In South Korea, the total root production volume of Platycodon grandiflorum was 5,255ton in 1991 but it rapidly decreased to about 50% (2,697 ton) in 2002. From 2006, however, it has beengradually increased and reached to 6,759 ton in 2011. Meantime, the imported root of Platycodon grandi-florum for the pharmaceutical purpose was 429 ton in 2001 but it has been dramatically decreased to 36ton in 2011. Instead, the imported volume of dried or fresh one for food was 11,652 ton in 2008 andremained at similar level up to now. Although the volume was very little (less than 23 ton), Platycodongrandiflorum's root cultivated in South Korea has also been exported to China, Japan and several coun-tries. Gyeongnam province in South Korea produced 1,100 ton of Platycodon grandiflorum's root in 2010and Geochang gun produced the largest volume (743 ton). Recently, the cultivation area is continuallyincreased in Hapcheon and Sancheong-Gun. We predict that the total production volume of Platycodongrandiflorum's root in South Korea will be continually increased in future due to consumer's continuousdemands and a rising unit price.