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        검색결과 361

        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is toxic to living organisms, because its high reactivity causes oxidative damage to proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme facilitating the removal of superoxide anions from living organisms. This study focused on the cloning of MnSOD cDNA from Hyphantria cunea and its induction upon bacterial infection and various stresses. The open reading frame of MnSOD is composed of 645 bp, encoding 215 amino acid residues. The theoretical molecular mass and pI of putative MnSOD was evaluated to be 24276 Da and 9.14, respectively. The MnSOD from H. cunea is highly similar to human MnSOD (59.5%) as well as Bombyx mori MnSOD (76.2%). MnSOD showed no big induction upon bacterial infection and stresses, compared to that of Cu/ZnSOD.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Apolipophorin-Ⅲ (apoLp-Ⅲ) is a hemolymph protein whose function is to facilitate lipid transport in an aqueous medium in insect. Recently, apolipophorin-Ⅲ in Galleria mellonella and Hyphantria cunea was shown to play an unexpected role in insect immune activation. We show here a novel possible function/role of apoLp-Ⅲ in insects. To investigate the genes which have a relationship with apoLp-Ⅲ in fall webworm larvae, we reduction of endogenous Hc apoLp-Ⅲ mRNA levels in larvae via RNA interference (RNAi). The RNAi-mediated Hc apoLp-Ⅲ reduction resulted in the reduction of antioxidants, like MnSOD, catalase, and glutathione S transferase as well as immune proteins. In particular, expression of MnSOD commonly decreased in fat body, midgut, and hemocytes following the knockdown of Hc apoLp-Ⅲ, which induced an elevated level of superoxide anion in H. cunea larvae. The observed effect of Hc apoLp-Ⅲ RNAi suggests that Hc apoLp-Ⅲ is related to the action/expression of antioxidants.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Innate immunity responses are triggered by the immune challenge and therefore involve signaling processes. The cellular response is initiated by hemocytes and mainly involves phagocytosis and encapsulation of intruders by these cells. To address whether Hc-STAT is activated upon bacterial challenge, we examined the subcellular location of STAT protein in hemocyte by immunostaining. A new insect member of the STAT family of transcription factors (Hc-STAT) has been cloned from the lepidopteran, Hyphantria cunea. The domain involved in DNA interaction and the SH2 domain are well conserved. The gene is transcribed at a low level during all stages of development, and the protein is present in hemocytes, fat body, midgut, epidermis, and Malphigian tuble (Mt). Especially, hemocytes and Mt showed transcriptional activation of Hc-STAT upon Gram (-) bacteria and fungal challenge. Gram (-) bacteria and fungal challenge specifically results in nuclear translocation of Hc-STAT protein and induction of DNA-binding activity that recognizes a STAT target site in H. cunea hemocyte. In vitro treatment with pervanadate translocates Hc-STAT to the nucleus in hemocyte cells. Here we report the first evidence for the involvement hemocyte JAK/STAT pathway upon microbial infection in lepidopteran insect.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The principal objective of this study was to assess the antioxidative activities of Petasites japonicus against oxidative stress in bovine brain tissue . Petasites japonicus is found with a relatively widespread distribution, and is cultivated as a culinary vegetable in Korea. Petasites japonicus samples were dried either by freeze-drying or by hot air-convection drying (80℃), then evaluated for their antioxidative activity by measuring 1-dipheny-1,2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, and by measuring thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in brain homogenates subjected to Fe2+ -mediated lipids with or without the addition of botanical extract. Hot air convection-drying resulted in a slight increase in the extraction yie1d as compared with freeze-drying. However, total phenol and flavonoid contents in freeze-dried Petasites japonicas were significantly higher than those of hot air convection-drying. Freeze-drying increased the free radical scavenging activity of Petasites japonicas, leaves, and stems by 52.6, 28.6, and 248.0%, as compared with hot air convection-drying. Additionally, the IC50 values measured by TBARS in hot air convection-dried Petasites japonicas, leaves, and stems were increased by 36.0, 31.6, and 15.9%, as compared to those of freeze-drying. Although antioxidative activity was reduced slightly by heat processing in Petasites japonicas, freeze-drying for each portion of Petasites japonicus was the most appropriate for use as a functional food and pharmaceutical material.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As indigenous aphid parasitoid, Aphelinus varipes kill aphids for feeding in addition to parasitization. Because of this characteristic of A. varipes, this parasitoid may have the possibility of biological control agent against aphids. So we have evaluated traits such as daily paratization, total parasization, number of aphids killed by host feeding, sex ratio, development time, pupal mortality of A. varipes parasitizing green peach aphid, Myzus persicae. At 25°C and 16L:8D, longevity, total paratization and host feeding of A. varipes female was 11.0, 25.3, and 63.3 days, respectively. And development time of male and female, sex ratio (M:F), pupa mortality of offspring of A. varipes were 12.0 days, 12.5 days, 0.88, and 11.6%, respectively. However, because these results are not enough to estimate potential of A. varipes as biological control agents/factors, other factors such as host suitability (Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Aulacorthum solani), effect of temperature, and host seeking behavior of A. varipes continually will be investigated.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Propylea japonica is small ladybug(approximately 4-5mm) and is met with everywhere in Korea. When there was no aphid, the survival rate of P. japonica was 0% among another instar bugs and 26.7~32.8% among same instar bugs after 48 hours. When there were sufficient aphids, the cannibalism of P. japonica was low, so the survival rate of P. japonica was 78.6~95.8% among another instar bugs and 80.6~100% among same instar bugs after 48 hours. In the comparison of the number of eggs at different oviposition site, P. japonica preferred the corrugated cardboard. In experiment using T-tube, the rate of decoy was 81% at cotton aphid compared with pepper leaf and 62% at cotton aphid compared with artificial diet. In the artificial diet using shrimp and chicken liver, the developmental period from egg to adult was 17days and the survival rate from egg to adult was 66.7% but the vitality was not good. These data suggest that P. japonica can be used effective natural enemy for control of aphids and is needed to research about artificial diet, mass rearing system and control effect in field.
        2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The neurotrophin plays an important role in the development, differentiation and survival of the nervous system in vertebrates. It exerts its cellular effects through two different receptors, the Trk receptor tyrosine kinase neurotrophin receptor and the p75 neurotrophin receptor, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily. Trk and p75 neurotrophin receptors utilize specific target proteins to transmit signals into the cell. An ankyrin-rich membrane spanning protein (ARMS) was identified as a new p75 interacting protein and serves as a novel downstream target of p75 neurotrophin receptor. We sought to delineate the interaction between p75 and ARMS by deletion constructs of p75 and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged ARMS. We examined the interaction between these two proteins after overexpressing them in HEK-293 cells. Using both Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry followed by confocal laser scanning microscopy, we found out that the intracellular domain of the p75 neurotrophin receptor was important for the interaction with ARMS. The results from this study suggest that ARMS may play an important role for mediating the signals from p75 neurotrophin receptor into the cell.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The multicolored Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is common to a wide range of natural and agricultural habitats. Applications of gamma irradiation minimized the losses of stored food and the death or failure of emergence in larval and pupal stages. On the other hand, degrade toxin waste as one of alternative to chemical pesticide for both quarantine and sprout control purposes of storage crop pest. So, we have investigated whether gamma irradiation exposed to eggs, lava, pupa and adults of H. axyridis. It may be affected the emergence, fertility, fecundity, development period and sex ratio of H. axyridis. Some changes of physiological characteristics may be applied to more efficient agents as biological control of several aphids. Insects were exposed to gamma irradiation from 0 to 500 Gy of 60Co depended on their developmental stages. The results showed that the first instar, eggs, third instar, pupae, and adults were more sensitive in order of irradiation dose. And fecundity and fertility of female adults were significantly decreased with increasing gamma irradiation dose at all tested individuals.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Field sequential 액정 디스플레이(FSLCD)는 컬러필터를 사용하지 않아 높은 투과율 특성을 보이고 광 원으로 LED를 사용함으로써 색재현성이 매우 우수하다. 하지만 FSLCD(60Hz 구동)를 실현하기 위해서는 액정의 응답속도가 5ms이하로 고속응답 특성을 보여야 한다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 고속응답 ECB(electrically controlled birefringence) 셀의 최적 구조를 연구하여 5ms 이하의 응답시간을 얻었다. 그리고 ECB 모드에서 높은 구동전압과 시야각을 개선하기 위해 필름 보상을 연구하였다. 판상형 액정필름(discotic film)과 TAC(triacetyl cellulose) 필름의 위상차 값을 최적화함으로써 구동전압을 5V로 낮추고 상하좌우에서 160° 이상(CR>10:1)의 시야각을 실현하였다.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Physicochemical qualities and consumer acceptability of chocolate layer cake were studied with varied levels of rosemary powder at 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6%. The ash content of the cake increased from 2.30 to 3.10%, as the amount of rosemary powder increased from 0 to 0.6%, and the carbohydrate content of the cake decreased as the addition of rosemary powder increased. There were no significant differences in moisture contents and pH values among the samples and the pH values of all samples were within the typical pH range of 7.5-8.0 for chocolate, layer cakes. Water loss from the control cake was greater than that from the cakes with rosemary powder supporting the suggestion that the addition of rosemary powder to the chocolate layer cake could increase moisture retention of the cake. Consumer acceptability of all the samples showed higher prefierences of more than 7 points. Rosemary aroma, mint flavor and after taste were highly positively corrεlated with the fat content. Fat and ash content of the cake, which tended to increase in proportion to the rosemary powder content, were negatively correlated with acceptance of herb flavor, sweet taste, moistness, softness and intensity of softness but positivεly correlated with intensity of herb flavor. With the results above, trials on chocolate layer cake using rosemary powder were successfully performed within the ranges tested.
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was to taken to demonstrate the effects of exogenous nitric oxide(NO) on hu rnan pu lp cell s ‘ In volvement of cyclic 3’, 5' -monophosphate(cGMP) in p버 paJ protection induced by herne oxygenase-l (J-lO-l) against NO-induced cytotoxicity , By use of Western blotting and cell viabi lity assay, we have examined the cytotoxicity and J-lO-l induction in pulp cells that were treated with NO donor ‘ S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D, L-penici 1 lamine(SNAP) , We have assessed wheathel' HQ--l contributes the cytoprotective effect against the cytotoxicity caused by NO, and inves tigated the l'elationship between HO-l and cGMP in the s ignaling pathway, SNAP decreased cell via bility but in creased HO-l expl'ession in a concentl'ation- and time一dependent manner in hurnan pu lp cells NO-induced cyto toxicity was inhibited in the presence of the hemin(inducer of HO-l) , whel'eas was en hanced in the pl'esence zinc protoporphyrin IX(ZnPP IX, HO-l inhibitor), thus Lhe NO-induced cytoLoxicity was cOl'related with HO- l expression. R‘ etreatment with a rnemhrane-permeable cGMP analog, 8-bromo-cGMP, restored cell death and enhanced the HO-l protein expression induced by SNAP, ln contrast‘ inhibition of guanylate cyclase by lI-l -[1,2,4] ox adiazole[ 4,3 口]quinoxalin-l-one(ODQ) pretreated pulp cells to 1 mM SNAP resulting in marked cytotoxicity , These findings , demonstrating a link between J-lO-l, regulated thl'ough the cGMP system and NO-induced cytotox.icity in huma띠 p버 p ceJls , suggesti ng a protective 1'ole of HO-l in pulp infl ammatory disease
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Autographa californica 핵다각체병 바이러스(AcNPV)의 다각체 단백질과 초록색 형광 단백질의 융합단백질의 특성을 분석하였다. 초록색 형광 단백질 유전자는 AcNPV의 완전한 다각체 단백질 유전자의 앞쪽과 뒤쪽에 융합하여 다각체 단백질 유전자의 프로모터 조절하에 도입하였다. 이렇게 작성된 재조합 바이러스를 각각 Ac-GFPPOL 또는 Ac-POLGFP이라고 명명하였다. 이들 재조합 바이러스에 의해 감염된 곤충세포주에서는 56kDa의 융합단백질이 발현되었다. 한편, 흥미롭게도 재조합 바이러스 Ac-POLGFP에 의해 감염된 세포주에서는 초록색 형광이 핵내에서만 다각체 유사 granular particle 형태로 관찰되었다. 반면에 Ac-GFPPOP에 의해 감염된 세포도주에서는 대부분 핵내에 존재하였지만, 세포질과 핵 모두에서 초록색 형광을 관찰할 수 있었다. 그러나 발현된 융합단백질은 분명히 다각체단백질을 포함하고 있음에도 다각체는 형성하지 않았다. 이러한 결과들은 융합단백질에서 다각체단백질의 위치와 관련이 있는 것으로 보여진다.