
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        들기름 및 미강유를 베이스로 개발한 혼합 식용유는 오메가-3 지방산인 리놀렌산 함량이 약 20% 정도로 매우 높다. 이는 기존의 일반 식용유 중 오메가-3 지방 함량이 매우 높은 콩기름과 카놀라유의 리놀렌산 함량이 각각 6% 및 10% 내외인 점을 감안하면, 이들 식용유에 비하여 새로 들기름과 미강유를 혼합한 식용유는 2~3배 높은 비율로 오메가-3 지방산을 제공할 수 있어서, 오메가-3 지방산 섭취가 부족한 현대인의 식단에서 중요한 오메가-3 지방산 급원으로서의 역할을 할 수 있을 것이다. 뿐만 아니라, 토코페롤 함량도 약 46.77 ㎎/ 100 g oil 정도인데, 가장 주목할 일은 토코페롤 동족류 중 비타민 E의 활성이 가장 강한 알파-토코페롤(31.71 ㎎/100 g oil)이 가장 많이 존재하여, 총 토코페롤의 64%를 차지하고 있어서 비타민 E로서의 기능이 높다. 혈중 콜레스테롤 함량을 낮추는 기능성이 알려진 파이토스테롤 함량이 들기름과 미강유를 혼합한 식용유에 약 7,200 ppm 함유되어 있어, 일반적인 식용유의 3,000 ppm의 약 2.3배에 달한다. 본 연구에서 개발한 들기름과 미강유를 혼합한 식용유는 일반적인 식용유인 콩기름과 거의 유사한 산화안정성을 갖는 것으로 확인되어, 일반 들기름에 비하여 현저히 높은 산화안정성이 확보되었다.
        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is intended to study what kinds of the vegetables are mentioned in the Bible and how they were used in those days. While one hundred and twenty-eight different plants are mentioned in the Bible, there are today 2,384 plant species in modem Israel, most of which have been introduced in recent centuries. These plants obviously did not exist there in biblical times and were only recently introduced from Australia and South America, respectively. This article will study only the vegetables mentioned in the Bible and known to have existed in the old and new testament times. Since the first book devoted exclusively to biblical botany was that of Levinus Lemmens in 1566, the modem systematic study of biblical plants, began with F. Hasselquist, a student of Linnaeus, the founder of modem botany. In 1928, Immanuel Loew approached the subject differently, reviewing all known data pertaining to biblical plants. His work not only discussed biblical plants, but also plants in later Jewish literature, particularly the Talmud. The British scholar G. E. Post provided a broad field study of modem plants in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. More recent major treatments of the subject include those of A. and H. Moldenke (1952), M. Zohary (1982), N. Hareuveni (1984), and Y. J. Choi(1996). Today, articles on specific biblical plants listed in the Bible can be found in any number of encyclopedias. This study attempts to provide a synthesis of the work of a number of scholars who studied the vegetables and plants mentioned in the Bible. As a preliminary study on the culture of food in the biblical period, this study has focused on the identity and features of the vegetables of the Bible. In only a limited number of instances, because of the paucity of the informations and the broad and generic descriptions of the plants, we can't be certain about the identification of the vegetables named in the Bible. In many instances the traditions established by the Greek, Aramaic, and English translations are helpful, although sometimes they are misleading. This paper subdivides the vegetables into broad areas, the general vegetables and the flavoring herbs. Vegetables formed very important part of the diet in the biblical times. Two main types were used: those whose nutritious seeds could be easily stored and those which were eaten freshly gathered from gardens. Pulse seeds provided a useful source of vegetable protein, while fresh green vegetables were vitamin rich. Pulses could be eaten boiled, or their dried seeds could be ground up into flour and then made into nutritious soups. Fresh vegetables were eaten either raw or lightly cooked, usually by boiling in water. The general vegetables in the Bible are herbs(garden rocket), cucumber(snake cucumber), watermelon, leeks, chicory, and onions. Also the flavoring herbs in the Bible are rue, dill, cummin, black cummin, frankincense, cinnamon, cassia, myrrh, black mustard, coriander, mint, saffron, ginger grass, syrian hyssop, aloes(eagle wood), manna which have the flavor, aroma, and medical values.
        2000.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the consumer recognition and consumption of Misitgaru(the traditional powder of roast grain). Data were collected from the 605 housewives(average age, 42.9 years old) residing in Chonbuk area by the self-administered questionnaire. The results from this study were as follows. The respondants were generally concerned regarding Misitgaru as a between-meal snack(33%). And there were recognition on Misitgaru as a weaning food(17%), health food(16%), and substitute food(14%). Of the respondants, good consumers of the Misitgaru were high ratio in age below 30 years old and in number of family member between 6 to 7. Among the demographic variables, age, educational level and housing form especially affected the purchasing place and educational level affected the kinds of mixing cereals. The higher the educational level, the more the kinds of mixing cereals. The methods of storage were significantly different according to age and income level. The older in age and higher in income level, the higher the storage at room temperature.