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        검색결과 123

        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Two lepidopteran species, Matsumuraeses phaseoli (Matsumura) and Maruca vitrata (syn. M. testulalis) (Fabricius) were reared on artificial diets, and analyzed in their developmental characteristics. Photoperiod was supplied with 16L/8D for M. phaseoli and with 13L/11D for M. vitrata, respectively. Both species passed five larval instars with discrete sizes of head capsule width. In a constant environment (25℃ and 65%RH), the developmental period of M. phaseoli egg, larva and pupa was 3.9, ca. 16.0 and 8.9 days, respectively, and over 80% of M. phaseoli larvae could develop into pupae, most of which emerged into adults. Newly laid eggs could be stored at 5℃ for 15 days with over 50% hatchability. Similar developmental traits were shown in M. vitrata. However, a low temperature preservation was not applicable to M vitrata eggs.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As a first step of mapping genes conferring resistance to the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål, in Gayabyeo using a population derived from a cross between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo, we performed the whole genome resequencing of these two Tongil-type rice varieties. The amount of raw sequence data was about 18.5X109 bp and 17.9X109 bp in Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo, respectively. After quality trimming and read mapping onto Nipponbare reference genome sequence, 9.3X109 bp was mapped in Gayabyeo with mapping depth of 25.0X, and 9.5X109 bp was mapped in Taebaegbyeo with mapping depth of 25.5X. Between Gayabyeo and Nipponbare, 1,585,880 SNPs were detected, while 1,416,898 SNPs were detected between Taebaegbyeo and Nipponbare. Between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo, 284,501 SNPs were detected. Among the SNPs between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo, 21.2% were in genic region and 78.8% were in intergenic region. In CDS region, 15,924 SNPs were detected, among which synonymous SNPs covered 47.3% and non-synonymous SNPs covered 52.7%. We designed Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) markers with SNPs in the restriction enzyme recognition sites, and 20 CAPS markers were tested. Of the 20 markers, 19 markers showed polymorphism and one marker showed monomorphism between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo. It is expected that sufficient DNA markers for mapping genes with a population derived from a cross between Gayabyeo and Taebaegbyeo can be developed based on the results of the study.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        다평옥은 다수성 종실용 옥수수 품종 개발을 위하여 2010 년에 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 자식계통 KS158과 KS155를 교잡하여 육성한 다수성 단교잡종이다. 다평옥의 종피색은 황색이며 입질은 마치종이다. 2006~2007년까지 2 년 동안 생산력검정시험을 거쳐 2008~2010년까지 3년 동안 수원 등 3지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시하였다. 그 결과 우수 성이 인정되어 2010 농작물 직무육성 신품종으로 결정되었고 다평옥으로 명명하였다. 다평옥의 출사일수는 장다옥과 같다. 간장은 장다옥과 비슷하며 착수고율은 장다옥과 같다. 도복은 장다옥 정도로 강한 것으로 나타났다. 이삭길이는 장다옥보다 다소 작으며 100립중은 장다옥보다 가볍다. 깨씨무늬병과 그 을음무늬병에는 강한 편이다. 검은줄오갈병, 이삭썩음병 및 조명나방 저항성은 중 정도를 보인다. 다평옥의 종실수량은 8.6 톤/ha로 장다옥보다 8% 많았다. 4 : 1(모본 : 부본) 재식 비율로 동시 파종하여 채종 시험한 결과 모본 출사기와 부본 화분비산기간이 일치하였으며 채종수량은 2.8 톤/ha이었다. 다평옥은 전국적으로 재배가 가능하다(품종출원등록번호: 제 4969호).
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