PURPOSES : This study aimed to evaluate the influence of weigh-in-motion (WIM)-based overloading enforcement systems on the performance of a traffic stream.
METHODS: A VISSIM simulator was used for the evaluation of various scenarios. Actual WIM event data collected from the field was used for simulation parameter calibrations. A genetic algorithm was incorporated into the calibration procedure to identify the optimal set of parameters. The impact of the overloading enforcement systems on the traffic stream was investigated from the perspective of mobility, safety, and environmental compatibility.
RESULTS: The existing enforcement system is generally superior to the new pilot enforcement system.
CONCLUSIONS : Policies and regulations to fully exploit the benefits of WIM-based enforcement systems on freeways need to be developed and implemented. In addition, various enforcement scenarios should be tested on both actual and simulated environments.
Main aspects of this study are to clarify igneous activity of igneous rocks, which is a member of various intrusives and volcanics exposed in the SE-zone of Ogcheon Geosynclinal belt, one of basement of Korean peninsula. Igneous rocks of study area along marginal area between SE-zone and C-zone of Ogcheon Geosynclinal belt consist of Pre-Cambrian orthogneiss, Triassic foliated granites and Namweon granites, Jurassic diorite-gabbro and granites, and Cretaceous granites and volcanics. Foliated granites in so-called Honam shear belt of study area is divided into four rock units based on the geologic age, mineralogy and texture : Daegang foliated granite, foliated hornblende biotite grandiorite, foliated biotite granodiorite and foliated two mica granite. Foliation of foliated granites generated by dextral strike slip movement at deep ductile shear zone. The individual synchronous plutons plottes on Harker diagram show mostly similar trend to the Daly's values. Each plots of the foliated granites, Jurassic granites and Cretaceous igneous rocks concentrate near trend of talc-alkali rock series on the AMF diagram. Igneous rocks of study area vary wide range in total REE content(83.27-377.49ppm) show LREE enriched than HREE in REE amount, and LREE have more steep negative slope in Eu(-) anomaly. From the date mentioned above, it is concluded the synchronous plutons which composed of several rock facies is considered to formed by differentiation of a series of magma. Geochronological episodes of igneous activity from early proterozoic to late Cretaceous between Jinan and Naju are two more Pre-Cambrian Orogenies, Songrim Disturbance, Daebo Orogeny and Bulkuksa Disturbance.
고강도 그라우트재가 적용된 해상 풍력 발전 타워 자켓-파일 연결부의 설계를 위하여, 국외 해상풍력발전 타워 설계기준에서 제공하고 있는 그라우트 연결부 설계기준을 검토하였다. 해상 풍력 발전 타워 자켓-파일 기초의 연결은 sleeve의 내측과 파일의 외측에 링 모양의 전단키를 설치하고, 그 사이를 모르터로 채워 연결하는 방식으로 적용된다. 현재 DNV-OS-J101 및 NORSOK 등의 설계기준에서는 모노파일의 연결부 형식과 자켓-파일 연결을 모르터를 이용한 연결방법으로 설계기준이 정립되어 있으나, 설계기준별로 추천하고 있는 그라우트재의 강도는 상이하다.
본 연구에서는 콘크리트의 압축강도(fck), 전단키의 높이(h), 전단키의 간격(s) 및 그라우트 간격(tg)에 따른 연결부의 강도를 분석하기 위하여, 재료비선형 유한요소해석을 이용하여 구조적 거동분석을 수행하였다. 전단키의 간격에 따른 모르터와 전단키의 파괴양상을 확인하였으며, 이를 설계기준에서 제시하고 있는 강도와 비교하였다. 해석 결과를 이용하여 설계기준에서 제시하고 있는 전단키의 간격별 파괴모드와 유한요소해석결과의 파괴모드를 비교분석하여, 고강도 그라우트재의 적용성을 평가하였다.