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        검색결과 10

        2024.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate the catch selectivity characteristics related to the mesh arrangement of the codend in bottom trawl. Sea trials were conducted using the covered codend method from January 16 to 17, 2024, off the southern coast of Gyeongsangnam-do, focusing on the side panels of diamond and square mesh codend. A probit model was used in the selectivity analysis to estimate retention probability curves for sea pike comparing the  , , and  selectivity lengths, the selection range ( ), and the corresponding  and  values. The estimated 50% selection lengths were 23.82 cm for the diamond mesh and 25.20 cm for the square mesh whereas the corresponding selection ranges were 5.23 cm for the diamond mesh and 3.71 cm for the square mesh. The  and  values for the square mesh were lower, at 35.91 and 36.71, respectively, compared to 37.65 and 38.45 for the diamond mesh. Additionally, the retention probability at a fork length of 15 cm was lower for the square mesh than for the diamond mesh. These findings provide practical insights for gear design while contributing to the reduction of bycatch and small size fish catches in bottom trawl.
        2024.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the selectivity of Octopus minor using the extended SELECT model in netpots. The data used for the analysis were collected from ten sea trials conducted between 2009 and 2010 using cylindrical octopus traps with six mesh sizes (16, 18, 20, 22, 24, and 26 mm). The selectivity analysis was performed using two models: the p-fixed split model and the p-estimated split model, depending on whether the encounter probability (split parameter) was estimated. The model fit was evaluated by comparing the model deviation and AIC values. The results showed that octopus catch decreased as mesh size increased, with a general tendency for larger individuals to be caught. The 16 mm trap, which had the smallest mesh size, accounted for 25.9% of the total octopus catch by number of individuals while the 22 mm trap, a commercial mesh size, accounted for 14.1%. The CPUE based on weight was highest for the 18 mm trap. The selectivity analysis results indicated that the p-estimated split model provided the best fit, and the 50% selection length for the 22 mm trap was 64.57 mm. In this study, reliability of various models was considered in the mesh selectivity analysis, and the findings are intended to serve as basic data for improving relevant regulations and deriving scientific research results.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study quantitatively evaluated size selectivity for three netting shapes (T0; regular, T45, T90) and hanging ratio (35%, 70%) of T0 netting used for trawl codend. The size selectivity experiment was performed in a tank using a cube experimental model with a length of 50 cm on one side and 389 experimental individuals, jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus). In the selectivity analysis, a selectivity curve was created based on the selection ratio using a logistic function, and the 25%, 50%, and 70% selection length and selection range  were obtained. The T0 netting was 19.54 cm when the 50% selective length, which is a selectivity evaluation index, had a hanging ratio of 35%, a selection range of 0.51 cm, and 22.70 cm and 3.08 cm for the hanging ratio of 70%. The T45 netting was 24.34 cm and 2.13 cm, and the T90 netting was 23.51 cm and 2.84 cm. The results of the T45 netting and the T90 netting are similar, and the 50% selection length and selection range were relatively larger than the T0 netting. There was a significant difference in the correlation between the circumference of the inner circle of the mesh by the shape of the netting and the body girth of the experimental individual (Pearson test,      ). There was no significant difference in the correlation between the selection ratio by the T0 netting, T45 netting, and T90 netting with a 70% hanging ratio (one-way ANOVA,   ). The results of this study showed that selectivity such as T45 netting and T90 netting appeared when the hanging ratio, which maximizes the area of T0 netting, was maintained at 70%.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a comparative test operation was conducted through the alternate haul method to examine the selectivity of the four mesh sizes (60 mm, 90 mm, 110 mm, and 130 mm) of the trawl codend. The selectivity was analyzed using the SELECT model considering the fishing efficiency (split parameter) of each fishing gear in the comparative test fishing operation in the trawl and the maximum likelihood method for parameter estimation. A selectivity master curve was estimated for several mesh sizes using the extended-SELECT model. As a result of analyzing the selectivity for silver croaker based on the results of three times hauls for each experimental gear, it was found that the size of the fish caught increased as the size of the mesh size increased. When the selectivity for each mesh size analyzed by the SELECT model considering the split ratio was evaluated based on the size of the AIC value, the estimated split model was superior to the equal split model. Based on the master curve, the 50% selection length value was 2.893, which was estimated to be 136 mm based on the mesh size of 60 mm. In some selectivity models, there was a large deviance between observed and theoretical values due to the non-uniformity of the distribution of fished length classes. As a result, it is considered that appropriate sea trials and selectivity evaluation methods with high reliability should be applied to present trawl fishery resource management methods.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the selection action on the mesh in the net pot for whelk (Buccinum opisthoplectum) is experimentally considered, and the selectivity was compared by the SELECT model and the Nashimoto’s method with the probability model according to the contact shape of the mesh and the whelk. The experiments of the mesh size selectivity was conducted for two mesh sizes: 70 mm (inner stretched size 65.4 mm) and 44 mm (inner stretched size 39.5 mm). Selectivity experiments were conducted three times in total for each mesh size used 264 whelks. In addition, Nashimoto’s method analyzed the retention probability using probability model for whether the mesh passed or not based on the carapace width of the whelk. As a result of the selectivity analysis, the 50% selection carapace width for the mesh size of 70 mm was similar to 43.62 mm in the SELECT model and 42.64 mm in the Nashimoto's method. However, the 44 mm mesh with relatively small mesh size showed differences of 40.01 mm and 26.80 mm, respectively. As for the mesh size selectivity of whelk, it was found that the smaller the mesh size, the lower the selectivity. In addition, in the selectivity study on the mesh size of whelk, an evaluation method that closely considers the contact shape between the mesh and the target species is required.