
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 89

        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        [6]-Gingerol, a major polyphenol of ginger(Zingiber officinale), exhibits a variety ofbiological properties including anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activity. However,the radioprotective effect of [6]-gingerol is still unknown. The aim of this study was to investigatethe radioprotective effect of [6]-gingerol against radiation-induced cell cytotoxicity and oxidativestress in HepG2 cells. [6]-Gingerol pretreatment attenuated radiation-induced cell cytotoxicitycaused by 5Gy(half lethal dose, LD50of HepG2 cells). The measurements of superoxide dismutase(SOD) and catalase(CAT) activity were also performed. The results showed that [6]-gingerol pre-treatment reduced increasing SOD and CAT activity after exposure of IR, indicating that [6]-gin-gerol protected oxidative stress by regulating cellular antioxidant enzyme(SOD and CAT) activity.These findings suggest that [6]-gingerol acts as a radioprotector by attenuating cell cytotoxicityand oxidative stress.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate the dependence of the extended X-ray emission from the halos of optically luminous early-type galaxies on the small-scale (the nearest neighbor distance) and large-scale (the average density inside the 20 nearest galaxies) environments. We cross-match the 3rd Data Release of the Second XMMNewton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi-DR3) to a volume-limited sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 with Mr < −19.5 and 0.020 < z < 0.085, and find 20 early-type galaxies that have extended X-ray detections. The X-ray luminosity of the galaxies is found to have a tighter correlation with the optical and near infrared luminosities when the galaxy is situated in the low large-scale density region than in the high large-scale density region. Furthermore, the X-ray to optical (r-band) luminosity ratio, LX/Lr, shows a clear correlation with the distance to the nearest neighbor and with large-scale density environment only where the galaxies in pair interact hydrodynamically with seperations of rp < rvir. These findings indicate that the galaxies in the high local density region have other mechanisms that are responsible for their halo X-ray luminosities than the current presence of a close encounter, or alternatively, in the high local density region the cooling time of the heated gas halo is longer than the typical time between the subsequent encounters.
        2012.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the gingival tissues of patients with periodontitis, inflammatory responses are mediated by a wide variety of genes. In this study, we screened for differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in periodontitis compared with normal tissue using an annealing control primer (ACP) system. By ACP RT-PCR analysis, we obtained about 160 amplicons, 8 of which were found to be differentially expressed. DEGs in patients with periodontitis were thus successfully and reliably identified by the ACP-based RT PCR technique. The DEGs identified in the screen may also enhance our understanding of the pathogenesis of periodontitis.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        파나마의 농경지는 전체 국토면적 74,340 km2의 약 30%에 해당하는 22,300 km2이다. 파나마 전체인구 3,508천명의 약 25%에 해당하는 사람들이 농촌에 거주하고 있으며, 총 취업인구에서 농업부문이 차지하는 취업자 비중은 17.6%수준이다. 경제발전에 따라 전체 GDP에서 농업부문이 차지하는 비중은1995년 10.5%에서 2010년 4.6%로 감소하고 있으나 농식품수출이 파나마 전체 상품수출에서 차지하는 비중은 75%로 매우 높은 수준이다. 주요 수출 농산물은 멜론, 수박, 바나나, 파인애플 등 열대과일이다. 이들 주요 수출품이 전체 농산물 수출에서 차지하는 비중은 20%이상으로 높은 수준이며, 열대과일 수출의 90%이상이 유럽연합과 북아메리카지역의 소수 국가에 집중되어 수출되고 있다. 또한 파나마의 전략 수출 농산물인 열대과일은 주로 부가가치가 낮은 신선상태로 수출 중으로 연도별 수출도 안정적이지 못한 상황이다. 우선 아시아 신흥시장 등 다른 수출유망 지역과 국가로 수출선이 다변화되지않은 이유는 첫째, 긴 수송거리로 인한 운송비 등 유통비용문제, 둘째, 콜드체인시스템 등 저장유통기술과 표준화 부족으로 인한 고품질 유지의 어려움, 셋째, 달러가치의 상승으로 인한 수출경쟁력 저하, 넷째, 고부가가치 상품개발 미흡과 식품가공산업의 미발달 등이다. 파나마의 기후 등 농업환경을 고려할 때 열대과일은 생산력 증진과 지속적 품질 향상을 통해수출경쟁력 제고가 가능하고 수출산업화가 가능한 분야이다. 하지만 파나마가 이들 품목을 한국, 일본, 중국 등 동북아시아주요 수출시장에 수출하기 위해서는 무엇보다 해외시장 개척을 위한 더 많은 정책적 노력이 필요하다. 특히 파나마 정부가 성공적으로 파나마산 열대과일을 동북아시아 시장에 수출하기 위해서는 이들 대표적인 수출 품목을 안정적으로 해외시장에 수출할 수 있는 수출단지 육성을 적극적으로 고려하고,이들 품목과 단지를 중심으로 해외마케팅이나 수출지원 프로그램을 집중화해 나갈 필요가 있다.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Acteoside (verbascoside) is a typical phenylethanoid glycoside, extracted from various plants. It has various biological functions such as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammation, and anti-hypertension. Specially, it was powerful anti-oxidants either by direct scavenging of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, or by acting as chain-breaking peroxyl radical scavengers. We examined the role of acteoside in IVM medium on the morphological progress of meiosis, developmental competence, and ROS in porcine oocytes. And we investigated effect of acteoside on the oocytes condition represented by cytoplasmic maturation by homogeneous distribution and formation of cytoplasmic organelles and regulation of apoptosis-related genes. The selected COCs were cultured in TCM-199 with various concentration of acteoside: 0 (control), 10, 30, and 50 μM. After 22 h of maturation with hormones, the oocytes were washed twice in a fresh maturation medium before being cultured in hormone-free medium for additional 22 h. The oocytes maturation rates of supplemented with acteoside were no significantly different compared with control group (71.13, 75.96, 72.95 and 73.68%, respectively). Level of ROS was significantly decreased in acteoside treated group. Furthermore, the parthenogenetic blastocyst rate was significantly improved in 10 μM acteoside treated group compared with control group (40.03 vs. 22.95%). During IVM, 10 μM acteoside treated oocytes showed that the mitochondria and lipid droplet were smaller and homogeneous distribution in cytoplasm compare with non-treated control oocytes. And reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) witarthenogenetic blstocysts revealed that acteoside increased the anti-apoptoticgenes, otherwise reibued pro-apoptotic genes. In conclusion, our results represents that addition of acteoside to the IVM medium has a beneficial effect in physiology of porcine oocytes such as viability and activation, providing a improved method for porcine oocytes in vitro.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A method of estimating the lower bound of coronal magnetic field strength in the neighborhood of an ejecting plasmoid is presented. Based on the assumption that the plasma ejecta is within a magnetic island, an analytical expression for the force acting on the ejecta is derived. The method is applied to a limb coronal mass ejection event, and a lower bound of the magnetic field strength just below the CME core is estimated. The method is expected to provide useful information on the strength of reconnecting magnetic field if applied to X-ray plasma ejecta.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The e-CALLISTO is a global network of frequency-agile solar radio spectrometers that was constructed in a collaboration between Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) and local host institutes. It is intended to monitor solar radio bursts 24 hours a day in frequency range between 45 MHz and 870 MHz. One of e-CALLISTO spectrometer was installed at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) in 2007 October. The spectrometer gets signals from a horizontally polarized log-periodic antenna mounted on an automatic Sun-tracking system. Tracking status and data are monitored in Space Weather Monitoring Laboratory (SWML) of KASI in real time, and flare time data are transferred to ETH Zurich data archive daily. Using this spectrometer we obtained a couple of type II solar radio bursts on 2007 December 31, and found that these bursts are associated with a CME which occurred on the east limb.
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