
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 159

        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Meat and carcass quality attributes are important factors influencing consumer preference and profitability in the pork industry. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are essential for livestock breeding and improvement. In the present study, the pig Perilipin 2 (PLIN2 ) gene was characterized with the aim of detecting genetic variation at these loci in relation to economic traits in Berkshire pigs. Four SNPs (G6714C, G6813A, G10340A, and G10632A) were detected in this studied. Statistical analysis indicated that G6714C was significantly associated with the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) color score, G6813A, and G10340A significantly affected NPPC color score and NPPC marbling score, and G10632A significantly affected backfat thickness (BF) (p < 0.05). Therefore, the molecular markers used in the present study might provide a useful basis for identification and improvement of traits in the Berkshire pigs.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Food and agricultural production sector, especially livestock production is vital for Mongolia’s economic and social development. Domestic sheep play key roles for Mongolians, providing food (meat, milk) and raw materials (wool, sheepskin), but genetic diversity, origin of sheep populations in Mongolia have not been well studied. Studies of population genetic diversity is important research field in conservation and restoration of animal breeds and genetic resources. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate genetic characteristics and estimate origin through the analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region D-loop and Cytochrome b of Mongolian indigenous sheep (Mongolian native, Orkhon and Altanbulag) and one Europe sheep (Suffolk). As a result of there were found, 220 SNPs (Single nucleotide polymorphism) in the D-loop region, 28 SNPs in the Cytochrome B region, furthermore, 77 Haplotypes. The nucleotide diversity was only found in D-loop region (n = 0.0184). Phylogenetic analysis showed that 3 (A, B, and C) of 5 haplogroups of sheep have been identified in our research. Haplogroup C was only found in Mongolian indigenous sheep. Haplogroup D and E were not observed. As a result of haplogroups, haplogroup A was dominant (n = 46 of 94 sheeps), followed by haplogroup B (n = 36) and haplogroup C (n = 12). Sequence analysis showed that T deletion, insertion and heteroplasmy in D-loop region occurred at a high rate in Mongolian indigenous sheep population (T insertion = 47, T deletion = 83). The heteroplasmy, which has never been found in Mongolian sheep, has been newly discovered in this study. As a result, the Mongolian sheep varieties, which mainly derived from Asia, were in hybridization with European sheep varieties.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Embryos produced with serum show the alterations in their ultrastructure, impaired compaction, abnormal blastulation, aberrant mRNA expression profiles and large calf syndrome with greater incidences of stillbirths and deaths after birth. The aim of the present study was to describe in vitro embryo production by analyzing embryo production, fetal production and pregnancy rate in free-serum medium. The OPU-IVP data used in this study from 2016. Approximately, sixteen cows (Hanwoo), which belonged to the Institute of Gyeongsang National University, were used. Two experimental group is used in this study. Serum groups were conducted in March to July and free-serum group was conducted in September to December. The recovered cumulus-oocyte complexes were morphologically classified to four grades based on the compaction of cumulus cells layers and homogeneity of the cytoplasm. The number of oocyte was significantly greater in serum groups than that in free-serum groups (29.61 ± 0.63 vs. 15.6 ± 0.62; p < 0.05). Between serum and free-serum groups indicate that average of 1st and 2nd grade oocytes were no difference (2.38 ± 1.67 vs. 2.38 ± 1.48; p > 0.05), but number of 3rd and 4th grade oocytes were greater in serum groups than that in free-serum groups (7.31 ± 7.64 vs. 5.60 ± 6.29; p < 0.05). Embryo cleaved competence was higher in rate in free-serum groups than that in serum groups (62.1% vs. 58.3; p < 0.05). However, blastocyst developmental rate was no difference between serum and free-serum groups (33.1% vs. 43.5%; p < 0.05). 986 recipients were used for embryo transfer. Pregnancy rate was indicated that between serum and free-serum group was no difference (54.6% vs. 56.3%; p < 0.05). In conclusion, we developed the free-serum system for production of in vitro bovine embryos in order to meet the developmental and qualitative requirements for large scale commercial use.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Zona pellucida (ZP), a primarily representative coat of mammalian egg and embryo, has an extremely heterogeneous morphology during different developmental stages. The objective of the present study was to compare the morphological changes of the ZP surface of immature, in vitro and in vivo matured canine oocytes by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Canine ovaries were collected from local veterinary hospitals to recover immature oocytes. The ovaries were sliced and the released cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were washed with TL-HEPES. The selected COCs were randomly divided into two groups, first group was processed immediately at immature state and the second group was processed 72 h after in vitro maturation, and compared with in vivo derived oocytes. Oocytes were fixed, critical point dried and examined under SEM. The diameters of oocyte and outer holes of the ZP were measured on a total of 249 oocytes; the results were analyzed using One-way ANOVA. Our results showed that, the diameter of immature oocytes significantly differed (p < 0.05) from that of in vivo matured oocytes (79.60 ± 0.77 μm vs. 101.46 ± 1.07 μm, respectively). Similarly, a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the diameters between those of in vitro and in vivo matured oocytes were found (79.51 ± 2.36 μm vs. 101.46 ± 1.07 μm, respectively). Moreover, the diameters of the outer holes of the ZP were significantly (p < 0.05) larger in in vivo matured (1.48 ± 0.42 μm) than in vitro matured for 72 and immature oocytes (1.10 ± 0.16 and 0.43 ± 0.12 μm, respectively). Taken together, these data indicates that the ZP surface is related to oocyte maturity in canine.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Up-to-date artificial insemination (AI) using frozen sperm consider as the most widely using technology for improvement of Korean Native Cow (Hanwoo) embryo production. However, it is time consuming, required at least 15~20 years to make more than 6 generations, and their offspring number is limited. To overcome such limitations, superovulation and in vitro fertilization have been developed. For superovulation, the number of produced embryos are not enough for commercialization and donor cows need rest period. This led to use of slaughterhouse ovary for in vitro fertilization, but it is impossible to repeat the collection from the same individual and it only can improve the genetic merits of offspring for one generation. Production of embryos using Ovum Pick-Up (OPU) technique, where oocytes can be repeatedly collected from living elite donor, might overcome these limitations. In this study, we investigated the possibility of using OPU technique from donors at different age and different session periods for mass-embryo-production. Oocytes were collected from 26 donor cows twice per week, 3 - 4 months per year, between 2013 and 2016. Results showed that, the average number of embryo produced in first year used donor was significantly higher than that in second year used donor (3.89 ± 2.85 vs 3.29 ± 2.70), however, there was no significant difference between third year used donor (3.51 ± 3.32) and other groups. Taken together, our data showed that repeated using of donor up to three years is possible for in vitro embryo mass-production. Moreover, OPU can be used as suitable embryo producing technique for livestock breed improvement.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to enhance heat insulation effect and to decrease fire hazard by attaching aluminum foil to expanded polystyrene, which is mainly used for insulating materials, to have fire retardant. The result of the test confirmed that the insulating materials, expanded polystyrene of 10 kg/m3 and 14 kg/m3 of density attached aluminum foil on both sides, showed 12%, 14% of improved heat transfer coefficient respectively compared to existing expanded polystyrene of the same density. Besides, they met all the standards for the testing of heat release and gas hazard. On the other hand, the one made of general expanded polystyrene could not meet the standards of the heat release test and the gas hazard test.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        현재까지 한우개량을 위해 가장 보편적으로 활용되고 있는 기술은 웅성 유전자원의 동결용 정액을 활용하는 인공수정기술로서 개량에 최소 6 세대 이상 즉, 암송아지만을 생산한다는 가정에서 15~20 년 이상의 시간이 소요될 뿐만 아니라 생산되는 산자 수 또한 한정적이다. 가축개량 효율을 높이기 위해 수정란이식 기술이 개발되었으며, 호르몬 투여에 의한 과배란 유래 체내 수정란 및 체외 수정란 생산 방법이 개발되어 활용되어 왔다. 체내 수정란 생산방법은 혈통관리는 정확하나 수정란 생산을 위해 호르몬 과다 투여에 의한 휴식기간 등이 필요하며 수정란의 생산량의 한계로 산업화 적용에 비효율적이고, 근래에 체외수정란을 활용되면서 도축 유래 수정란을 활용하는 경향이 있으나 친자 검정의 한계로 인한 친자 불일치 및 고도근친 위험성 등이 상존하고 있다. 이러한 문제를 극복하고 효율적인 이식 가능한 수정란의 생산이 가능한 OPU 유래 수정란 생산기술은 살아있는 공란우에서 난자를 채취하여 체외수정란을 생산함으로써 혈통관리가 정확하고 우수유전 자원을 선발 활용함으로써 계획 교배에 의한 근친도와 개량의 폭을 예측할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 또한 수정란의 생산 가능 량은 3~4 개월에 약 60 여 개의 이식 가능한 수정란을 대량 생산으로 산업화에 적합한 수정란 생산기술이다. 본 연구에서는 선발된 공란우의 반복 사용으로 우수 유전자원의 수정란을 대량생산에 활용하기 위해서 2013-2016 년까지 매년 3-4 개월 동안 주 2 회 채란 및 수정란을 생산하였고 채란 완료 후 일정 기간의 휴식한 다음 다시 채란에 활용으로 2 회 이상 수정란 생산으로 수정란의 반복 생산 가능성 및 생산 효율에 대하여 조사하였다. 2 반복의 공란우는 총 24 두와 3 반복은 7 두를 3-4 개월 동안/년 매주 2 회 총 1,626 회 채란으로 평균 3.6±2.9 개의 수정란이 생산되었다. 특히 채란 시 생산된 수정란은 채란 횟수당 1 회 반복에서 3.9±2.8 개, 2 회 반복은 3.3±2.7 개 및 3 회 반복은 3.5±3.3 개로 확인되었고, 3 회 이상의 반복 채란된 개체 7 두를 분석한 결과 1 회 반복 채란에서 평균 3.63±2.79 개, 2 회 반복은 평균 3.70±2.84 개 및 3 회 반복은 년 3.51±3.32 개로 반복 채란에 수정란 생산에 활용하였으며 반복 채란에 의한 수정란의 생산효율에는 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 따라서 가축개량을 위해 산업화에 가장 적합한 수정란 생산방법으로 유전능력이 우수한 한우에서 대량의 수정란을 생산하여 우량한우 집단구축을 위하여 약 3-4 개월 동안 매주 2 회 수정란을 생산하고 일정기간을 휴식한 다음 공란우로써 재활용 가능성을 확인하였고 또한 OPU 유래 수정란 생산방법은 우수한 유전자원을 보유한 개체를 연속적이며 반복적으로 활용할 수 있는 가능성을 확인하였다
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sex preselection has always generated great interest among livestock producers due to an increase in the profitability of the cattle industry through the production of offspring with desired sex, such as females for dairy or males for meat production. Among the prevalent sorting methods, the embryo developmental potential is still very low as expected, and there is distinguished evidence that sex sorting has a negative effect on sperm quality with an altered pattern of sperm motility, ultimately reducing lifespan. The consequence is a very low embryo development rate using sex-sorted semen, and its negative impact influences the progress of the dairy industry. Here, we established a new approach with reduced stress by using WholeMom® and observed no significant differences (P < 0.05) in early cleaving embryos between sorted X sperm and the control group, although there was a remarkable significant difference in embryos of the Y sperm group, 81.82 ± 2.71% vs. 87.44 ± 3.02% vs. 54.21 ± 2.21%, respectively. The percentage of embryos that developed into blastocysts (Day 7) was also significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the control and X Sperm group compared to the Y sperm group, 35.53 ± 1.92% and 29.76 ± 2.38% vs. 21.90 ± 1.54%. Moreover, B-SRY F2 and B-SRY R2 gene expression data exhibited 81.03% accuracy for the female embryos and 72.54% for the male embryos produced in vitro. And also the field trials for the heifer production using WholeMom by Artificial Insemination technique demonstrated 76% female and 24% male in vivo. In conclusion, the combination of pre-selected sex semen and OPU derived elite cattle embryo production is highly recommended to apply to the mass production in the dairy industry with rapid genetic up-gradation.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ovarian folliculogenesis and the production of fertilizable oocytes depend on gap junctional intercellular communication within both the developing and the mature follicle. Gap junctions connect oocytes with granulosa cells and granulosa cells with each other. Various nutritional bio-molecules are known to be transferred to the growing oocyte from the granulosa cells via gap junction. Signals that regulate meiotic maturation of fully-grown oocytes pass through the oocyte-granulosa cell gap junctions. Gap junctions also play a critical role in regulating uterine blood flow, contributing to the maternal recognition and also implantation during pregnancy. Due to the challenge of various stressors the in vitro embryo developmental potentials are still suboptimal compared to in vivo. To identify the molecular mechanism of these stressors and to improve the existing embryo developmental potentials, the singlet oxygens quencher lycopene was added to the culture media to counterbalance the oxidative damage caused by ROS. In this study, we have patterned connexin like Cx43, Cx37, Cx32 and Cx26 at protein and transcription level during follicular growth, atresia and blastocyst stage by using immunohistochemistry, conventional PCR and RT-qPCR. Lycopene (0.2 μM) significantly (P < 0.05) increased the gap junctional communication protein (connexin) expression of Cx43, Cx37, Cx32, Cx26 as compared to the control group at both transcription and translation level during follicular growth, atresia and blastocyst stage. Lycopene potentiates ovarian folliculogenesis, provides the production of fertilizable oocytes and improved embryo developmental capabilities by increasing gap junctional intercellular communication.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study investigated the use of bovine serum albumin (BSA) as alternatives to fetal bovine serum (FBS) in in vitro maturation medium. The oocyte maturation, cumulus cell-oocyte gap junctional communication, and development of bovine embryos were determined by assessing their cell number, lipid content, mitochondrial activity, gene expression and cryo-tolerance. Oocytes were cultured in TCM-199 supplemented with 1 μg/ml estradiol-17ß, 10 μg/ml FSH, 10 ng/ml EGF, 0.6 mM cysteine, 0.2 mM sodium pyruvate and either 8% BSA (BSA group), 10% FBS (FBS group), or neither BSA nor FBS (TCM group), and followed by in vitro fertilization and the zygotes were cultured in SOF-BE1 medium. The differences in embryo development between experimental groups were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. We have shown that the percentages of embryos that underwent cleavage and formed a blastocyst were non significantly different among all experimental groups (37.4 ± 1.5% for FBS group vs. 31.1 ± 3.9% for BSA group and 34.5 ± 1.6% for TCM group, six replicates were performed). Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the percentage of MII oocyte between FBS (71.8 ± 1.9%) and BSA groups (69.3 ± 2.3%). However, culture of oocytes with FBS increased (P < 0.05) the cumulus cell expansion as well as expression of gape junction proteins, CX37 and CX43, at both transcriptional and translation levels. We also found that FBS significantly increased total cell number and decreased the apoptotic index in day-8 blastocyst comparing to BSA group. The beneficial effects of BSA on embryos were associated with significantly reduced intracellular lipid content and increased mitochondrial activity in both oocytes and blastocyst. Taken together, these data suggest that supplementation of maturation medium with BSA, as alternatives to FBS, can be used as defined medium that support consistently the development of IVP bovine embryos.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mammalian fetal ovaries contains numerous primordial germ cells, however fewer ones can yield mature oocytes due to apoptosis and follicle atresia. Successful in vitro reconstitution of primordial germ cells has recently had a significant effect in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. However, the regulatory mechanisms underlying oogenesis remain unknown and recapitulation of oogenesis in vitro remains unachieved. Therefore, development of methods for obtaining mature oocytes by culturing the fetal ovaries in vitro could contribute to clarify these mechanisms. We adapt an in vitro system for culturing mouse fetal ovaries that support successful follicle assembly and improve oocyte growth and maturation. Ovarian tissues from 12.5 days postcoitum (dpc) fetal mice were cultured in vitro and the matured oocytes were differentiated from primordial germ cells after a 31 days culture period. Our results demonstrate that mouse fetal germ cells are able to form primordial follicles with artificial ovarian cells, and that oocytes within the growing follicles are able to mature normally in vitro. Taken together, this in vitro culture system is expected to aid in the development of new strategies to identify the reasons behind failure of follicle assembly and offer a platform for innovative research into preservation of female germ cells and conservation of endangered species.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Src homology 2-containing phosphotyrosine phosphatase SHP2 in intricate signaling network invoked by oocyte to achieve cytoplasmic maturation and also blastocyst development. Activation of SHP2 regulates multicellular differentiation, proliferation and survival through numerous signal pathways. The most prominent pathway is RAS/PI3K and p-AKT signaling cascade, as a result mitogenic effect become enhanced. Oocytes were cultured in cisplatin an anticancer drug, but selective activator of SHP2 and our grouping were SOF medium alone, SOF + EGF, SOF + CISPLATIN 0.3 μM, and SOF + EGF + CISPLATIN 0.3 μM. We evaluated that EGF neutralizes the apoptotic effect of cisplatin as well as maintain the high expression of SHP2, as a result blastocyst development become boosted up. We also found that inhibition of SHP2 with its specific inhibitor PHPS1 5 μM decreases the blastocyst development and neutralizes growth factors effect. The developmental ability and quality of bovine embryos were determined by assessing their cell number, gene expression, immunofluorescence, and immunoblot. The differences in embryo development between experimental groups were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Our results show that SHP2 have significant effect on MAP kinase pathways which expand the cumulus cells during oocyte maturation and blastocyst development as compare to inhibition of SHP2 with PHPS1. SHP2 not only transduce the signaling of epidermal growth factor but it also has a role in signal transduction of FGF and IGF. The expression of ERK, PI3K/p-AKT and mTOR was increased with EGF, but with the treatment of SHP2 inhibitor the expression of these genes become drop done. So we can conclude from these results that SHP2 is important for oocyte maturation as well as for blastocyst development.
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