The analysis of the written verdicts in recent five years was conducted to obtain preventive measures of collision between fishing vessel and non fishing vessel. As a result, a collision much happened in offshore trap for fishing vessel and below 5,000 tons of small and medium class for non fishing vessel. A person involved in a marine accident occupied 68% in sixth class deck officer and small boat operator for fishing vessel and 29% in third class deck officer for non fishing vessel. 90% of the collision happened in a underway by operating state and 84% in sight of one another by visibility state. The systemic radar training was required since 47% of the collisions was occurred on the condition of radar operation in fishing vessel. The main cause of poor lookout was a intensive fishing and poor lookout on movement by radar for fishing vessel and one man watch system and no recognition of one another by radar for non fishing vessel. This result is expected to contribute for the decrease of collision.
To establish a vessel safety management system for improving the safety of vessel's traffic and preventing vessel's traffic accidents, the state of marine traffic in the Busan South Port was investigated and analyzed as preliminary survey of the countermeasures. As a result of the study, there are 1,158 vessels in a day, 48 vessels in an hour, and the maximum traffic is about 118 vessels between 16:00 and 17:00 hours everyday, which requires to establish and operate a traffic control system necessarily for ensuring vessel's traffic safety. Furthermore, passages of tanker, passenger ship, cargo vessel and government vessel showed to sail along main traffic lane to be obtained enough sea depth at the survey area. However, passages of fishing vessel and launch showed to sail freely at all survey area owing to outstanding maneuverability and a shallow draft. Some vessels of launch sailed along main traffic lane, but other vessels crossed to sail it. The passages to cross main traffic lane is higher the risk of collision. Therefore, safety measures are urgently needed for the operation of the Busan South Port management system and the prevention of marine pollution.
This study intends to present a direction for the better reforming of fishers'onboard living conditions and proposals for preparing for ratification of the Work in Fishing Convention by means of making a comparison between standards on recent national fishing vessel accommodation facilities and standards on the Work in Fishing Convention and Its Recommendation, 2007, ILO. For the most part of standards on national fishing vessel accommodation facilities are somewhat insufficient to satisfy the provisions in Annex III of the Convention. Considering by items on fishing vessel accommodation facilities, the standards on insect protector, noise and vibration, heating and air conditioning, lighting, persons per sleeping room, recreational facility are not provided in national law. Headroom, separation of accommodation, sleeping room floor area, mattress size, mess room, galley and food storage are partially sufficient for the Convention. In case of sanitary facilities, national standards are not sufficient for the Convention. The other side, facilities related safety of ship and crew such as emergency escape etc., are fully sufficient for the Convention. These insufficiencies caused by different types of fishing vessel depend on originality of fishing method and practices. In the comparison between equivalent tonnage about vessel's length on convention and calculated tonnage of national existing fishing vessel, the difference are 226tons about length 24m and 501tons about length 45m. For that reason, headroom, persons per sleeping room, cabin of sicker and injured, sanitary facilities may decide to use gross tonnage in place of length (L) and the alleviating measure basis of convention. But in case of standards on sanitary facilities which are unsufficient for the Convention, specially in coastal fishing vessel length basis should be adopted with alleviating basis for less than length 24m.
본 연구는 잠수기 어업용 수중무선전화기를 설계하는데 있어 최적의 반송 주파수와 송신 신호의 음원 준위를 결정할 목적으로 우리 나라 잠수기 주 조업장의 하나인 거제와 통영 해역의 해양 배경소음과 조업중인 잠수기 어장의 수중 소음에 대하여 검토, 고찰한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 거제와 통영의 잠수기 어장의 해양 배경 소음을 분석한 결과, 음압 준위는 25∼301kHz 부근에서 가장 낮아 52∼57dB이었고, 주변 통항 선박량과 산업시설이 많은 거제 해역이 통영 해역보다 약 5dB 더 높았다. 2. 거제와 통영의 잠수기 어선의 조업중의 수중소음을 비교하면, 최저 음압준위는 30kHz 부근에서 거제 어장에서는 67dB로서 통영의 62d묘보다 5dB 높은 음압 준위를 나타냈다. 이것은 거제 해역은 잠수기 어선의 규모도 통영 해역의 잠수기 어선보다 약간 크고, 분사기를 사용하여 작업하는데 비해 통영 해역은 잠수기 어선의 크기도 상대적으로 작고, 주 어획 대상물이 달라 분사기를 사용하지 않는 것이 그 원인으로 판단된다. 3. 거제 해역의 패류 채취용 분사기를 사용할 때의 수중 소음의 음압 준위는 102dB었다. 4. 거제 해역의 조업중에 대한 수중 배경 소음을 67dB라 가정할 때, 최대 500m까지 통화하기 위한 송신 신호의 음원 준위는 131dB 정도이다. 그러나, 통영 해역의 잠수기 조업은 분사기를 사용하지 않는 조업으로 이 경우 배경 소음은 약 62dB로서 송신 신호의 음원 준위는 126dB정도이다. 잠수기 조업중이 아닌 경우 즉, 스쿠버 다이버용 수중무선 전화기인 경우에는 배경 소음이 52∼57dB이므로 송신 신호의 음원 준위는 l16∼121dB이면 될 것으로 판단된다.