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        검색결과 789

        2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have the potential for use in regenerative medicine and in the field of basic research. Therefore, effective cryopreservation and storage of hESCs are important for preservation of newly established cell line for various purposes. Despite poor survival and slow recovery after thawing, the conventional slow freezing method is most commonly used for cryopreservation of hESCs due to its simplicity and ease of use for freezing a large number of hESCs appropriate to clinical applications. Here we controlled the clump size (Group Ⅰ; 400~450 ㎛, Group Ⅱ; 800~900 ㎛, and Group Ⅲ; 1500~1700 ㎛) of hESCs at 5 days after plating using a glass pipette during cryopreservation in order to obtain a larger amount of hESCs after thawing. Attachment rates differed significantly (P<0.05) in each of the three groups and the average of attachment rate of GroupⅡ was highest in SNUhES4 and H1. In particular, the attachment rate of Group Ⅱ in SNUhES3 showed a significant improvement with ROCK inhibitor Y-27632. These results indicate that clump size and cell-cell adhesions of GroupⅡ are appropriate for cryopreservation compared to the Group Ⅰ and Group Ⅲ. This method increased cell viability and reduced the recovery time leading to various experiments, and therefore has an advantage for use with hESCs like newly established in particular. We demonstrated that use of this effective cryopreservation method with control of the clump size of hESCs can effectively improve the attachment rate and survival of post-thaw hESCs with and without Y-27632.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) is broadly regarded as an excellent methodology for reverse genetics applications. Approximately 15,000 M3 TILLING lines have been developed via the application of gamma-ray irradiation to rice seeds (cv. Donganbyeo), followed by subsequent selections. In an effort to evaluate the genetic diversity of the TILLING population, we have employed the AFLP multiple dominant marker technique. A total of 96 (0.64%) TILLING lines as well as Donganbyeo were selected randomly and their genetic diversity was assessed based on AFLP marker polymorphisms using 5 primer combinations. An average of 100.4 loci in a range of 97 to 106 was detected using these primer combinations, yielding a total of 158 (31.4%) polymorphic loci between Donganbyeo and each of the 96 lines. A broad range of similarity from 80% to 96% with an average of 89.4% between Donganbyeo and each of the 96 lines was also observed, reflecting the genetic diversity of the TILLING population. Approximately 28 polymorphic loci have been cloned and their sequences were BLAST-searched against rice whole genome sequences, resulting in 20 matches to each of the gene bodies including exon, intron, 1 kb upstream and 1 kb downstream regions. Six polymorphic loci evidenced changes in the coding regions of genes as compared to the rice pseudomolecules, 4 loci of which exhibited missense mutations and 2 loci of which exhibited silent mutations. Therefore, the results of our study show that the TILLING rice population should prove to be a useful genetic material pool for functional genomics as well as mutation breeding applications.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        An unbalance of rice productions and consumptions caused serious problems in both of agricultural area and grain market of korea. In recently, various efforts for rice processing products such as rice noodles and rice wines are in progress to overcome the unstable rice market. Among them, waxy rice is predominant items in processing rice. However, varietal features of starch viscosity are not considered in the processing industries and rice breeding field. In this study, 12 waxy rices and 2 cultivars Ilmibyeo(japonica) and IR72(Indica) were studied for physicochemical and amylogram to characterize the use of waxy rices. The amylose contents of waxy rices were from 7.1 to 8.1% with soft gel consistency and relatively low alkali digestion value(1.4% KOH) compare to Ilmibyeo. In the amylogram analysis(RVU) of waxy rices, unlikely normal rices, very fast peak time(about 3.5 min.) was obtained compare to that of 6.2 min. of Ilmibyeo. And 2 to 3 groups were classified based on peak viscosity and consitency of RVU. Wangchal, Odorokimochi and Hangangchal showed relatively high peak viscosity seemed not suitable for rice cake due to the hardness speed. And most of waxy rices developed in korea were believed to be suitable for oil fried cakes(Hankwa) because of a certain grade of starch degradation speed. And Mochiminori and Midoromochi originated from japan could be a good sources in waxy rice breeding program to improve the cooking properties especially in slow down of hardness speed with very low peak viscosity, hot viscosity and cool viscosity.