
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2000.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Byung-Soo Park, Woosoon Kang and Mija Kim. 2000. On English Gerundive Constructions: A Constraint-Based Lexical Approach. Studies in Modern Grammar. 22, 107-124. In this paper, we support Malouf`s (1998) proposal that there be an independent syntactic category, gerund. In terms of the type hierarchy of syntactic categories, it is possible to say that the category gerund belongs both to a verbal category and to a nominal category without being either a verb or a noun. On the other hand, we attempt to modify Malouf`s analysis of certain control and raising verbs which require gerundive complements. Under his analysis, an NP and a gerundive construction that fallow a control or raising verb must always constitute a GP (Gerundive Phrase). However, in addition to those cases, we show that there are cases in which the two elements must not constitute a GP; they are separate parts of a VP, together with the preceding head daughter. Our analysis is based an the possibility of passivizing the NP occurring before the gerundive complement. We also show that the unexpressed subject of a gerundive phrase is systematically identifiable under our analysis, without adding anything to the present control theory.