
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 827

        1993.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The premiums on closed-end country funds tend to move in tandem, but do not move together with premiums on domestic closed-end funds. After controlling for foreign maket fundamentals, changes in the stock price of country funds co-move with U.S. market returns, but changes in their net asset values do not. An index of changes in country fund premiums explains cross-sectional stock returns in the U.S. market, particularly for small firms. Collectively, these findings suggest U.S. stock prices are affected by market-wide sentiments which are reflected in closed-end country fund premiums.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        反復혜重올 받는 짧은 I 보 (Beam) 의 慣-비틀림 座때(Lateral-Torsional Buckling) 에 대한 흩윌뼈한 Parametric Study 를 逢行하여 보의 座맴現象올 좀 더 깊이 考흉하고자 한다. 有限한 비틀림햇形의 뒤틀림 (Warping) 이외에 m 少한 맺톨JTft形의 뒤틀립도 고려한 幾何學적 (完全) 非綠形의 一次7ê 보를 껴¥析的 모델 로 사용하고, 또한 金!홉의 周期的뺑性(Cyclic Plasticity) 쌓:tJJ을 보다 잘 나타내기 위해 多빼 週期的뿔性 모 덴올 Consistent Return Mapping Algorithm과 결합시켜 遭用한다. :한ì.ffI때 단방에서 아래와 갇은 여러가지 Parameter Study를 끊行함으로써 反復휴重을 받는 짧은 I 보의 함 -비블립 座며의 -압的 應홈을 ι~.흉한다 : 材料의 降ik~옳度, 降ik플래토 (Yield Plateau) , 뿔形率硬化,U-:tJJ 硬化(Kinematic Hardening) , 웰留應力, 作用倚重의 f.1端中心에 대 한 {f,í ι、率, 作用倚훌의 보 톰面에 대 한 높 이, 作用혜훨의 보 김이방향의 位置, 보 뻐f 面의 置f!{, 作用倚重으로 부터 멀리 떨어진 支持端의 固定度.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lateral bracing has long been used in design practice to enhance the carrying capacity of the lateral buckling of the beam. Many factors. critically important to lateral bracing performance. do not appear in design formulas. Some of these factors are discussed in this study for the application to short 1 - beams under repeated loadings through parametric studies with an analytical model : the brace 10' cation along the length of the beam. the height of the bracing above the shear center of the beam. and the strength and stiffness of the brace. The parametric studies are carried out using a propped cantilever arrangement. and also using a geometrically (fully) nonlinear beam model for the brace as well as the beam to capture the system buckling. An idealized bracing system is configured to restrain lateral motion. but not rotation. A multiaxial cyclic plasticity model is also implemented to better represent cyclic metal plasticity in con. junction with a consistent return mapping algorithm.
        1986.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        변색미(變色米) 발생(發生)에 관여(關與)하는 병원균(病原菌)과 해충을 분류동정(分類同定)한 결과(結果) 해충으로는 허리노린재과(科)에 속하는 Leptocorisa oratorius가 우점종(優占種)이었고 노린재과(科)인 Menida varipennis. Stollia ventralis 및 Nezara viridula 등이 관여(關與)하였으며 병원균(病原菌)으로는 Drechslera oryzae. Curvularia lunata, Trichoniella padwickii, Sarocladium oryzae, Alternaria tenuis 및 Fusarium solani 등이 관여(關與)하였다. 병원균(病原菌)과 해충의 복합발생시(複合發生時)에 변색미발생(變色米發生)이 더 심하였고 병원균(病原菌)만의 발생시(發生時)는 변색미(變色米) 발생(發生)에 주로 영향(影響)을 미쳤으며 노린재류만의 발생시(發生時)는 수량감수(收量減收)에 더 큰 영향(影響)을 주었다. 그리고 노린재류에 의한 벼 유숙기간(乳熟期間)의 흡즙(吸汁)은 병원균침입(病原菌侵入)을 조장(助長)하여 벼의 질적(質的) 변화(變化)와 양적(量的) 감소(滅少)에 크게 영향(影響)하였다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This technical paper deals the practical transformation algorithms between several lunar reference frames which will be used for Korea pathfinder lunar orbiter (KPLO) flight operation. Despite of various lunar reference frame definitions already exist, use of a common transformation algorithm while establishing lunar reference frame is very important for all members related to KPLO mission. This is because use of slight different parameters during frame transformation may result significant misleading while reprocessing data based on KPLO flight dynamics. Therefore, details of practical transformation algorithms for the KPLO mission specific lunar reference frames is presented with step by step implementation procedures. Examples of transformation results are also presented to support KPLO flight dynamics data user community which is expected to give practical guidelines while post processing the data as their needs. With this technical paper, common understandings of reference frames that will be used throughout not only the KPLO flight operation but also science data reprocessing can be established. It is expected to eliminate, or at least minimize, unnecessary confusion among all of the KPLO mission members including: Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as well as other organizations participating in KPLO payload development and operation, or further lunar science community world-wide who are interested in KPLO science data post processing.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The ground tracking support is a critical factor for the navigation performance of spacecraft orbiting around the Moon. Because of the tracking limit of antennas, only a small number of facilities can support lunar missions. Therefore, case studies for various ground tracking support conditions are needed for lunar missions on the stage of preliminary mission analysis. This study analyzes the ground supporting condition effect on orbit determination (OD) of Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) in the lunar orbit. For the assumption of ground support conditions, daily tracking frequency, cut-off angle for low elevation, tracking measurement accuracy, and tracking failure situations were considered. Two antennas of deep space network (DSN) and Korea Deep Space Antenna (KDSA) are utilized for various tracking conditions configuration. For the investigation of the daily tracking frequency effect, three cases (full support, DSN 4 pass/day and KDSA 4 pass/day, and DSN 2 pass/day and KDSA 2 pass/day) are prepared. For the elevation cut-off angle effect, two situations, which are 5 deg and 10 deg, are assumed. Three cases (0%, 30%, and 50% of degradation) were considered for the tracking measurement accuracy effect. Three cases such as no missing, 1-day KDSA missing, and 2-day KDSA missing are assumed for tracking failure effect. For OD, a sequential estimation algorithm was used, and for the OD performance evaluation, position uncertainty, position differences between true and estimated orbits, and orbit overlap precision according to various ground supporting conditions were investigated. Orbit prediction accuracy variations due to ground tracking conditions were also demonstrated. This study provides a guideline for selecting ground tracking support levels and preparing a backup plan for the KPLO lunar mission phase.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to evaluate total phenolic content (TPC) and individual phenolic compounds in leaves of perilla genetic resources, assess whether they could be used as distinguishing factor among germplasms, and evaluate their relationship with some quantitative and qualitative morphological characters. TPC and individual phenolic compounds were determined using Folin-Ciocalteu method and UPLC-PDA system, respectively. Wide variations in TPC (7.99 to 133.70 ㎎GAE/g DE), rosmarinic acid (ND to 21.05 ㎎/g DE), caffeic acid (ND to 1.17 ㎎/g DE), apigenin- 7-O-diglucuronide (ND to 2.21 ㎎ luteolin equivalent (㎎LUE)/g DE), scutellarein-7-O-glucuronide (ND to 5.25 ㎎ LUE/g DE), and apigenin-7-O-glucuronide (ND to 2.81 ㎎ LUE/g DE) were observed. Intensities of green pigment at abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces were positively correlated with phenolic compounds whereas leaf length and width had negative correlation. Purple pigmented accessions were shorter in leaf length and width but exhibited higher amount of phenolic compounds compared to green pigmented accessions in most cases. Leaf shape was not related with content of phenolic compounds, color of leaves, and length/width of leaves. TPC and individual phenolic compounds along with morphological characters could be useful distinguishing factors for perilla genetic resources.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sclerotinia rot, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is a devastating disease that poses a serious threat to perilla production in Korea. Identifying effective sources of resistance offers long term prospects for improving management of this disease. Screening disease resistant genetic resources is important for development of disease-resistant, new cultivars and conduct related research. In the present study, perilla germplasm were screened in vitro against S. sclerotiorum using detached leaf method. Among 544 perilla accessions, two were highly resistant (IT226504, IT226533), five were resistant (IT226561, IT226532, IT226526, IT226441, and IT226589), five were moderately resistant (IT226525, IT226640, IT226568, IT220624, and IT178655), 16 were moderately susceptible, 31 were susceptible, and 485 were highly susceptible. The resistant accessions in this study could serve as resistance donor in the breeding of Sclerotinia rot resistance or subjected to selection procedure of varietal development for direct use by breeders, farmers, researchers, and end consumers.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of the current study is to investigate and evaluate the annual and seasonal rainfall trends and patterns of the Punjab province, Pakistan during the 1981-2015. The spatial patterns and temporal trends were identified through the Modified Mann Kendall test. Finding revealed that 13 weather stations of Punjab province have shown the statistically significant decreasing trend of annual and summer monsoon rainfall during the study period. From further investigation, the rainfall during the summer monsoon period (JJAS) found to be increased by 12.45%, similarly the rainfall during the whole of year be also increased by 18.75%. The significant decreasing trends observed with the higher percentage change in annual and monsoon rainfall for the stations of Sialkot and Lahore in the northern and central Punjab. The empirical evidences suggested that northern Punjab gets more moisture as compared the Southern and Western Punjab. This study suggests intensive empirical research in the future to evolve further spatio-temporal trends in the rainfall pattern of Punjab.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is associated with the development of extrinsic skin aging. We performed in vivo assays in order to investigate the protective effect of a combination of grapefruit and rosemary extracts (cG&Re) on UVB-induced skin aging. The results indicated that cG&Re displayed elastase inhibitory activity in a dose-dependent manner. Topical application of cG&Re mitigated photo-aging related lesions such as skin erythema and thickening in photo-aged BALB/c mice dorsal skin, by preventing UVB-induced collagen degradation. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed that cG&Re stimulated SIRT-1 expression, and suppressed MMP-1 and IL-1β expression. It was observed that expression of MMP-1 and -13 mRNA was downregulated in the cG&Re-treated group. Furthermore, cG&Re treatment drastically suppressed protein expression of MMP-1 and regulated the phosphorylation of p-38 kinase. As expected, oral administration of cG&Re resulted in the same SIRT-1, MMP-1, and IL-1β expression patterns observed upon topical application of cG&Re in the UV-induced mice model. Overall, the current results demonstrated that cG&Re attenuated both the downregulation of MMP-1 expression and up-regulation of SIRT-1 expression, as well as decreased phosphorylation of MAPK in UVB-induced skin ageing mice model, suggesting that cG&Re might be used as an internal food ingredient for beauty-purposes as well as a functional food material.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper aims to evaluate the combination of strategies that influence the success of New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs) located in isolated areas with resource constraints. We utilize the Kauffman Firm Survey to construct a subset of 224 firms operating in primary metal manufacturing industries and who are located in non-thriving areas. We focus on the impact of technological strategy, in the form of Inward Technology Licensing (ITL), combined with financial strategy, in the form of increased financial slack. Using a negative binomial-specification technique to model these relations, we find that ITL positively impacts internal innovation in the firm and this relation is strengthened by the presence of greater financial slack. This positive impact of financial slack supports the behavioral theory of the firm rather than agency theory in that financial slack enables further innovation rather than stifling it. This research confirms the importance of resource acquisition, suggesting that entrepreneurs may utilize external sources of knowledge in an effort to build a favorable situation when facing the challenges of location. Finally, by presenting evidence showing the compatibility of a financial strategy with a knowledge strategy (ITL), this study emphasizes the importance to entrepreneurs of choosing the proper combination of varying strategies.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Two unrecorded alien plants, Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. and M. indicus (L.) All. (Leguminosae) were found in Korea. M. officinalis is native to Eurasia and widely distributed in agricultural regions throughout the world. M. indicus is native to Mediterranean and Southwestern Europe, and naturalized in temperate regions all over the world. These species are morphologically similar to M. suaveolens (Jeon-dong-ssa-ri). However, M. officinalis is distinguished from M. suaveolens by transverse nerved legumes, definite ovary stalks, and five to eight number of ovules in ovary. M. indicus is also distinguished from M. suaveolens by smaller size of flowers, broadly triangular calyx teeth, globose legumes, and minutely papillose seeds. The local name of M. officinalis and M. indicus were given as “Ju-reumjeon- dong-ssa-ri” and “Jom-jeon-dong-ssa-ri” based on transverse nerved legumes and overall smaller size than M. suaveolens, respectively. The descriptions on morphological characters and photographs at the habitat of M. officinalis and M. indicus are provided.
        2019.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 기후변화에 따른 메콩강 유출변화 분석을 목적으로 하고 있다. HadGEM3-RA로 부터 생산된 동아시아 지역 RCP 4.5 및 8.5 시나 리오의 일 자료를 기반으로 편의보정을 통해 미래 기후변화 시나리오를 구축한 후, SWAT 모형을 이용하여 메콩강 주요지점인 Kratie(유역면적: 646,000 km2, 메콩강의 연평균 유량의 88%)에서의 유출변화 모의하고 유황분석을 수행하였다. 기후변화 분석 결과 Kratie 유역의 미래 강수량은 기준 년 연평균 강수량 대비 미래 년 기간의 연평균 강수량은 두 시나리오 모두 증가하는 것으로 분석되었으며 월별 강수량 변화 분석을 통해 6 월∼11월에 강수량의 증가가 비교적 크게 나타나며 특히 RCP 8.5 시나리오에서 강수량의 변동 폭 및 증가량이 크게 나타남을 확인하였다. 시나리 오별 월평균 최대 및 최소기온의 변화는 두 시나리오 모두 미래 기온의 상승을 전망하고 있으며 특히 RCP 8.5 시나리오의 온도증가 폭이 크게 나타 나는 것을 확인 하였다. 또한 하천유황변화 분석결과 유역의 유량변동성이 더욱 커질 것으로 분석되었으며 저수계수 값이 52∼57% 감소하고 갈 수계수 값이 67∼74% 감소하는 것으로 나타나 하천의 갈수상황이 지속되어 미래에 가뭄이 보다 심화될 것으로 분석되었다.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수원과 수용가 간 연결성은 비정상상황 시 상수도관망의 기능 유지 정도를 나타내는 시스템 특성 중 하나이다. 상수도관망은 점과 선으로 구성된 그래프로 간략화 될 수 있기 때문에, 연결성 평가를 위해 주로 그래프 이론이 적용되었다. 하지만, 대부분의 연구는 상수도관망에 적합하지 않은 무 향-비가중 그래프 이론을 적용하였다. 본 연구에서는 유향-가중 그래프 이론을 상수도관망에 적용하였으며, 이를 기반으로 복잡한 수리해석 없이 상수도관망 연결성을 평가할 수 있는 지표인 SNSP (Source to Node Shortest Pathway)와 이의 역수인 SNSP-Degree (SNSP-D)를 제안하였다. 국내 J시 42개의 상수도관망을 이용하여 개발된 SNSP와 기존 상수도관망 성능평가지표 사이의 상관성 분석을 수행 및 검증하였다. 기존 상수도관 망 성능평가지표는 수리해석 결과를 지표 계산에 이용하는 3개의 회복력(Resilience) 지표와 에너지 효율 지표이다. 분석 결과, SNSP의 역수인 SNSP-D의 합과 기존 상수도관망 성능지표 사이에 평균적으로 0.87 이상의 높은 피어슨 상관계수(Pearson Correlation Coefficient, PCC) 값이 도출되었다. 특히, 회복력 지표 중 하나인 Modified Resilience Index (MRI)와 에너지 효율 지표의 경우 PCC 0.93 이상의 높은 상관관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 다중 회귀 분석을 통해 SNSP-D와 회복력 및 에너지 효율 간의 상관성에 영향을 미치는 수리학적 변인을 확인하였다. 본 연구에서 제안한 SNSP 지표가 상수도관망의 대략적인 회복력 및 에너지 효율 수준을 알려줄 수 있는 지표로 실무에서 널리 활용될 것으로 기대된다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 코끼리 흑마늘의 분말화를 위해 추출액과 말토덱스트린을 비율 별로 첨가한 후 분말을 제조하였으며, 제조 및 저장 조건 별로 품질 특성을 비교 분석하는데 목적을 두었다. 분말의 용해도는 90.87-96.93%으로 5:5 처리구에서 가장 높은 값을 보였으며 색깔의 경우 말토덱스트린 함량이 증가할수록 명도는 감소하였으나 적색도와 황색도는 증가하였다. 입도는 7:3 처리구를 제외하고 말토덱스트린 함량에 비례하여 증가하는 추세를 보였으며, 분산성은 0.54-0.63 범위에서 나타났다. 포화 염용액으로 다른 상대습도를 조성하여 25, 35℃에서 분말을 각각 저장했을 때 평형 수분함량은 4:6에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. 그리고 단분자층 수분함량을 산출하기 위해 GAB 식과 BET 식을 이용하였으며 모든 조건에서 0.943-0.997로 높은 R2값을 보였다. 여러 처리구 중 4:6 처리구가 단분자층 수분함량이 가장 낮았으며 다른 처리구들은 온도나 적용 식에 따라 다른 추세를 보였다. 또한 등온 흡습 모델의 적합성을 확인하기 위해 Caurie, Halsey, Kuhn, Oswin, Mizrahi 식을 사용하였는데, 그 중 Halsey, Kuhn 식이 높은 R2 값과 낮은 편차를 보여 적합성을 나타내었다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The nutritional properties of mackerel are strongly influenced by different cooking methods that can change its nutritional contents. In this study, we investigated the effects of two types of cooking method (i.e. baking and frying) on water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, niacin, and folic acid), fat-soluble vitamins (A and E), cholesterol, β-carotene, and minerals (K, P, Mg, Se, and Zn) and on the proximate composition of mackerel. Compared to the baked fish, contents of vitamins A and B1 and cholesterol were reduced by 56.52%, 59.93%, and 33.40% (p<0.05), respectively, in the fried fish. On the other hand, vitamin E and folic acid contents in the fried fish were significantly higher than those in the baked fish (p<0.05). Furthermore, niacin was detected only in the baked fish and β-carotene was found in neither the baked fish nor the fried fish. There was also no significant difference in moisture content between baked and fried fish samples. The fat, carbohydrate, and crude ash contents in fried fish were higher than those in baked fish; however, protein content in fried fish was about 3.73% lower than that in baked fish. Since different cooking methods have different effects on the nutrients of mackerel, nutritional value of mackerel could be enhanced by selecting the suitable cooking method.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to examine the effects of four different light spectra (white, red, green, and blue) on the oocyte maturation, the change of reproductive parameters, via brain-pituitary-gonad (BPG) axis in grass puffer, were investigated. After exposure four different light spectra for 7 weeks, the abundance of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) mRNA which is a type of seabream (sbGnRH) and two different subunit of gonadotropin hormones mRNAs, follicle-stimulating hormone (fshβ) mRNA and luteinizing hormone (lhβ) mRNA, were analyzed in the brain and pituitary. Histological analysis showed that the mature oocyte ratio in the green spectrum was higher than other light spectra-exposed groups. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) and oocyte developmental stage were also investigated in the gonad based on histological observations. GSI value with the presence of yolk stage oocytes was significantly increased in the green spectrum-exposed group when compared to that of the other light-exposed groups (white, red, and blue) (p˂0.05). The abundances of sbGnRH mRNA and fshβ mRNA in the green spectrum-exposed group were also significant higher than those of the other light spectra-exposed groups (p˂0.05). These results indicate that the maturation of oocyte in grass puffer can be accelerated by exposure to the spectrum of green. To better understand the molecular mechanism for the maturation of oocyte in grass puffer, further study examining the relationship between oocyte development and its related genes is required.