본 연구에서 도토리가루의 일반성분, pH, 총 폴리페놀함 량, 전자공여능, 호화도를 분석한 결과와 내냉동성 효모 및 비타민 C를 첨가하고 도토리가루의 첨가량을 달리한 반죽을 -18℃에서 4주간 냉동저장하면서 매주 꺼내어 해동 하여 발효시킨 현미증편반죽의 품질특성을 연구한 결과는 다음과 같다. 도토리가루의 총페놀함량, 전자공여능, 도토 리가루의 호화개시 온도(To)와 피크온도(Tp) 그리고 종료 온도(Tc)는 각각 3525.12 mg%, 16.71%, 68.41℃, 73.83℃, 82.96℃이었다. 도토리가루 첨가량 및 냉동저장기간에 따 른 도토리현미증편 냉동반죽의 효모수 변화에는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 냉동저장기간에 따른 시료의 CO2 발생량은 도토리가루 6% 첨가군 에서만 냉동저장 1주일에 증가하였 다가 3주일 이상 냉동저장시에 약간 감소하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면, 냉동저장기간에 따른 도토리현미증편 냉 동반죽의 효모수 변화가 없었고 CO2 발생량도 도토리가루 6% 첨가군 에서만 3주일 이상 냉동저장시에 약간 감소하였 으므로, 내냉동성 효모의 사용은 도토리현미증편 냉동반죽 의 개발을 가능하게 하였다. 또한 냉동반죽의 제조 시에 항산화활성을 지니는 총 폴리페놀함량과 전자공여능이 높 은 도토리가루의 첨가가 바람직하다고 생각되었다.
Antioxidant activity, total phenolics level and cytotoxicity of the methanol extracts from the young sprouts of 5 Korean woody salad plants were determined. Methanol extracts of Kalopanax pictus had the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity, with an IC50 value of 23.5mg 100g-1, and followed by Valeriana fauriei(43.1mg 100g-1), and Morus alba(〉100mg 100g-1). Total phenolic content showed the highest amount in methanol extracts from Kalopanax pictus(23.7mg 100g-1), and followed by Valeriana fauriei(22.7mg 100g-1), Aralia elata(16.8mg 100g-1) and Morus alba(14.2mg 100g-1). In a MTT assay, methanol extracts of Aralia elata with IC50 values of 151.0 and 140.7μg mL-1 showed the most potent cytotoxicity on Calu-6 and MCF-7, respectively. On the other hand, methanol extracts of Kalopanax pictus(IC50=96.5μg mL-1) showed the highest activity against HCT-116, and followed by those of Aralia elata(123.3μg mL-1), and Actinidia arguta(162.0μg mL-1). Total phenolic content of the tested plant extracts was correlated with the DPPH radical scavenging activity, suggesting the phenolic compounds may contribute to the antioxidant properties of Korean salad plants.
Cheese analogs using lipoxygenase-defected soymilk and α -chymotrypsin modified soy protein isolate (SPI) were prepared. Color, textural properties, sensory attributes and melting spreadability of cheese analogs were evaluated and compared with mozzarella cheese, and relationships between textural properties, sensory attributes and melting spreadability of cheese analogs were analyzed. Off-flavors were not mostly discriminated. Cheese analogs containing 10% SPI untreated and containing 6% and 8% SPI treated by α -chymotrypsin in δE value of color were the most similar to mozzarella cheese. Quality characteristics and melting spreadability of cheese analogs were highly affected and improved by α -chymotrypsin modification. Sensory attributes and melting spreadability of cheese analogs containing 6% SPI treated by α -chymotrypsin were the most similar to mozzarella cheese, while in textural properties, cheese analogs containing 10% SPI were the most similar with mozzarella cheese. Hardness in sensory attributes was highly positively correlated with hardness (r>0.65), adhesiveness (r>0.56), chewiness (r>0.77) and gumminess (r>0.76) in textural properties, while it was highly negatively correlated with melting spreadability (r>-0.68).
Effects of α -chymotrypsin modification on degree of hydrolysis (DH), solubility, emulsifying capacity and thermal aggregation of laboratory-purified soy protein isolate (SPI) using a lipoxygenase-defected soybean (Jinpum-kong) and commercial soy protein isolate (Supro 500E) were compared. SPIs were hydrolyzed by α -chymotrypsin at pH 7.8 and 37~circC for 30 min. DHs of Supro 500E and Jinpum-kong SPI were increased by α -chymotrypsin modification, and DH of Supro 500E was higher than that of Jinpum-kong SPI. DH of α -chymotrypsin treated Jinpum-kong SPI was similar with untreated Supro 500E and DH of treated Supro 500E was the highest. Solubility, emulsifying capacity and thermal aggregation of SPIs were increased by α -chymotrypsin modification, and these changes were highly related to changes in DH. Functional properties of Supro 500E were higher than Jinpum-kong SPI in both of untreated and α -chymotrypsin treated SPIs.
Antioxidant activity of the extract fractions from leaves, stems, roots and flowers of Cirsium pendulum Fisch. was investigated. The results showed the greatest antioxidant activities in leaves by Rancimat, TBA and DPPH methods. Extracts of common thistle plants dose-dependently increased DPPH free radical scavenging activity, The extract from flowers and its hexane fraction showed the strongest antioxidant activity. HPLC analysis showed that BuOH fraction of the leaves had the highest amount of antioxidant chlorogenic and p-coumaric acids at 5.38 and 9.71 mg 100 g-1, respectively. It implies that common thistle plants had potent antioxidant activity, and their activities were differently exhibited depending on plant part and solvent fraction.
In this study, plant regeneration through in vitro culture from plantlet stems of Yooja (C. junos Sieb.) and trifoliate orange (P. trifoliata Rafin.) was attempted to make mass-production system of virus-free plants having the same genotype with mother plant. In order to investigate physiological change depending on the developmental stage of plant regeneration, the changes of total protein, peroxidase and esterase activity and their isozyme patterns as well were examined in 1/2 MS medium. The results are as follows : 1. The MS medium for the optimal callus induction and shoot formation was utilized. The medium was supplemented either with 2,4-D and Kinetin or with BA and NAA. The optimal concentrations were the combination of 1.0mg/ 2,4-D +0.3mg/ Kinetin and 1.0mg BA +0.3mg NAA in callus induction and shoot formation, respectively. 2. For the plant regeneration from somatic embryos, 1/2 MS medium was used with supplements of growth regulators (free, 1.0mg/ IBA +1.0mg/ BA ,0.5mg/ IBA +0.5mg/ BA). Shooting and rooting were the best in the treatment of 0.5mg/ IBA and 0.5mg/ BA combination. 3. The total protein content has a tendency of increase with the developmental stage of embryo, but it was decreased at the plantlet. Also it was the highest at 8 and 6 weeks stage in C. junos Sieb. and P. trioliata Rafin, respectively. In the SDS-PAGE pattern of protein, C. junos Sieb. showed bands of 29.0 and 40kDa at 10 weeks. The 45,66 and 97.4 kDa bands at 10 weeks of culture were shown in P. trifoliata Rafin. 4. The highest esterase activity was shown at the 6 and 8 weeks of culture in C.junos Sieb. and P. trifoliata Rafin.., respectively. 5. Esterase isozyme patterns were shown difference according to the developmental stage. In C. junos Sieb. a new band was observed at pl 7.7 following 4 weeks culture. On the other hand, new bands in P. trifoliata Rafin. were observed at pl 7.5~6.5 following 4 and 6 weeks culture, respectively.
We compared microstructural features of the ordered cell and disordered leaves in Citrus junos Sieb. by electron microscopy. In the cell of the ordered leaves, many chloroplasts and large vacuoles were particularly observed. Also a lot of vessel, companion cell and big nucleus were presented in vascular bundle regions. The mitochondria and the other organelles were interspersed among the chloroplasts in a thin, peripheral layer of cytoplasm. The chloroplast possessed typical grana and intergranal lamellae, numerous starch grains and a few small osmophilic globules. Besides, microbodies were closely associated with the mitochondria and the chloroplast. The process of the formation of the secondary cell wall from primary cell wall was observed the vessel elements, the tonoplast wall and the secondary cell wall. It was observed that the oil sac with the unique perfume distributed the adjacent cell wall. In the cell of disordered leaves, the all of the organelles were thrust toward the cell wall due to the fusion of vacuoles in the cells. It was observed that a lot of the very small particles spreaded in the cytoplasm. The loss of unique perfume of the leaves was resulted in the destruction of the oil sac. Also, there was not observed grana, lamellae, starch and osmophillic globules in the chloroplast. The small distributed organelles was not observed but the elongation of the cell wall was proceed no longer. Therefore, the plasma membrane diverged from the cell wall. All of organelles in the cell had poor function and deformation. A massive vacuole was fulfilled in single cell and the vacuole contains a lot of large and small particles. The organelles were presented on the side of the cell wall according to the enlargement of vacuole and they were observed to be breakdown.