Amino acid transporters play an important role in supplying organic nutrient to cells. The expression of L-type arnino acid transporter 1 (LATl) and its subunit 4F2 heavy chain (4F2hc) was evaluated to deterrnine the alterations to these transporters in oral norrnal mucosa (ONM) , oral precancerous lesion (OPL) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Sections from formalin-ftxed, paraffm-embedded S따nples of ONM, OPL or OSCC were exarnined using immunohistochernical staining to detect LATl and 4F2hc proteins. 까le LATl and 4F강lC expression increased progressively from ONM to hypeφ,Iastic and to dysplastic lesions and OSCC. In partiαlar, LATl rnay be a more S야dftc indicator of tumor prog~않sion than 4F2hc. 까le gradually increasing LA Tl and 4F2hc expression detected during the multistep progressive change shows that the protein rnay have an important role in the early stages of multistep oral carcinogenesis. In addition, the specific inhibition of LA Tl and 4F2hc rnight be a new rationale to suppress oral cancer progression.
기후변화와 기후변화 외적인 요인으로 인해 지하수자원은 고갈되어가고 있다. 지하수자원의 효율적인 관리를 위해 유역 단위의 지하수자원 관리 취약시기 평가 방법을 개발하였다. 유역 단위의 취약시기 평가는 취약 지역 평가와 소유역에 대한 취약시기 평가를 독립적으로 진행하여 각각의 지수를 산정하였다. 취약 지역 평가 지수를 표준화하여 독립적으로 진행한 취약시기 평가 지수에 적용하여 유역 단위의 취약시기 평가 방법을 개발하였으며, 개발한 방법을 낙동강 상류 지역인 봉화군, 안동시, 예천군, 문경시, 상주시에 적용하였다. 그 결과 상주의 8월이 0.278로 가장 취약한 것으로 나타났으며, 안동시는 1년 중 8개월간 5개 지역 중 지하수자원 관리에 취약한 것으로 나타났다. 개발된 방법을 이용하여 지하수자원의 시공간을 고려한 효율적인 관리방안을 모색할 수 있을 것이다.
Bo-Kyeong Park and Jeong-Seok Kim. 2017. Islands in Sluicing: A Resumption Approach. Studies in Modern Grammar 95, 1-18. This paper investigates the island (in)sensitivity of sluicing. Boeckx (2008) and Wang (2007) analyze sluicing as an instance of TP ellipsis in which a resumptive pronoun occupies the wh-trace position after a sluiced wh-phrase moves to an operator position. Given that the resumptive pronoun is a stranded portion of the moved phrase which it associates with (Boeckx 2003), the resumption approach seems to provide a better account for the island-insensitivity of sluicing, in that the underlying structure of sluicing does not involve any island violation at the outset due to resumption. However, this naive resumption strategy cannot explain why sprouting sluicing and contrastive sluicing are sensitive to islands. Regarding the island-sensitivity of certain sluicing, we propose that resumption is suppressed in sprouting sluicing and contrastive sluicing for some reasons. To explain why, we resort to Boeckx's (2003) observation that resumption is restricted to D-linking and clefting. We argue that both sprouting sluicing and contrastive sluicing are not D-linked and cannot be derived from cleft sentences.
본 연구에서는 공진을 유도하는 수로를 이용한 새로운 개념의 유공방파제를 제안하려 한다. 공진수로에는 유공판을 설치하여 흐름 분리현상에 의한 파랑에너지의 소산을 유도한다. 종래의 수실과 유공벽을 이용한 방파제에 비하여 공진수로 내장형 유공방파제는 두 가지의 장점을 들 수 있는데, 하나는 목표 차단파랑에 따라서 수로의 설계가 용이하며 보다 장주기 파랑에 대하여도 적용이 가능하다. 또 하나는 유 공부가 쇄파력이 집중되는 수면부근보다 아래에 위치함으로써 구조적 안정성이 개선된다. 파랑에너지의 소산은 방파제 전면에서의 반사율로 서 평가하였고, 수치해석은 선형 포텐셜 이론에 기초한 Galerkin의 유한요소모델을 이용하였다. 수로의 고유주기와 입사파의 주기가 일치하는 부근에서 적절한 에너지 손실을 확인할 수 있었으며 에너지 손실의 양은 수로의 형상, 위치 및 유공율의 영향을 받았다.
In order to protect coastal facilities mainly from wave and current actions, the self-locking eco blocks constituting elements of protecting shore structures against scouring were designed. These blocks are adapted to the sloping bottom, coastal dunes, and submerged coastal pipelines, counteracting the destructive and erosive impulse action. A series of laboratory experiments has been conducted to investigate the reflection of water waves over and against a train of protruded or submerged shore structures and compare the reflecting capabilities of incident waves including wave forces. In this study the hydraulic model experiment was conducted to identify the performance of newly designed water affinity eco blocks to keep the coast slope and bottom mound from scouring by reduction of the wave reflection and to convince stability of the block placement. Revised design of each block element was also tested for field conditions. From the result of experiments, the field applicability of the developed blocks and placement was discussed afterward.
This paper investigates Multiple Sluicing in English. Nishigauchi (1998) and Lasnik (2013) analyze Multiple Sluicing as a construction in which the first wh-phrase escapes from the deletion site by leftward wh-movement, whereas the second remnant undergoes rightward movement, and then TP deletion follows. Lasnik specifically argues that the rightward movement of the second remnant is extraposition. However, these analyses cannot explain why the second remnant is typically [+wh]. To solve this problem, this paper shows that the second remnant undergoes a two-step rightward movement; it first moves to a vP adjunction position via extraposition, and then it undergoes focus movement to Foc(us)P. To explain the upward boundedness of the second remnant in Multiple Sluicing, we propose that the rightward movement can be iterative insofar as it satisfies the Order Preservation (Fox and Pesetsky 2003, 2005; Sabbagh 2007). We suggest that when the second remnant in Multiple Sluicing undergoes focus movement, it does not make an order contradiction; therefore, the two-step movement of the second remnant in Multiple Sluicing constructions is allowed.
On the basis of the potentials for the growth of local economy and the result of investigation of the ocean space development status, an ocean resort complex was proposed at the small harbor with a parallel beach in the east coast of Korea. As the development plan needs to reclaim the noticeable amount of coastal water area together with the applied shore facilities, it is necessary to analyze their impacts. Here, it was intended to analyze the coastal environment change such as water circulation and bottom change because of the development plan. A horizontal two-dimensional numerical model was applied to represent the combined impact of wind waves and tidal currents to sediment transport in that coastal region. Based on the result of 30 days tidal current simulations considering major four tidal components of M2,S2,K1 and O1 for the upper and lower boundaries and wind field data, bottom change was discussed. Flow velocities were not changed much at outer breakwater of Yangpo harbor. Bottom was eroded by maximum 1.7m after construction but some locations such as lee side of outer breakwater and some islets near the entrance shows isolated accretions. Although it needs more field observations for bottom change in the period of construction, the numerical calculation shows that there exist small impacts near the entrance area and coastal boundaries because of the development.