It is not easy to establish the correct standard time and standard manhour in a process of small quantity batch production system, especially in a case of irregular quantity of production. Therefore, how to establish rational standard time about manufactu
Korean Quality Innovation Movement has achieved excellent results for the past 10 years as Hard Single PPM, the next step should be Smart Single PPM. In this new version of PPM, the systematic or structural problems found through thorough examination of p
그간 10여 년간 열심히 추진해서 많은 성과를 낸 한국적품질혁신운동을 하드 싱글PPM(Hard Single PPM)이라고 한다면, 향후 품질혁신운동은 이제까지의 활동을 점검해 보고 보완할 점들을 개선ㆍ보완하여 보다 더 똑똑하고 영리하게 추진하여 모기업과 협력업체 모두에게 이익이 되는 스마트 싱글PPM(Smart Single PPM)이어야 한다. 그리고 이것은 오늘날의 동반성장 시대에 꼭 들어맞는 핵심적 경영전략의 실체로 이해하고 추진해야 할 것이다.
따라서 본연구에서는 스마트 싱글PPM활동으로 대ㆍ중소기업 동반성장을 강화할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.
Goal of "Single PPM Quality Innovation Movement" is to achieve perfect quality through participation of all members in the production line to achieve zero defects.
Six Sigma has been used by many leading corporations as a tool for Management Innovatio
Since 100PPM Quality Certification System has been established by the Industrial Advancement Administration in 1995, 100PPM Quality Innovation Movement has contributed much to the enhancement of quality competitiveness of Korea''s parts industry. And in 2
콘크리트는 장기수명이 요구되는 구조물에 적합한 건설재료로 내구성이 우수하지만 장기간 지하수에 노출되어 발생하는 칼슘용출 현상에 대한 이해 및 이에 따른 RC 부재의 휨 거동 특성을 평가할 필요가 있다. 실험결과에 따르면, 광물질 혼화재는 RC 부재의 장기강도 개선에 효과적이지만, 칼슘용출이 발생하면 RC 부재의 항복하중 및 휨 강성이 감소하고 중립축깊이와 처짐량이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 칼슘용출에 의한 열화는 RC 부재의 성능 저하를 유발하므로 칼슘용출 환경에 노출되는 지하구조물에 광물질 혼화재가 적용될 경우에는, 광물질 혼화재 종류에 따른 최적 혼입 비율이 마련되어야할 것으로 사료된다.
Electrical waste, such as heavy weight waste glass, has become a global concern in terms of resource recycling. At the same time, aggregate is one of the most widely used infrastructure materials, and it is being exhausted. So, in this paper, the heavy weight waste glass is considered as aggregate due to its physical characteristics and chemical composition. From the results, when the heavy weight waste glass substitution ratio increase, the compressive strength and flexural strength decreased.
In this paper, the flexural test of concrete member damaged due to Calcium leaching were performed to evaluate the characteristics of structural behavior. From the results, yield load, maximum load and flexural rigidity of RC member damaged by calcium leaching were decreased and the depth of the neutral axis was increased.
In this paper, the sulfate resistance of concrete substituted the crushed heavy weight waste glass as fine aggregate are compared and evaluated. From the results, when heavy weight waste glass substituted ratio increase, the reduction rate of compressive strength is decreased. So, the sulfate resistance is improved by using heavy weight waste glass in concrete.
It is necessary to investigate the possibility of high density material as an ingredient in the manufacturing of radiation shielding material. In this study, the suitability of heavy weight waste glass as a shielding material is considered. From the results, it was found that when the heavy weight waste glass substitution ratio increases, radiation shielding performance also increase.
In this paper, the flexural behavior of RC member recycled heavy weight waste glass as fine aggregate was evaluated by finite element analysis. From the results, yield point and maximum load decreased with decreasing concrete strength and elastic modulus. Also, the finite element analysis program does not reflect the ductility loss of RC members using heavy weight waste glass as fine aggregate.
In this paper, the sulfate resistance of concrete substituted the crushed heavy weight waste glass as fine aggregate are compared and evaluated. From the results, when heavy weight waste glass substituted ratio increase, the reduction rate of compressive strength is decreased. So, the sulfate resistance is improved by using heavy weight waste glass in concrete.
It is necessary to investigate the possibility of high density material as an ingredient in the manufacturing of radiation shielding material. In this study, the suitability of heavy weight waste glass as a shielding material is considered. From the results, it was found that when the heavy weight waste glass substitution ratio increases, radiation shielding performance also increase
As the industrialization is rapidly growing, the quantities of industrial waste glass have been quickly increased. However the most of them are not recycled. Therefore, it is needed to investigate the possibility of industrial waste glass as concrete material ingredient. In this paper, it is compared and evaluated that the characteristics of freeze-thaw resistance according to industrial waste glass substitution ratio in concrete specimens. From the results, the weight change was not affected by the waste glass substitution ratio. And, the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity was increased slightly with the waste glass substitution ratio. The relative dynamic modulus of elasticity was above 80% up to 300cycles in all of the mixes.
Concrete behaves as a brittle material with low tensile strain capacity. By adding fibers, the cracking in concrete matrix is controlled, and the durability is improved. In this study, the microstructure and Chloride diffusion resistance of fiber reinforced concrete are compared with fiber type and fiber volume fraction. From the results, the fiber mixed in concrete must be at least 0.5% regardless fiber type, in order to ensure the chloride diffusion coefficient higher than OPC at 91days. However, the micro structure distribution is affected with fiber volume fraction and fiber type at range 10~100nm.