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        검색결과 72

        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper proposes a possibility of using active front-end rectifier with the SVPWM method for induction motor speed control, which is applicable to small electric propulsion boats. The proposed method can produce a more precise sinusoidal input current waveform and a higher power factor than conventional methods. Its speed, torque, input current, DC voltage, and load current control performance are similar to or better than those of conventional methods. Through computer simulations using the PSIM program, the validity of the proposed method was verified by comparing and analyzing the characteristics of the conventional methods and the proposed method.
        2019.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In January 2019, the Jeju District Court handed down a ruling to reject the indictment from all 18 survivors who were sentenced to prison terms in 1948 and 1949 at military court meetings in Jeju. For the past 71 years, Jeju Islanders have campaigned for transitional justice in that time to find the truth about the Jeju massacres(1947-1954). The most important and urgent task in solving the Jeju massacres issue is to set the right for truth and transitional justice before seeking reconciliation and co-prosperity each other. The ruling, which was made by the Jeju District Court in fact not guilty of surviving inmates of the military court in 1948 and 1949, carries the historical significance of returning to the pivot to human rights.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The seed of the grand tragedy, the Cheju Massacres (1947-1954) were crawling about to pop. Is it the path of unification and peace? Is it the road to division or war? Koreans were wandering in front of a forked road. The date of April 5, 1948, after the very day of Cheju April 3rd, 1948 Popular Uprising, the Commander of the United States Army Command in Korea, General Hodge issued a decree on human rights.” However, the U.S. military did not abide by any decree on human rights in the three years of US occupation in South Korea. The U.S. Army military officers who had been sent to Cheju from the main land, South Korea in the date of March 1st, 1947, to order, command, control and communicate the uncompromising hard-line anticommunist operation continued until the Cheju people were considered enemies and were destroyed in accordance with the Field Manual of US Army. So they did not distinguish civilians from guerrillas, and did not distinguish the armed forces of the guerillas from the unarmed refugees, innocent ordinary people. It was only a plan and implementation of a super hard-line suppression operation. It is the biggest reason that the U.S. military should be responsible for the Cheju massacres.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of vibration on primary (e.g. plasma cortisol), secondary (e.g. plasma glucose, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Na+, K+ and Cl- and tertiary (e.g. mortality) stress responses in cultured eel, Anguilla japonica. For this purpose, three groups (including one control group and two stress groups) were set up. The control group was made exposed to vibration corresponding to 48 decibel (dB, V) (produced using electric vibrators) for 15 minutes per hour every day, and the two stress groups was made exposed to vibration corresponding to 58 and 68 dB (V) (produced using the same electric vibrators), equally, for 15 minutes per hour every day. Blood was sampled at day 0 (before starting vibration stress tests, BS), and days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 (after starting vibration stress tests). As a result, plasma cortisol showed trend to continuously rise by consecutive stress from 4.1±0.1 ng/ml in BS. In 48 dB group (control), cortisol showed the highest level with 7.6±0.9 ng/ml after 7 days (p <0.05), but at 9 and 11 days was not significantly compared with BS level. In 58 dB group, the cortisol showed the highest level with 43.1±4.8 ng/ml after 1st day. Cortisol of 68 dB group increased significantly during the experimental period (14.4±2.3~32.0± 5.7 ng/ml) (p<0.05). In 58, and 68 dB groups during the experimental period differed significantly compared to 48 group (p <0.05). Glucose in 48 dB were increased from 42.0 ±5.7 (BS) to 52.5±2.1 (1 day), the level was not significantly from 1 to 11 days. Glucose in 58 and 68 dB groups was increased significantly than BS during experimental period (p <0.05). K+ in 68 dB increased significantly (p <0.05) from 2.3±0.2 mE/ql (BS) to 3.3± 0.5 mE/ql at 5 days. In 48 and 58 dB groups during the experimental period differed significantly (p <0.05). Na+ and Cl- levels were not differed significantly during the experimental period. AST and ALT in 58 and 68 dB groups showed trend to continuously rise by consecutive stress. At 7 and 9 days in AST, between 48, 58 and 68 dB groups differed significantly (p <0.05). In 48, 58 and 68 dB groups at 1 day, blood hematocrit increased significantly higher than BS. The 11 days after vibration stress, the mortality in 48, 58 and 68 dB groups was 1.1, 5.1 and 5.8%, respectively. The present results have shown that A. japonica exhibited ''typical'' physiological responses when exposed to chronic vibration stress. These data suggested that chronic vibration stress caused substantial stress in the fish; especially the persisting elevated plasma AST and ALT levels observed would be expected to adverse effect. In conclusion, chronic vibration stress could greatly affects the hematological characteristics in A. japonica.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The trade war between the US and China in the Trump era has become a momentous event in the world economy. It is necessary to see how trade relations between them have played out within the WTO from a historical perspective. Since the Opium Wars, both economic and political concerns have changed the relationship between these two countries. The escalation from a trade conflict to trade war shows the rivalry between the US and China for hegemony in the twenty-first century’s regional and world politics. The economic, technological, and manufacturing competition that is a part of hegemonic rivalry is not totally new; this is borne out by the history of the US-China economic relations. The escalation of this ‘trade war’ now has spill-over effects on other countries, being beyond the normative framework of the WTO. There is an impasse in this ongoing saga, but the silver lining is that there will be a re-construction of the multilateral trading system.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Autophagy is an intracellular degradation and recycling system. Oocyte maturation is dynamic process, in which various proteins should be synthesized and degraded. In our previous study, we reported the loci of autophagosome and dynamics of autophagic activity in porcine oocytes during In Vitro maturation. In this study, we verified loci of autophagosome in porcine follicular cumulus-oocyte complex by detection of microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-light chain 3 (LC3) which is the reliable marker of autophagosome. Porcine ovary including various sizes of follicles was fixed within 1 hour after collection from slaughterhouse. After fixation, immunohistochemistry was conducted on sliced ovary tissue containing various sizes of follicles by using LC3 antibody. As a result, LC3 signal was clearly detected in both cumulus and oocytes of various sizes of follicles. We also found ring shaped signal which represent autophagosome near oocyte membrane. Most of the signals in oocytes were localized nearby cellular membrane while evenly dispersed in cumulus cells. Therefore, this result suggests that autophagy occurs in porcine COCs (cumulus-oocyte complexes) at follicular stage.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main objective of this paper is to elucidate the present status of Plant Genetic Resources (PGRs), their research, and management system in the genebank of Nepal. PGRs for food and agriculture are the biological basis of world food and nutrition security. The remarkable elevation ranging from 60 meter above sea level (masl) to highest summit Mount Everest (8,848 masl) has created huge geographical and climatic variation which harbor enormous plant species in the country. National Agriculture Genetic Resource Center (NAGRC) or ‘Genebank’ currently conserved 11,051 accessions of more than 110 crops species belonging to cereals (5,850), pseudo cereals (1,150), pulses (1,800), oilseeds (185), and vegetables (565) including other crops (1,501) at ex-situ. Diversity mapping, characterization and evaluation of PGRs, duplicates identification, diversity study, pre-breeding and landrace enhancement are the major research works of NAGRC, and its management strategies include conservation method, types, and groupings of PGRs. Characterization, evaluation and tagging of economically important traits in PGRs are now more important for strengthening their pre-breeding and proper utilization. Additionally, strong communication and collaborative network among public, private, community based organizations and international organizations are important for the effective management of PGRs.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The contributions of teachers in building foundation of social processes, promoting learners’ agency and engagements have been constantly highlighted. This study explores language socialization of English Language Learners (ELLs) in an elementary school in U.S., focusing on the role of an ESL teacher. It examines how the ESL teacher provides linguistic and cultural scaffolding, and creates a learning environment conducive to ELLs’ socialization into American school academic discourse (Gee, 1999). A prevalent approach for linguistic scaffolding was through using questions. Questions were used for assessment, identifying prior knowledge, current understanding level, and potential level for future development, and to train ELLs to think critically and analytically. Cultural scaffolding was made through classroom scripts, such as whole group and small group activities, individual work with teacher assistance, and working locations in the classrooms. The classroom script projected American values of power functioning, respect for individuals, and freedom of choice. The findings imply that ESL learners need more than linguistic scaffolding and having the knowledge of cultural learning dynamics could be crucial in multicultural students’ socialization into the mainstream American school discourse.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The metal product from the electrolytic reduction of uranium oxide in LiCl molten salt retains about 10 ~ 20wt% of the residual salts. Salt vacuum distillation is conducted to separate the residual salt from the metal product and well-performed in a glove box in an argon atmosphere. A dimensionless analysis of the characteristics of a salt vacuum distiller needs to be scaled up for a high capacity process. The vacuum distillation apparatus can be of two different sizes (M-type and P-type). M-type equipment is small in size and exhibits a high recovery rate of more than 95%. A comparison of two salt vacuum distillers was conducted with the dimensionless analysis method. Heat and fluid flows are strongly influenced by the structure of the apparatus and phase transition phenomena of vacuum distillation. The several dimensionless parameters were calculated at the nozzle throat located between the evaporator and the receiver and at different operating temperatures. Both salt vacuum distillers had similar trends of dimensionless parameters. However, the distributions of the parameter values varied with the nozzle geometry and size. The results of the dimensionless analysis will aid the scaling up of the salt distillation process.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It has been firmly concluded that there isn’t any new evidence to negate already proven facts about the Jeju 4.3 Massacre. The contentions made by the Rightist group are very subjective and self-centered and distorted interpretation. This book is written by the ultra-right winged, perpetrators of Jeju 4.3 Massacre. Their contention is completely, and without exception, distorted. They are trying to state that the Jeju 4.3 never took place and that no new inquiry investigation needs to ensue. Their contentions are totally false and without merit. Social Healing begins with the exchange of truth and justice. The perpetrators need to acknowledge the crimes committed and seek forgiveness. The victims can then accept the remorseful apologies and then begin the social healing through the justice process. These processes then ultimately lead to social healing through justice for all parties involved.
        2014.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Jeju Island, Korea, a demonstration complex for smart grid technology was established to demonstrate the efficiency and feasibility of five fields, such as ‘smart place’, ‘smart transportation’, ‘smart renewable’, ‘smart power grid’, and ‘smart electricity service’. The demonstration of the efficiency and feasibility of this technology ended in May 2013 and now the second stage projects are proceeding to expand the scope of the above fields. Also, Dae Kyung Engineering Co., Ltd., one of the professional engineering businesses in Jeju Island, is steadily expanding its green industry domain in the ‘smart renewable’ and ‘smart transportation’ fields by establishing consortiums with major companies. I would like to introduce how a small and local company’s passion for a ‘green’ technology led to establishing ‘green’ communities and inducing changes in the world through developing ‘green’ technologies. A case of ‘Gapado (Gapa Island)’ which is a small island belonging to Jeju Island is quite relevant example of this kind of change and experience. Gapado has become a green island and dreamt about making the world greener through the networks with other islands and local governments around the world. In the future, the International Green Island Forum Corporation will hold forums on environment and green technologies regularly and build networks with local governments at home and abroad and businesses which aim at supporting ‘green and carbon-free islands’. Through this, the forum will contribute to conserving islands’ unique ecology and culture and pursue development in island areas using new and renewable energy and realizing where no carbon is emitted. We are looking forward to seeing people all around the world who dream green islands, and eco cities join forces with us.
        2014.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The β-transus temperature in titanium alloys plays an important role in the design of thermo-mechanical treatments. It primarily depends on the chemical composition of the alloy and the relationship between them is non-linear and complex. Considering these relationships is difficult using mathematical equations. A feed-forward neural-network model with a back-propagation algorithm was developed to simulate the relationship between the β-transus temperature of titanium alloys, and the alloying elements. The input parameters to the model consisted of the nine alloying elements (i.e., Al, Cr, Fe, Mo, Sn, Si, V, Zr, and O), whereas the model output is the β-transus temperature. The model developed was then used to predict the β-transus temperature for different elemental combinations. Sensitivity analysis was performed on a trained neural-network model to study the effect of alloying elements on the β-transus temperature, keeping other elements constant. Very good performance of the model was achieved with previously unseen experimental data. Some explanation of the predicted results from the metallurgical point of view is given. The graphical-user-interface developed for the model should be very useful to researchers and in industry for designing the thermo-mechanical treatment of titanium alloys.
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