
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Drago Galić (1907-1992) has been acknowledged as one of most important modern Croatia architects of the 20th century and noted for his controversial apartment buildings at 35-35a and 43-43a blocks on Vukovar Street in Zagreb, Croatia. Although the two housings were highly regarded as the best examples of the post-war housing design in Croatia, a plagiarism controversy arose due to its similar exterior looks to Le Corbusier’s Unité d'Habitation in Marseille in 1952. This research intends to comparatively analyze architectural features implemented on the works of apartment of Drago Galić and Le Corbusier's Unité d'Habitation. The analysis focuses on architectural characteristics categorized in three parts: unit plan, community space, and unit combinations. The site survey was carried out to yield more useful information for the analysis. During this process, written and photographic documentations are collected for the further interpretation. In addition, scale drawings are reconstructed for the in-depth analysis of the project.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - In this study, it is classified the service quality dimension of mobile shopping app using Kano model. In addition, it is evaluated quality factors suitable for strategic management from the viewpoint of service provider through mobile application through binary dimension analysis. Research design, data, and methodology - In this study, seven quality dimensions such as information quality, reliability, immediacy, convenience, design, security and customer service were derived through related studies to make binary shopping quality app quality measurement. 37 sub-variables were set by each quality dimensions. Each questionnaire was composed of positive and negative items like Kano's proposed method, and the satisfaction coefficient suggested by Timko(1993) was examined to understand the influence of each factors on customer satisfaction. Results - As a result of research, shopping app users perceived unity quality factor in most items of service quality dimension such as information quality, reliability, immediacy, convenience and customer service. In addition, the satisfaction coefficient showed a good impression, quick response of the result, fast delivery, and the unsatisfactory coefficient showed more interest in personal information such as payment method safety, and transaction security. As a result of research, shopping app users perceived unity quality factor in most items of service quality dimension such as information quality, reliability, immediacy, convenience and customer service. And, in information quality, the information overload was classified as an apathetic quality component, while the related information provision belonged to an attractive quality component. In reliability quality, customized service provision was classified as an attractive quality component. In instant connectivity, the quality of the connection during transport was classified as an attractive quality component. In convenience quality, access to product information was classified as a one-way quality component. All components of designs quality were classified as attractive quality components, and in security quality, all of their components were all classified as one quality component. Lastly, in customer service, they components were all classified as a single quality component. In addition, the satisfaction coefficient showed a good impression, quick response of the result, fast delivery, and the unsatisfactory coefficient showed more interest in personal information such as payment method safety, and transaction security. Conclusion - In the online service environment, which is difficult to differentiate in terms of upward upgrading only by technological implementation and function, the results of this study can be suggested as a differentiating factor for major channels with customers rather than improve the brand image.