
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,174

        1999.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 바구미과에 속하는 좁쌀바구미아과의 연구사를 정리하고, Rhinoncina아족, Scleropterina아족 및 Amalina아족을 정리한 결과 16종이 밝혀졌으며, 그 중 육절애좁쌀바구미(신칭), Phytobius quadricornis(Gyllenhal); 둥근어깨좁쌀바구미(신칭), Rutidosoma weisei Faust; 나무딸기좁쌀바구미(신칭), Scleropteroides hypocrita(Hustache); 날개가시좁쌀바구미(신칭), Zacladus radula Hochhuth; 홀수볼록좁쌀바구미(신칭), Wagnerinus costatus(Hustache); 큰좁쌀바구미(신칭), Tapinotus sellatus(Fabricius)6종을 한국미기록종으로 보고하며, 이들에 대한 성충, 생식기의 그림을 제공하였다.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Irish literature since Free State has shown Anglo-Irish predicament, reflecting the hope of Gaelic Revival armed with catholicism and strong nationalism. However ultimately Irish literature is to recover the conflicts of the colonized hybridity, and to make a common-ground for the interest of all Irish people. In the connection with this, it is very interesting that we should frequently meet with the word ‘violence’ in Irish literary history. Aesthetical transformation of the historical violence is featured in most of modern Irish poets in the sense that a poet as a subject shows some response to the violence as a part of his own poetic experiences. The violence in Heaney’s and Yeats’s poetry is concerned with the problem who holds the hegemony in the independent Irish society. Yeats and Heaney stand on the opposite social position and represent the race they respectively belong to.-Yeats represents Anglo-Irish and Heaney the Gaelic. I think Yeats mainly depends on satire to express his disgust against the newly emerging catholic middle class. whereas Heaney seems to express his resistance rather secretly by combining lyricism and violence. The combination of the two heterogeneous elements in Heaney’s poetry not only expresses the poet’s resistance to violence effectively but brings forth the sense of beauty which is made by applying the aesthetic theory of ‘discordia concors’ and ‘defamiliarisation’ etc. Besides creating beauty, the combination of lyricism and violence suggests fixing the temporary time of violence to the permanent space. In addition, it suggests an Irish realistic attitude in front of the oppressed situation as well as their pride in Irish landscape. At the same time, it reflects the poet’s spirit for transcending two binary concepts and accepting coexistence in difference. Yeats attacks the philistine by using the tone of satire. Narrator, imaging the ideal world, alienated from the materialized mass, evokes the romantic heroism, and inspires the mood of tragic joy. Meanwhile the beauty Yeats evokes involves the praise of harmonious individuality full of life energy without digressing from the European aristocratic spirit. In conclusion, poetry can be a strategic weapon especially in a destitute time. Yeats, by evoking the mood of ‘tragic rapture’ and by poignantly satirizing the catholic middle class as philistines, tries to save Anglo-Irish from their declining fate. Meanwhile Heaney, combining lyricism and violence as one way of aestheticization, shows his resistance against the historical violence without losing the sense of beauty. These poetics as two main streams still coexist in modern Irish literary history. And yet they all contribute to establishing Irish literature on one common-ground and making Irish literature merge into the international literature. Although they represent the different interests of two classes, they illuminate the new possibility of coexistence in difference.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have conducted BV RI CCD surface photometry of three spiral galaxies ESO 598-G009, NGC 1515 and NGC 7456. In order to understand the morphological properties and luminosity distribution characteristics for each galaxy, we derived isophotal map, position angle profile, ellipticity profile, luminosity profile, color profile and color contour map. ESO 598-G009, which has a bright bulge component and a ring, shows a trace of gravitational interaction. NGC 1515 is a spiral galaxy with a bar and dust lane. NGC 7456 shows typical characteristics of a late type spiral galaxy.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the necessity of developing effective nondestructive testing and monitoring techniques for the evaluation of structural integrity and performance is described. The evaluation of structural integrity and performance is especially important when the structures and subject to abrupt external forces such as earthquake. A prompt and extensive inspection is required over a large area of earthquake-damaged zone. This evaluation process is regarded as a part of performance-based design. In the paper, nondestructive testing and monitoring techniques particularly for concrete structures are presented as methods for the evaluation of structural integrity and performance. The concept of performance-based design is first defined in the paper followed by the role of evaluation of structures in the context of overall performance=based design concept. Among possible techniques for the evaluation, nondestructive testing methods for concrete structures using radar and a concept of using fiber sensor for continuous monitoring of structures are presented.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present UBV CCD photometry of Be 2, previously unstudied open cluster. Our photometry covers a field of 3'.2×3'.8 of the sky centered on the cluster, which is slightly smaller than the cluster diameter estimated to be about 260". We have determined the reddening, distance, age and metallicity of the cluster by fitting the Pad ova isochrones to the observed stellar distributions in color-magnitude diagram as well as main sequence fitting: E(B-V)=0.8±0.05, (m-M)o=13.6±0.1, log(t) =8.9±0.1, and Z=0.008. The present photometry shows that Be 2 is a distant open cluster of intermediate age. that it is a distant intermediate-age open duster.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To understand the basic physics underlying large spatial fluctuations of intensity and Doppler shift, we have investigated the dynamical charctersitics of the transition region of the quiet sun by analyzing a raster scan of high resolution UV spectral band containing H Lyman lines and a S VI line. The spectra were taken from a quiet area of 100"×100" located near the disk center by SUMER on board SOHO. The spectral band ranges from 906 Å to 950 Å with spatial and spectral resolution of 1" and 0.044 Å, respectively. The parameters of individual spectral lines were determined from a single Gaussian fit to each spectral line. Then, spatial correlation analyses have been made among the line parameters. Important findings emerged from the present analysis are as follows. (1) The integrated intensity maps of the observed area of H I 931 line (1×10 4 K) and S VI 933 line (2×10 5 K) look very smilar to each other with the same characterstic size of 5". An important difference, however, is that the intensity ratio of brighter network regions to darker cell regions is much larger in S VI 933 line than that in H I 931 line. (2) Dynamical features represented by Doppler shifts and line widths are smaller than those features seen in intensity maps. The features are found to be changing rapidly with time within a time scale shorter than the integration time, 110 seconds, while the intensity structure remains nearly unchanged during the same time interval. (3) The line intensity of S VI is quite strongly correlated with that of H I lines, but the Doppler shift correlation between the two lines is not as strong as the intensity correlation. The correlation length of the intensity structure is found to be about 5.7' (4100 km), which is at least 3 times larger than that of the velocity structure. These findings support the notion that the basic unit of the transition region of the quiet sun is a loop-like structure with a size of a few 10 3 km, within which a number of unresolved smaller velocity structures are present.
        1998.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠와 히니 모두 노벨 문학수상자로서 아일랜드를 문화관광국으로 만든 공로가 인정되는 작가들이다. 이들이 이렇게 아일랜드를 문화 강국으로 만들 수 있었던 것은 민족 정체성확립의 강한 의지로 아일랜드 고유문화를 발굴했고 아울러 자신들의 고유문화에 영어와 영국문화를 접목시켜 세계화를 도모했기 때문이었다. 아일랜드 현대 문학은 정체성추구의 단계에서 지역화와 세계화를 함께 추구했다. 그런데 이 과정은 크게 다섯 단계로 요약될 수 있다. 그 첫 번째가 오스카 와일드, 버나드 쇼우에서 보여진다. 즉, 영국인과 영국가치를 패로디 하면서 영국인 보다 더 영국적인 행세를 하려는 단계이고 두 번째는 민족주의가 강화되는 시기에 영국 민족주의를 모방하는 단계이다. 세 번째는 이제까지 진행된 민족주의와는 다른 방식으로 민족의 특성과 양심을 추구하는 단계이고, 네 번째 단계는 민족주의와 세계화가 함께 추구되는 단계, 그리고 마지막 단계는 얼스터 사태 때문에 민족주의가 강화됨과 아울러 유럽공동체의 일원으로서 보편적 다원성 역시 확장되는 시기다. 그런데 예이츠는 두 번째 단계에 속하고 히니는 마지막 시기의 특성을 나타낸다. 히니의 중기 이후의 시들은 히니 자신 몰두 에서 밝힌 것처럼 예이츠의 영향을 크게 받았다. 이 두 작가는 그들의 국토와 전통에 애착을 나타낸 민족작가로서의 역할과 정치성을 벗어나려 했던 면에서도 공통점을 보였지만 이들에게는 많은 차이점이 드러난다. 이 들의 차이점은 국토를 다루는 시를 살펴보거나 아일랜드 문학의 특성을 논 할 때 빼놓을 수 없는 역사와 국가, 언어, 문화에 대한 두 작가의 해석을 고찰하면 잘 나타난다. 예이츠는 보라빛 환상의 국토를 그린 반면 히니는 검은빛의 상실되고 착취 된 국토를 그렸다. 역사적 폭력에 대해 예이츠의 해석은 매우 개인적인 정서를 노출시킨 반면 히니는 착취의 역사와 영국인이 강요했던 나약한 아이의 이미지로부터 벗어나려는 사실적, 공격적 시각을 노출한다. 예이츠의 시학은 빅토리아 속물주의를 공격한 19세기 심미주의의 전통을 따르 며 영국적 가치를 들어낸 반면 히니의 시학은 조이스식의 새로운 양심 창조라는 민족주의와 페트릭 카바나흐식의 지역주의, 아일랜드 공화주의와 역사적 사실주의 의 색깔을 표방하고 있다. 예이츠 하면 ‘귀족’, ‘big house’ 등을 연상하게 되고 히니하면 ‘방랑자’, ‘폐허’ 를 떠올리게 된다. 결국 이 두 작가의 큰 차이는 앵글로 아이리시와 카톨릭, 켈트 라는 인종, 정치, 종교적 차이에 따른 것이고 이 두 작가는 현대 아일랜드 문화의 두 개의 주요한 조류를 대변했다. 그러나 예이츠, 히니로 대변되는 두 문학 조류는 그 차이에도 불구하고 탈영국 화와 아일랜드 문학의 세계화에 공헌했다. 예이츠의 시학은 보편성을 띤 개인적 문체로써 히니의 시학은 중심과 전통추구, 영국적 가치에 대한 저항과 다문화에 대한 수용성을 나타냄으로써 탈영국화와 세계화에 공헌했다.
        1997.12 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1997.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We analyzed the luminosity profiles of 104 bright barred galaxies to examine the frequency of occurrence of the Type II disk which is thought to be the result of redistribution of disk material by bar potential. Our analysis of the elliptically averaged major axis profiles shows that about 70% of the present sample seem to have Type II disks with a weak tendency of preferential occurrence of type II disks in the late type galaxies. there is a subgroup of Type II disks which is characterized by a flat luminosity distribution in the middle disk, followed by a steep decline in the outer parts. Most of the galaxies with strong bars tend to have Type II disks. The present study strongly suggests that Type II disk is an evidence for the secular evolutions in disk galaxies.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        From 146 B.C. to A.D. 1760, 363 sets of cometary observations have been recorded in Chinese Ancient Records of Celestial Phenomena. The positions of all recorded comets, or their paths, on the sky are compared. Taking into account the perturbations of all nine planets and using the numerical method of N-body problem, the orbits of well-recorded comets are calculated. Identification of a periodic comet is presented.
        1996.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present the color-magnitude diagrams (CMD) of more than 24,000 stars in the field of an intermediate age open cluster M11, based on wide field CCD imaging. The morphology of the CMDs varies strikingly as the distance from the center of the cluster increases. From the surface number density analysis, we confirm the mass segregation effect in this cluster: the bright, massive stars are centrally more concetrated than the faint, low mass stars. The slope of the field-corrected surface density with respect to magnitude progressively increases as the radius increases, up to r = 5'. Most of the field stars in or near the cluster main sequence band and in the bright part of the red stars in the CMDs appear to be nearly at the same distance as M11, and they are considered to be the major component of disk stars in the Sagittarius-Carina arm.
        1996.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have examined morphological change and movements of individual sunspots within a sunspot group in association with a large solar flare activity (3B/X1.5) appeared on 13 May 1981. For this purpose we measured distance among spots during the period before and after the flare activity and estimated the average velocity of their movement. Our main results are as follows: (1) The longitudinal displacement among sunspots are generally greater than the latitudinal displacement. (2) During the period the spots moved with an average velocity of 1.2 km/s in longitude and 0.86 km/s in latitude. (3) The most notable change took place in the central part placed between the two ribbons of the flare.