지하수를 식수원으로 활용하고 있는 대부분의 소규모 마을상수도 시설에서 방사성물질 발현에 대한 문제가 지속적으로 재기됨에 따라, 2015년 수질감시기준에 우라늄 항목이 추가되었다. 효과적인 우라늄 처리를 위하여, 마을상수도 시설에 NF 및 RO를 이용한 처리공정의 적용이 증가하고 있으나, 적용된 분리막의 효율적인 관리방법이 미흡한 현실이다. 전문적인 운영관리인원이 부족한 현실에서 안정적인 RO공정의 운영을 위한 방안으로 분리막의 세척방안 마련이 필요하다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 RO공정을 마을상수도에 도입시키고 운영하며, 발생되는 RO 분리막 오염의 효과적인 제어방법을 도출코자 하였다. 효율적인 세척방법으로 산/염기의 순차적 세척방법이 도출되었으며, 약 93%의 분리막 세척효과를 확인하였다.
Fuel pump of a vehicle is a device to supply the fuel from fuel tank to engine. This study analyzed the pulsatility on the shape of fuel supply pipe using a CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics). Numerical analysis was performed to use 3-dimensional incompressible k-ε turbulent model with measured pressure values at an exit by an experiment. Simulation models used commercial and improved model. In this study, the characteristics of the pulsatility reduced in improved model compared to those in commercial model. The pressure loss, which occurs at the flexure, was effective to pulsatile reduction. Commercial and improved model differed by numbers of flexure. The number of flexure between inlet and outlet decreased the difference of velocity and pressure. Therefore, the design of fuel supply pipe should be considered numbers and shape of flexure.
The two experiments were done on stationary car at 800rpm, 1500rpm and running car on oscilloscope and chassis dynamometer at the speeds of 20km/h, 60km/h. In this experiment, the relativity between waveform, exhaust emissions and fuel consumption through two experimental methods were measured in case of cars with failures in MAP sensor, O sensor, spark plugs. The following results are obtained by analyzing the data relativity between two experimental methods, such as stationary and running tests. A simple stationary test under the maintenance of a decrepit gasoline vehicle would be realistic possibility to predict the fuel consumption and the exhaust emission comparable to results of running test with a chassis dynamometer.