
A 7-year-old spayed female English Cocker Spaniel dog presented with polyuria (PU), polydipsia (PD), intermittent vomiting, and weight loss. Physical examination revealed pale, tacky mucous membranes and severe emaciation. Hematological and biochemical examinations revealed moderate normocytic normochromic non-regenerative anemia and moderate azotemia. Abdominal ultrasonography demonstrated bilaterally small lumpy-bumpy kidneys with hyperechoic parenchyma as well as loss of renal corticomedullary junction. Based on clinical history and examinations, the dog was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The dog was treated with supportive care including fluid therapy, phosphate-binding agent, and histamine H2-receptor antagonist. Darbepoetin Alfa was administered to control renal secondary non-regenerative anemia. Prescribed diet with low-protein and low-phosphorus was fed to alleviate CKD signs. Further, dietary probiotics were supplemented. This case demonstrates that oral probiotic supplementation helped reduce blood urea-nitrogen (BUN) levels. This case indicates that dietary probiotics can be a potential alternative therapeutic agent for management of renal failure
Male pseudohermaphroditism is not commonly reported in veterinary medicine. Here, a 3-year-old Maltese/poodle mixed dog presented with malformed external genitalia and episodic hematuria. Inspection and palpation of the external genitals showed a malformed penis, shortened prepuce, external urethral orifice, and cryptorchidism. There was no urethral meatus at the tip of the penis. The urethral opening was situated between the prepuce and the penis. The anterior half of the prepuce was absent, and the penis was free and exposed to both trauma and licking. Plain radiographic examination showed absence of an os penis in the penis. A double-contrast cystograph showed the suspected uterus as well as the cystic calculi. A hypoechoic space was seen at the dorsal portion of the urinary bladder. The space was suspected to be the uterus. A sagital ultrasonograph showed cystic calculi in the urinary bladder. During surgery to remove cystic calculi, hypoplastic testes as well as the uterus were observed. Histological examination of the testes showed the seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells. The sertoli cells and spermatogonia were adjacent to the basement membrane. No evidence of spermatogenesis was found. Striated squamous epithelial cells and smooth muscle cells were found in the uterus. This dog had vestigial oviducts as well as a uterus with male-appearing external genitals.
An Australian cattle dog (case 1: 6-year-old castrated male) and a Shih-Tzu dog (case 2: 8-year-old castrated male) were referred to the Gyeongsang Animal Medical Center due to anorexia and depression. Physical examinations, complete blood counts, serum chemical analysis, radiography, ultrasonography, and bone marrow biopsy were performed. Upon physical examinations of cases 1 and 2, enlargement of superficial lymph nodes was not identified. Hematologic findings in these dogs included leukocytosis with severe lymphocytosis, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Upon radiography, both dogs showed splenomegaly. Upon examination of a peripheral blood smear in case 1, immature lymphoid cells, featuring decreased nuclear chromatin condensation and nuclear pleomorphism, were present. Biopsy samples of the bone marrow in case 1 revealed hypercellularity as well as a large number of immature lymphoblastic cells similar in shape to cells in the peripheral blood. The characteristic morphological features of peripheral blood and bone marrow samples in case 2 were small lymphocytes. Thus, the dogs were tentatively diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), respectively. After diagnosis, the CLL patient was administered chlorambucil and prednisolone therapy. Due to its similarity to human leukemia, the canine leukemia model provides a valuable model for research into human leukemia.
This study evaluated the possibility of clinical application using matrigel-based bioceramic/polymer scaffolds treated with bone morphogenetic protein, angiogenic factor, and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for new bone formation. In the in vitro study, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) containing matrigel, which is a basement membrane gel, was injected into HA/PCL scaffolds to estimate the release rates of growth factors. In the in vivo study, BMP-2, VEGF, and MSCs with matrigel-based scaffolds were implanted into rat femoral segmental defects, and new bone formation was evaluated at 4 and 8 weeks. In the results, the release rates of BMP-2 and VEGF explosively increased by day 5. For the in vivo study results, radiological evaluation revealed that the matrigel-based HA/PCL scaffolds with BMP-2 and VEGF grafted (M+B+V) and matrigel-based HA/PCL scaffolds with BMP-2, VEGF, and MSC grafted (MSC) groups showed increased bone volume and bone mineral density. Moreover, in the histological evaluation, large new bone formation was observed in the M+B+V group, and high cellularity in the scaffold was observed in the MSC group. In conclusion, grafted matrigel-based HA/PCL scaffolds with BMP-2, angiogenic factor, and MSCs increased new bone formation, and in clinical cases, it may be effective and useful to enhance healing of delayed fractures.
Although various animals have been used as models of cardiac valvular diseases in humans, the structural characteristics of cardiac valves in animals remain unclear. In this study, we investigated cardiac valves in representative animal models for the purpose of comparative anatomy. Adult hearts from three dogs, four goats, six rabbits, and six fowls were fixed with 10% neutral-buffered formalin and analyzed gross-anatomically. Cardiac appearance was spherical or oval in dogs, goats, and rabbits, whereas it had a long conical shape in fowls. Left atrioventricular (AV) valve was composed of membranous septal and parietal cusps connected to two papillary muscles in all animals. The right AV valve was composed of membranous septal, parietal, and angular cusps with three papillary muscles in dogs and goats, membranous septal and parietal cusps attached to four papillary muscles in rabbits, and a single muscular plate without any papillary muscles and chorda tendinae in fowls. Aortic valves with thin membranous right, left, and septal semilunar cusps in dogs, goats, and rabbits had a thick membrane with a bended free border in fowls. Pulmonary valve (PV) with membranous right, left, and intermediate semilunar cusps made a large central hole by being closely attached to the surrounding wall in dogs, goats, and rabbits, whereas it protruded into half of the lumen as a thick membrane in fowls. The membranous cusp of the PV was composed of several layers in dogs and goats but was a single layer in rabbits and fowls. These findings indicate that even if animals have two completely separated atria and ventricles each, cardiac valves have species-specific morphological characteristics, especially between mammals and fowls.
Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng, has long been used as a broad tonic in Oriental medicine to augment vitality, health, and longevity, particularly in older people. This study investigated the effects of Korean red ginseng (RG) on bone loss in ovariectomized (OVX) mice. C3H/HeN mice (10-weeks-old) were divided into sham and OVX groups. OVX mice were treated with vehicle, 17β-estradiol (E2), RG (oral administration, 250 mg/kg/day), or RG (intraperitoneal administration, 50 mg/kg/every other day) for 6 weeks. Serum E2 concentration and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were measured. Tibiae were analyzed using microcomputed tomography. Biomechanical properties and osteoclast surface level were measured. There was no significant difference in the degree of grip strength, body weight, uterine weight, mechanical property, tibiae length, or tibiae weight between the OVX and RG-treated groups. Compared with the OVX group, the serum ALP level was significantly lower in the RG-treated groups. Serum E2 levels and osteoclast surface levels did not change between the OVX and RG-treated groups. RG could not preserve trabecular bone volume, trabecular bone number, trabecular separation, trabecular thickness, structure model index, or bone mineral density of the proximal tibiae metaphysic. In conclusion, there was no definite effect of RG on OVX-induced bone loss in C3H/HeN mice.
Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) causes a life-threatening opportunistic infection. Despite its clinical importance, very few therapeutic drugs against T. gondii are available. Furthermore, these therapeutic regimens are not always suitable for prolonged treatment due to adverse side effects as well as the potential of clinical failure by selecting drug-resistant parasite variants. Dictamnus dasycarpus is known to have many medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-fever, and anti-rheumatic activities. In this study, 70% ethanol extract of Dictamnus dasycarpus showed anti-T. gondii effects. Ethanolic extracts of Dictamnus dasycarpus used to treat T. gondii were tested in vitro for their anti-T. gondii activity and cytotoxicity. The selectivity of Dictamnus dasycarpus extract was 7.52, which was higher than that of Sulfadiazine (2.08). We conducted an in vivo animal test to evaluate the anti-T. gondii activity of Dictamnus dasycarpus extract as compared with that of Sulfadiazine. In T. gondii-infected mice, the inhibition rate of Dictamnus dasycarpus extract was high, similar to that of Sulfadiazine. This indicates that Dictamnus dasycarpus extract may be a source of new anti-T. gondii compounds.
This study investigated the therapeutic effects of Galla rhois (GR) ethanol extract (GRE), sodium chlorate (SC), and a combination of GRE and SC on mice infected with Brucella abortus (B. abortus). Mice were infected intraperitoneally with B. abortus and then treated with GRE, SC, and a combination GRE and SC in drinking water for 14 days. Then, serum antibodies were used in a tube agglutination test (TAT), after which the weight and CFUs from each spleen were measured. In addition, histopathological changes in each liver were examined at 14 days post-infection. At 14 days post-infection, negative reactions of serum antibodies in PC (positive control), SCT (SC 1.6 g/L drinking water), GRT (GRE 200 mg/L drinking water), and GST (GRE 200 mg + SC 1.6 g/L drinking water) were 0, 40, 60, and 80%, respectively. The average spleen weight was not significantly different between the groups. At 14 days post-infection, bacterial numbers in all treated groups were significantly lower compared to to that of the PC (GRT and SCT, P<0.05; GST, P<0.001). In terms of histopathological changes in the livers, there were numerous multifocal microgranulomas in the PC, whereas this number successively decreased in the SCT, GRT, and GST groups. Conclusively, a combination of GRE and SC exhibits therapeutic effects on mice infected with B. abortus. These results suggest the potential efficacy of a mixture of GRE and SC in the treatment of brucellosis.
This report describes a rare case of primary rectal mature teratoma in a 56-year-old woman. She was referred to the outpatient clinic with a large pedunculated rectal mass, which was found during a regular health check-up. Polypectomy was performed and microscopic findings showed various structures derived from all three germ cell layers. Epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, eccrine glands, and apocrine sweat glands, with some scattered melanophages and lymphocytes were present as ectodermal derivatives. Smooth muscle fibers, blood vessels, and fibrous and adipose tissues were found as mesodermal derivatives. In addition, thyroid follicles, mucinous glands, and bronchial respiratory epithelium with peribronchial glands were detected as endodermal derivatives. She is healthy and has shown no evidence of recurrence or distant metastasis for 25 months post-surgical resection. Primary rectal teratomas are generally benign and primarily affect women. Therefore, minimally invasive surgical procedures, such as endoscopic polypectomy for a pedunculated polyp and segmentectomy for a larger mass, are satisfactory in most cases. Induction of primary rectal teratomas has been suggested to occur mainly by errors in a single germ cell after the end of meiosis I; in addition, it has also been suggested that the difference in gender incidence may be associated with differences in sex chromosomes between males and females rather than with anatomical proximity between ovary and rectum.
The anti-proliferative efficacy of t,t-conjugated linoleic acid (t,t-CLA), c9,t11-CLA, and t10,c12-CLA was compared in several human cancer cell lines. Gastric NCI-N87, liver Hep3B, pancreas Capan-2, and lung NCI-H522 cancer cells were incubated with 50 μM CLA isomers over a period of 6 days. The t,t-CLA inhibited the growth of all cancer cell lines to different extents, but c9,t11-CLA and t10,c12-CLA inhibited or stimulated the growth of the cancer cell lines. NCI-N87 cells were the most sensitive to growth inhibition and apoptosis from all CLA isomers tested. In NCI-N87 cells, CLA isomers reduced the release of arachidonic acid (AA) via the inhibition of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2 ) activity, consequently reducing the production of PGE2 through the inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). The efficacies of CLA isomers were in the following order (from most to least effective): t,t-CLA, t10,c12-CLA and c9,t11-CLA. Overall, these results imply that the anti-proliferative efficacy of t,t-CLA on cancer cells, especially NCI-N87 cells, was greater than other CLA isomers due to its induction of apoptosis through the inhibition of cPLA2 and COX-2 activities.
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are an important component of innate defense mechanisms with broad-spectrum activities against various pathogenic microorganisms, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Antibiotic resistance has become a pervasive and global health burden, resulting in the immediate need to develop a new class of antibiotic substances. We screened a 16-mer random peptide library using the yeast two-hybrid system with Beclin 1 as bait and found that two 16-mer peptides (named P4 and P30) appeared to interact with Beclin1 in the β-gal assay. The two candidate cDNAs were introduced into the yeast secretory system of Pichia pastoris and their expression induced in the presence of methanol. Spectrophotometric analysis and Disc clear zone assay using the supernatant of the yeast growth media showed that both of the two peptides had strong activities against Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA (methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureus), MRSA2242, and MRSA-2250, but no effect on commensal Lactobacillus strains. PCR analysis of the genomic DNA of transformed Pichia pastoris using AOX1 primers revealed that the two cDNAs were integrated into the genome at the AOX1 locus. Our result suggests that these peptides could be developed as a useful alternative to classic chemical antibiotics.
To clarify the role of stem cells in hepatocarcinogenesis, CD44 expression was investigated in mouse livers as well as embryonic cell lineages treated with diethylnitrosamine (DEN). Liver tumors induced by DEN were analyzed by immunohistochemisty for CD44. Liver tissues were sampled at 6, 24, and 48 hr after treatment with saline or DEN. Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs), hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs), and hepatocyte like cells (HCs), representing 0, 22, and 40 days of differentiation, respectively, were treated with DEN at four doses (0, 1, 5, and 15 mM, respectively) for 24 hr, after which CD44 expression levels were examined by relative quantitative real-time PCR. CD44 expression was weakly detected in tumor cells as well as in some hepatocytes surrounding the tumor cells. However, CD44 expression was not detected in liver tissue treated with DEN at early time points. The CD44 mRNA expression level was significantly different among cells treated with 5 mM DEN at day 22 (P<0.01) as well as 1, 5, and 15 mM DEN at day 40 (P<0.01) compared with control. Taken together, CD44 expression slightly increased in mouse DEN-induced tumors. Furthermore, expression of CD44 in embryonic cell lineages treated with various doses of DEN significantly differed among embryo stem cells and derived hepatic lineage cells. This suggests that CD44 expression may be modulated in the progeny of stem cells during their differentiation toward hepatocytes, and its expression may increase in the tumor stage but not during early carcinogenesis.
The purpose of this study was to identify the composition and organization of lingual tissues underlying the histo-structural change of developing tongue in Korean native goats by light microscopy (LM). Tongues of the fetuses on days 60, 90, 120 and neonate were examined for the morphological development. In the 60-day-old fetuses, the tongue tissues were differentiated into epithelium, lamina propria and muscle layer. Primordia of filiform, conical, lentiform, fungiform and vallate papillae appeared and rudiments of taste bud were observed in the epithelia of the primordia of the gustatory papillae. The dorsal surface of the lingual epithelia showed a weak PAS positive reaction. Collagenous fibers and small blood vessels were shown in the connective tissues. In the 90-day-old fetuses, Von Ebner’s glands were moderately PAS positive while the muscle fibers and connective tissue were strongly positive for PAS. The collagenous fibers increased and came to have a more complex arrangement in the tongue. The muscle fibers were spread out at various directions and developed in striated muscle bundles. In the 120-day-old fetuses, taste buds were observed in the epithelia of the gustatory papillae, and several well-developed tissues visible such as blood vessels, collagenous fibers, muscle fiber bundles and Von Ebner’s glands. In the neonates, many taste buds were found in a transverse section of the vallate papilla. The muscle layers, Von Ebner’s glands, collagenous fibers and blood vessels were more developed than those of the 120-day old fetuses. These findings indicate that goat tongues have a variety of different shapes during prenatal development.
Our previous research on sulfated polysaccharide purified from Ecklonia cava, a brown alga found in Jeju island, Korea, showed that sulfated polysaccharides modulate the apoptotic threshold of intestinal cells, thereby preventing intestinal damage caused by ionizing radiation. In this study, we investigated the ability of sulfated polysaccharide to augment restoration of small intestinal stem cells from γ-ray-induced damage. In our results, sulfated polysaccharide treatment increased the numbers of Ki-67-positive cells as well as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)-expressing cells in the small intestine compared with those of irradiated only mice. Meanwhile, exposure to irradiation increased the number of paneth cells, which are frequently associated with intestinal inflammation, whereas sulfated polysaccharide treatment reduced the number of paneth cells in the small intestinal crypt. Conclusively, our data suggest that reduction of iNOS-expressing cells and paneth cells in sulfated polysaccharide-treated mice contributes to the inhibition of radiation-induced intestinal inflammation.
This study was conducted in order to determine the functionality of mineral-rich salt with lower NaCl and higher mineral contents on blood pressure and lipid metabolism in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. A 1% salt solution was administered to five-week-old male Dahl rats– one normal and three salt groups (Purified salt, sun-dried salt, and bamboo salt) for 15 weeks. On the basis of the salt production process, the sun-dried group was classified into two subgroups: SS1 (2-year) and SS2 (>5-year) depending on the storage period of the mineral-rich salt. The relationships between salt intake and changes in blood pressure, serum lipids, and serum mineral concentrations were then examined. The results showed that intake of SS2, which is stored for five years, and BS (bamboo salt) resulted in continuous delay of the increase in blood pressure and inhibited angiotensin–converting enzyme (ACE) activity. In addition, a significant decrease in the triglyceride level in serum lipids of approximately 30% was observed in the SS2 group compared to the PS (purified salt) group. However, all salt intake groups showed an increase in total cholesterol levels compared to the normal group. The results demonstrate that intake of mineral-rich salt is beneficial for the human body and results in reduced blood pressure and triglyceride levels in serum lipids, however, conduct of more research will be needed in order to explore other functions.
In this study, characteristics and immuno-modulatory effects of Weissella cibaria JW15 isolated from Kimchi, traditional Korean fermented food, were examined for investigation of the capacity of potentially probiotic strains. We measured acid, bile, and heat tolerance, adhesive properties to intestinal epithelial cells, and inhibitory activity against pathogens. JW15 could survive at pH 3.0 for 2 hr, but not at pH 2.0. JW15 also showed tolerance to 0.3% oxgall bile salt, and heat tolerance at 70°C and 80°C for 5 min, respectively. Adhesive ability to Caco-2 cells was similar to that of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG), a well-known commercial probiotic. JW15 exhibited antimicrobial activities to pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella enteritidis. The immuno-modulatory effects of JW15 were compared with those of LGG, a well-known immune enhancer. For analysis, production of nitric oxide (NO), NF-κB (Nuclear factor κB), Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) was measured. The concentration of NO induced by JW15 was higher than that by LGG at low concentration (1 × 107 cfu/mL). Low and high (5 × 107 CFU/mL) concentration of JW15 induced statistically higher production of NF-κB, IL-1β, and TNF-α than that produced by LGG, respectively. In conclusion, Weissella cibaria JW15 had ability as a probiotic strain, including acid, bile, and heat tolerance, adhesive properties to intestinal epithelial cells, and inhibitory activity against pathogens. In addition, JW15 showed better immuno-modulatory effects than LGG when NO, NF-κB, IL-1β, and TNF-α were measured. According to these results, the characteristics and immunomodulating activity of Weissella cibaria JW15 are suitable for consideration as a potential probiotic.