In this study, a shape design and an analysis considering structural stability were investigated to develop an icosahedron-based hemispherical modular dome. To design this modular dome, a program that can perform icosahedron shape modeling, modularization of joint connection members, and the analysis of structural stability was developed. Furthermore, based on the adopted numerical model, the eigen buckling mode, unstable behavior characteristics according to load vector, and the critical buckling load of the modular dome under uniformly distributed load and concentrated load were analyzed, and the resistance capacities of the structure according to different load vectors were compared. The analysis results for the modular dome suggest that the developed program can perform joint modeling for shape design as well as modular member design, and adequately expressed the nonlinear behaviors of structured according to load conditions. The critical buckling load results also correctly reflected the characteristics of the load conditions. The uniformly distributed load was more advantageous to the structural stability than concentrated load.
A cable structures have the advantage that cover a large space without column but it is very sensitive to deal with shape control because of its flexibility. Especially, location of control member and needed elongation of member are important things. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is studied on displacement control technique for pre-stressed cable structures by force method considering order of control.
In the past spatial structures have been significantly developing in the architectural field. Most of all, the single layer grid dome has become very popular, having not only with aesthetic advantages, but also the economic benefit of saving material. Especially, a generation of triangular mesh for the curved surface is one of the important things. Therefore, in this paper, a generation technique to get a equilateral triangle surface of single layer dome is deal with. To solve the problem, the objective function is consist of the standard deviation of triangular element and differential evolution method is adopted to fine a fine triangular gird.
This study investigated characteristics of buckling load and effective buckling length by member rigidity of dome-typed space frame which was sensitive to initial conditions. A critical point and a buckling load were computed by analyzing the eigenvalues and determinants of the tangential stiffness matrix. The hexagonal pyramid model and star dome were selected for the case study in order to examine the nodal buckling and member buckling in accordance with member rigidity.