High yield arable and crop farming demands a temporally and quantitatively determined application of plant nutrients according to field and culture. The nutrients may come from commercial fertilizers or from animal wastes. Regarding the dangers to soil, water and air, which come from current agricultural application measures for nitrogen, a sectoral approach for a nonpolluting liquid manure utilization cannot be used any longer. An integrated system approach has to be found, leading to a drastic improvement of nutrient utilization and hence to a considerably reduced nutrient use. This can be only expected, if the organic manure can be applicated at times, when losses through leaching and volatilization can be minimized.
If it does not underestimate the livestock feces, it is analyzed that the potential energy of consumption is sufficient. If consequently economic value evaluation of the livestock feces, environmentally use, the use of opportune and proper quantity, the logistics system development which connected the transportation and scattering, environmentally plan of public control facilities for livestock feces as a precondition of livestock feces consuming is been sufficient, the livestock feces problem of both farmhouse and the area which occurs excessively will be solve more economically and will be the possibility resources more efficiently as chemical fertilizer transfer.