A framework for knowledge management system has been explored which enables the semantic search of knowledge on the web Knowledge representation by RDF and RDF schema enables machine cognition of knowledge documents. Dnblin core was adopted for structured
To establish the optimal culture systems for production of transferable embryos in Korean Cattle, pregnancy rates of IVF-derived blastocysts according to different culture media, culture method and culture duration were compared. Development of IVF-derived embryos to blastocysts was most effective in YS medium group co-cultre with cumulus cells. Blastocysts cultured for 6 to 8 d in vitro showed higher hatching rate and good quality. Pregnancy rates after transfer of IVF-derived blastocysts cultured for 7 or 8 d were high. Through our experiments, it is considered that improvement of culture media and culture method is necessary for mass production of blastocysts with excellent of good quality in Korean Cattle.
본 연구는 체외에서 생산된 도살장 유래의 한우 배반포를 젖소의 자궁에 이식하여 임신율을 상승시킴으로써 농가의 수정란 이식의 이해 및 그 산업화 촉진의 계기를 마련하고자 실시하였다. 그 결과 배양기간을 단축시키면서도 한꺼번에 많은 양의 배반포를 생산할 수 있는 배양액의 개발이 시급하며, 수정란 이식의 산업화를 위해서는 질 좋은 배반포 생산은 물론이거니와 수란우의 선정을 위한 신기술의 개발 및 숙련된 수정란 이식사의 양성은 대단히 중요하다고 생각한다.