산림 식생은 수관층의 종류와 밀도에 의해 하층식생의 발달에 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 산림청 희귀식물로 지정된 꼬리말발도리 개체군의 수관열림도 차이에 따른 개체의 생장(생장량, 엽면적당 질량[Leaf Mass per Area], 엽면적) 및 생리적 특성(SPAD값, 엽록소량, 광합성)을 조사하고, 향후 대체서식지 조성을 위한 기초 자료를 제시하고자 한다. 조사구는 꼬리말발도리 자생지 환경 특성을 고려하여 국립수목원 내 수관열림도 차이가 보이는 3개 조사구(site 1, 2, 3)를 정하고, 꼬리말발도리 자생지(군위)에 1개 조사구(site 4)를 대조구로 하였다. 각 조사구의 광량, 지온 및 온도는 수관열림도와 비례하였으며, 토양습도 및 공중습도는 수관열림도와 반비례하는 경향을 보였다. 조사구별 평균 초장(cm)은 조사구마다 차이를 보였고, 엽면적은 수관열림도가 상대적으로 낮은 조사구에서 높았으며, LMA는 수관열림도가 높은 Site 3에서 높게 나타났다. 도입 개체는 수관열림도 차이에 따라 적절한 광적응 현상을 보이는 것으로 판단된다. 8월에 측정한 엽록소 a+b의 함량은 Site 4에서 가장 높았으며, 엽록소 a/b는 Site 3에서 가장 높았다. 꼬리말발도리의 조사구별 광합성 속도는 Site 2에서 가장 높은 수치를 보였으며, Site 4에서 가장 낮은 수치를 보였다. 그 외 기공전도도, 증산속도 유사한 경향을 보였다. 개체 특성 간 상관 분석 결과, 엽면적과 광량은 강한 음의 상관관계를 보였다. 본 연구는 희귀식물 꼬리말발도리의 대체서식지 조성에 기초 자료를 제시할 것으로 판단된다.
Cymbidium kanran Makino is being threatened in its own habitats due illegal collecting and habitat changes by vegetation growth along historical landuse change. In this study, we established habitat restoration model for conservation of C. kanran based on ecological diagnosis. Through exploration to Jeju Island in 2014 and 2015, we identified 27 unknown habitats of C. kanran and in there, abiotic variables and vegetation structure and composition were quantified. Altitudinal distribution of C. kanran was between 200 m ~700 m a.s.l. and compared to distribution in 2004, Area of Occupation (AOO) decreased at 82%. Specific habitat affinity was not observed by evenly found in mountain slope and valley and summergreen and evergreen broadleaved forests, but likely more abundant in valley habitats with higher soil and ambient moisture. Total of 96 individual of C. kanran was observed with an average density of 942.6 individuals ha-1. The plants showed relatively short leaf length (average=10.7 cm±1.1 cm) and small number of pseudo bulbs (1.2±0.2). Flowering and fruiting individuals were not observed in field. C. kanran was classified into endangered plant species as CR (Critically Endangered) category by IUCN criteria. Phenotypic plasticity of C. kanran was likely support to sustain in more shaded habitat environment and recent habatat changes to closed canopy and low light availability may exhibit negatively effects to C. kanran’s life history. Restoring C. kanran habitat should create open environment as grassland and low woody species density.
The sustainability of Cypripedium japonicum, a rare plant designated by the Korea Forest Service, is threatened due to artificial factors such as habitat loss and climate change etc. and internal factors such as changes in biological properties of the habitat etc. but conservation research has not been performed in South Korea. The objective of this study is to establish the species conservation strategies by analyzing the characteristics of their habitats, including: 1) Population characteristics, and 2) habitat analysis of the vegetation and abiotic environments. From April to September, 2014, population characteristics [density (stems m-2), flowering rate (%), and leaf area (cm2)] in Cypripedium japonicum habitats such as Chuncheon (CC), Hwacheon (HC), Muju (MJ), and Gwangyang (GY) and vegetation characteristics (plant sociological research and ordination analysis), and abiotic environments [temperature (℃), relative humidity (%), transmitted light (mol·m-2·d-1) and canopy openness (%)] were measured. Cypripedium japonicum was mainly distributed at elevation 450 to 990 m and 5 to 30° slope. Slope direction was shown as 0 to 110°. Habitats temperature (mean 18.94℃) was well matched to seasonal changes. Differences among sites showed greater level according to latitude difference. It showed the highest in habitat, GY located in the South. On the other hand, relative humidity (77.38%) didn’t show much difference among sites. The average degree of canopy openness was 18.17%. It showed the highest at HC (22.1%) and the lowest at MJ (16.1%). The average degree of transmitted light was 9.1 mol·m-2·d-1. It showed the highest at CC (10.6 mol·m-2·d-1) and the lowest at GY (6.87 mol·m-2·d-1). Chlorophyll content showed average 26.12 SPAD. It showed the highest at MJ (30.64 SPAD value) and the lowest at HC (23.69 SPAD value). Leaf area was average 253.35 cm2. It showed the highest at CC (281.51 cm2) and the lowest at HC (238.23 cm2).
An effective rapid propagation method was established through in vitro cultures of the medicinal plant, Cudrania tricuspidata. In vitro plantlets were obtained from in vitro germinated seeds. The various levels of cytokinins (BAP, Kinetin and TDZ) were tested on multiple shoot formation from plantlets. BAP (1.0 mg/l) treatment induced highest number of multiple shoots. Single shoot cultures gave higher initial shoot numbers than 5 shoots per culture. Among the various culture media, the shoot elongation was optimal on 2 MS basal medium without growth regulators. The IAA (2.0 mg/l) treatment induced highest number of roots. IBA (2.0 mg/l) treatment more promoted in vitro root growth than other concentrations. Rooted shoots were transferred directly to small pots with an artificial soil and successfully acclimatized.