Nutritious and functional foods from crop have received great attention in recent years. Colored-grain wheat contains high phenolic compound and a large number of flavonoid. One of plant pigments, wheat anthocyanin is increasingly emerging as natural compounds for consumer´s health and condition. Red grains and white grains with different antioxidant activity was used to conduct germination assay. Antioxidant enzyme assay of POD, APX, CAT, GST, GR and GPx was conducted during the imbibitional phase of mature seeds. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content was analyzed to assess the activity of ROS during imbibition phase of mature seeds and alpha-amylase contents were quantified for 3 days during dark imbibition. Additionally, sprouting rates of developing seeds in spikelet after anthesis with damp condition were measured in each red grain groups for two weeks to evaluate sprout ability affected by phytochemical of red grain wheat. In summary, we identified that red grain wheat showed higher antioxidant enzyme activity involved in ROS scavenging during imbibition. Sprouting rate during dark imbibition in developmental spikelet of four groups classified by color suggest that phytochemicals in dark red grain wheat caused negative effects to sprouting.
‘한설’은 1997년 고품질 극조숙 안전 다수성 품종을 육성할 목적으로 양질 극조숙인 ‘진부24호’를 모본으로 초형이 좋고 극조숙 내냉 다수성 계통인 ‘진부25호(운두벼)’를 부본으로 인공교배하여 2009년 육성한 극조숙 고품질 내냉성 벼 품종으로 주요 특성과 수량성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 출수기는 7월 25일로 ‘진부벼’보다 4일 정도 빠른 극조생종이며, 간장은 65 cm로 ‘진부벼’보다 약간 작고, 주당 이삭수는 12개, 이삭당 벼알수는 99