In this paper, the effect of the turbulence intensity in across-wind direction on the wind load in CFD(Computational fluid dynamics) simulation was analyzed. ‘Ansys fluent’ software was used for CFD simulation. And the fluctuating wind speed applied to the simulation was generated according to Korean Design Standard and Von Karman wind turbulence model. The turbulence intensity in across-wind direction for simulation was applied from 0 to 100% of the turbulence intensity in along-wind direction. The analysis results showed that the turbulence intensity in across-wind direction had a particularly great effect on the wind load in across-wind direction.
In this study, the reliability of the analysis is evaluated by comparing the average wind pressure coefficient, RMS wind pressure coefficient and wind pressure spectrum with same condition of wind tunnel test which are calculated in the high-Reynolds number range of 1.2 ×1.06, 2.0.×106 each for the typical curved shape dome structure. And it is examined by the reliability of analysis through Improved delayed detached Eddy Simulation(IDDES), which is one of the hybrid RANS/LES techniques that can analyze the realistic calculation range of high Reynolds number. As a result of the study, it was found that IDDES can be predicted very similar to the wind tunnel test. The distribution pattern of the wind pressure coefficient and wind pressure spectrum showed a similar compared with wind tunnel test.
The Kingery-Bulmash equation is the most common equation to calculate blast load. However, the Kingery-Bulmash equation is complicated. In this paper, a modified equation for surface blast load is proposed. The equation is based on Kingery-Bulmash equation. The proposed equation requires a brief calculation process, and the number of coefficients is reduced under 5. As a result, each parameter obtained by using the modified equation has less than 1% of error range comparing with the result by using Kingery-Bulmash equation. The modified equation may replace the original equation with brief process to calculate.
Recently, the trend is emerging a variety of irregular tall buildings. It is important to design the building for lateral load according to this trend. Fluid Structure Interaction(FSI) simulation can be performed to understand the vibrations of the structure against dynamic wind loads. In order to make the physical characteristics of the actual structure and the analytical model the same, we studied core inserting equivalent stiffness modeling method. As a result of this analysis, the stiffness of the structure can be set similar to that of the two axes of the structure, and turbulence can be reproduced through the acceleration tendency.
The blast load is classified into free-air blast and surface blast following the location of explosion and surface. In this paper, several equations for blast load calculation are explained briefly and a modified equation for free-air blast load is suggested. The modified equation is based on Kingery-Bulmash equation which is used in UFC 3-340-02 and Conwep model. In this modified equation, the process of calculation is simplified against the original equation, and the number of coefficients is reduced under 5. As a result, each parameter of estimated data by modified equation has less than 1% of error range comparing with Kingery-Bulmash equation.
Recently damage of structures and loss of life by terrorism are internationally increasing. Among these terror that have a possibility to can happen in korea and that can caused lot of human life loss is the vehicle terror. To prevent the vehicle terror, the anti-ram barriers are needed. But domestic standard about anti-ram barriers are not clear. So, in this study, we will utilize and analyze the vehicle impact to evaluate the efficiency of the domestic bollard and suggest the installation standard of those. In Korea, granite, elastic, steel and stainless bollard are used. The performance of those bollard is not available. Elastic bollard couldn’t stop the vehicle, and the others just could stop the vehicle only at the speed under 10kph. Therefore, set the variable to reinforce, and evaluate the defence efficiency of bollard. As a result, granite and elastic bollard was not suitable for the anti-ram barriers. Performance of steel bollard increased as thickness grew. So steel bollard should must be thicker than 10T. And the concrete compressive strength effected insignificantly on the defence efficiency, so more than 24MPa compressive concrete be used. Performance of stainless bollard increased as thickness grew. So stainless bollard should must be thicker than 13T.
본 논문에서는 폭발해석에서 주로 사용되는 폭발하중의 압력-시간 이력곡선과 폭발하중 산정식인 Conwep 모델을 소개하고, 이를 더욱 간편하게 계산할 수 있는 간략 폭발하중 산정식을 제안한다. 폭발해석에서 폭발하중은 일반적으로 압력-시간 이력곡선의 형태로 적용되며, 그에 대한 주요 값들은 폭발하중 산정식에 의해 계산된다. 대부분의 폭발해석에서 사용되는 폭발하중 산정식인 Conwep 모델은 환산거리(scaled distance)를 핵심변수로 하여 계산되는데, 그 계산 과정이 매우 복잡한 단점이 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 환산거리를 변수로 갖는 간략한 유리식을 사용하여 주요 값들을 계산하고, 단순화된 압력-시간 이력곡선으로 폭발하중을 산정할 수 있도록 제안하였다. 간략식을 찾는 과정에서 Conwep 모델의 계산 결과를 바탕으로 곡선 적합(curve fitting) 방식이 사용되었으며, 제안된 간략식에 의한 주요 값의 계산 결과는 Conwep 모델과 비교하여 1% 미만의 오차를 갖는다. 또한, 유한요소를 이용한 폭발해석에 적용하였으며 Conwep 모델을 적용한 결과와 비교를 통해 검증하였다.
1970년대에 여러 연구자가 시제품 시험장비를 가지고 인발시험을 실시하였으며, 인발시험은 콘크리트 강도를 결정하는 신뢰할 만 한 비파괴검사 방법(NDT)으로 입증되었다. 우리는 고강도 콘크리트 강도를 추정하기 위하여 직경 10 mm볼트에 홈이 파인 파단형 인발 볼트 와 인발너트, 그리고 로드셀이 필요 없는 오일 유압펌프를 포함한 간이 인발시험법을 제안하였다. 저비용, 간편성 및 편의성을 갖는 간이인발 시험의 이점을 검증하기 위하여, 30 MPa 및 50 MPa 급 두가지 유형의 콘크리트로 제작된 4개의 모의벽체를 대상으로 로드셀을 장착한 간이인 발시험을 사용하여 인발시험을 실시하였다. 인발하중과 콘크리트 압축강도는 재령 7일까지는 매일, 그리고 14일, 21일, 28일에 측정되었다. 시 험결과 인발하중과 콘크리트 압축강도는 매우 밀접한 상관관계를 보여주었으며 따라서 인발하중이 현장에서 구조물의 고강도 콘크리트 강도 를 평가할 수 있다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 파단형 인발볼트 직경과 콘크리트 강도와의 관계식으로 y=0.05x+3.79(x=콘크리트 압축강도, y=파단형 인발볼트 직경)이 도출되었으며 결정계수는 0.88로 나타났다.