We present the results of simultaneous monitoring observations of H2O 61,6–52,3 (22GHz) and SiO J=1–0, 2–1, 3–2 maser lines (43, 86, 129GHz) toward five post-AGB (candidate) stars, using the 21-m single-dish telescopes of the Korean VLBI Network. Depending on the target objects, 7 – 11 epochs of data were obtained. We detected both H2O and SiO maser lines from four sources: OH16.1−0.3, OH38.10−0.13, OH65.5+1.3, and IRAS 19312+1950. We could not detect H2O maser emission toward OH13.1+5.1 between the late OH/IR and post-AGB stage. The detected H2O masers show typical double- peaked line profiles. The SiO masers from four sources, except IRAS 19312+1950, show the peaks around the stellar velocity as a single peak, whereas the SiO masers from IRAS 19312+1950 occur above the red peak of the H2O maser. We analyzed the properties of detected maser lines, and investigated their evolutionary state through comparison with the full widths at zero power. The distribution of observed target sources was also investigated in the IRAS two-color diagram in relation with the evolutionary stage of post-AGB stars. From our analyses, the evolutionary sequence of observed sources is suggested as OH65.5+1.3! OH13.1+5.1! OH16.1−0.3! OH38.10−0.13, except for IRAS 19312+1950. In addition, OH13.1+5.1 from which the H2O maser has not been detected is suggested to be on the gateway toward the post-AGB stage. With respect to the enigmatic object, IRAS 19312+1950, we could not clearly figure out its nature. To properly explain the unusual phenomena of SiO and H2O masers, it is essential to establish the relative locations and spatial distributions of two masers using VLBI technique. We also include the 1.2 – 160 μm spectral energy distribution using photometric data from the following surveys: 2MASS, WISE, MSX, IRAS, and AKARI (IRC and FIS). In addition, from the IRAS LRS spectra, we found that the depth of silicate absorption features shows significant variations depending on the evolutionary sequence, associated with the termination of AGB phase mass-loss.
CCD photometric observations of the globular cluster (GC), M53 (NGC 5024), are performed using the 1.8 m telescope at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory in Korea on the same nights (2002 April and 2003 May) as the observations of the GC M92 (NGC 6341) reported by Cho and Lee using the same instrumental setup. The data for M53 is reduced using the same method as used for M92 by Cho and Lee, including preprocessing, point-spread function fitting photometry, and standardization etc. Therefore, M53 and M92 are on the same photometric system defined by Landolt, and the photometry of M53 and M92 is tied together as closely as possible. After complete photometric reduction, the V versus B − V , V versus V − I, and V versus B − I color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of M53 are produced to derive the relative ages of M53 and M92 and derive the various characteristics of its CMDs in future analysis. From the present analysis, the relative ages of M53 and M92 are derived using the (B − V ) method reported by VandenBerg et al. The relative age of M53 is found to be 1.6 ± 0.85 Gyr younger than that of M92 if the absolute age of M92 is taken to be 14 Gyr. This relative age difference between M53 and M92 causes slight differences in the horizontal-branch morphology of these two GCs.
We observe ten known 22GHz H2O maser galaxies during February 19–22, 2011 using the 21 m Tamna telescope of the Korean VLBI Network and a new wide-band digital spectrometer. Simultaneously we searched for 43GHz SiO v = 1, 2, J = 1–0 maser emission. We detect H2O maser emission towards five sources (M 33, NGC 1052, NGC 1068, NGC 4258, M 82), with non-detections towards the remaining sources (UGC 3193, UGC 3789, Antennae H2O-West, M 51, NGC 6323) likely due to sensitivity. Our 22GHz spectra are consistent with earlier findings. Our simultaneous 43GHz SiO maser search produced non-detections, yielding – for the first time – upper limits on the 43GHz SiO maser emission in these sources at a 3 sensitivity level of 0.018K–0.033K (0.24 Jy–0.44 Jy) in a 1.75 km s−1 velocity resolution. Our findings suggest that any 43GHz SiO masers in these sources (some having starburst-associated H2O kilomasers) must be faint compared to the 22GHz H2O maser emission.
This study investigates the mechanical behavior at the compression of bonded aluminum foam. Four kinds of specimen thicknesses are 25, 50, 75 and 100mm. These aluminum foams are compressed with the speed of 5mm/min. The reaction forces in cases of 25, 50, 75 and 100mm are 2510, 5080, 7700 and 10400N respectively. The equivalent stresses are 0.96, 1.00, 1.02 and 1.03MPa respectively. These analysis results are verified by comparing with the experimental results. The results of this study can be contributed to the safe design of structure.
본 논문은 저가형 GPS 수신 모듈에 DGPS 서비스를 적용하기 위한 방안으로 NMEA GPGSV 데이터의 위성 배치 정보에 포함된 위성 앙각과 방위각으로 관측 행렬을 구성한 후, 거리기반 보정정보를 위치영역으로 투영하여 기 산출된 위치 오차 벡터를 수정하는 방안을 제시하였다. 저가형 수신기인 U-blox LEA-5H 모델의 출력 데이터에 제안한 알고리즘을 적용한 결과 주 활동 시간인 낮 시간에 수평 오차 RMS를 1.8m에서 1m 이내로 줄였으며, 수직 정확도는 RMS 5.8m에서 1.4m로 75% 향상시킴을 확인하였다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 방식은 하드웨어의 변경없이 소프트웨어만으로 저가형 GPS의 성능을 DGPS 수준으로 향상시키는 기법이므로, 소비자와 제조사의 부담을 경감시켜 향후 제공될 고정밀 측위 서비스 인프라의 활성화에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.