Many higher fungi were collected at Mt.Sunun, Mt.Kangchon and Mt.Moak from June, 1991 to April, 2003. They were identified and surveyed with references. According to the result, Cordyceps clavata, C. cocciniocapite, C. ryougamimontanna, C. tuberculate J. moelleri and C. yakushimensis are unrecorded species to Korea. They were designed Korean common names by authors. Common names: Cordyceps clavata, C. cocciniocapite, C. ryougamimontanna, C. tuberculate f moelleri, C. yakushimensis, unrecorded species, common names.
Many higher fungi were collected at Mt.Jiri, Mt.Pukhan, Mt.Moak from June 2002 to October 2002.They were identified. According to the result Clitocybe phyllophila, Omphalina wyniae, Mycena diosma, Cortinarius haasii and Cortinarius allutus were newly to Korea. They were designed Korean common names by author.
Many ascomycetes were collected at Mt. Minjuji, Mt. Manduck, Mt. Odae, Mt. Yonsuk and Mt. Sunun from August 1999 to September 2000. They were identified. According to the reusulting, Helvella villosa (Hedw.: O. Kuntze) Dissing and Nannfedt, Dasychyphus corticalis (Pers.:Fr.) Mass., Lachnellula fuscosanguinea(Rhem) Dennis, Lachnellula subtilissima (Cke.) Dennis and Scutellina erinaceus (Schw.) Kunrze are newly to Korea. They were designed Korean common names by authors.
Many higher fungi were collected at Mt.Manrae, Mt.Kirin, Mt.Nam, Mt.Unjang, Mt.Yonsuk, Mt.Minjuji from May, 2000 to June, 2001 and they were identified. As the result, Marasmius buxi, M. epiphylloides, M. hudsoni, Mycena erubescens, Agaricus bisporus var. bisporus, Panellus ringens, Lactarius aquiflus, Leccinum quericinum were newly discovered in Korea. They were designed Korean common names by author.
Today information is important for man and total fields. Science field is not exception. Currently information age things of information is only useful for man and total industry. So bioinformation is necessary of biodiversity in broadly wide and detailed information. Among information, bioinformation of biodiversity is important and utilization of living things. Among them, the mushroom(higher fungi) are an important part in ecosystem as a decomposer responsible for recycling materials. Many living things today, however, have endangered by environmental pollution and ecological destruction. The higher fungi also are not exception. Mushroom has been used for food sources, pharmacy and forests resources from ancient times. Among biodiversity, database of mushroom is very necessary for university, institute and industry. This DB contains four items of native mushroom(higher fungi) from Korea. first item contain species, genus, family, order class, ad division according to the classification. Second item contain pharmaceutical purpose, food source, culture, toxic, anti-cancer of the application. Third item contain symbiosis, rotten trees of the ecological resources. Fourth item contain geographical distribution and illustrated literature. Information system is also available using KRISTAL II for searches on the WEB in URL http://ruby. kisti. re. kr/∼mushroom.
Many ascomycetes were collected at Mt. Moak, Mt.Jiri, Wanju and Mt.Manduckfrom September 1995 to September 1997. They were identified . According to the reusulting, Caloscypha fulgens, Geoglossum peckianum, Dasyschyphus sulfurous, Cudoniella acicularis and Biatorella resinae are newly to Korea. They weredesigned Korean common names by author.
Many higher fungi were collected at Mt.Sunun, Mt.Kirin, Samre-up, Whaam-sa and Mt.Unjang from June 1999 to June 2000. They were identified. As the resulting, Pluteus thomosonii, Mycena polyadelpha, Mycena latifolia, Omphalina barbularum, Hygrocybe trunda var.macrospora, Cortinarius iodes and C. glaucopus are newly to Korea. They were designed Korean common name by author.
Many ascomycetes were collected at Mt.Unjang, Pyonsan penisula national park, Mt.Moak Chonbuk provincial park, Daea-ri hebarium and Mt.Whaam from August 1996 to October 1999. They were identified. According to the resulting, Lanzia echinophila, Discina parma, Hypomyces auranticus, Helotium versicolor, Cordyceps militaris f. albino, Isaria sinclairii are newly to Korea. They were designed Korean common names by author.
Many mushrooms of toadstool were collected all over the Korea from March 1976 to September 1999. They were identified and classified into anti-cancer mushrooms of toadstool. According to the result they were composed of 12 families, 19 genera and 32 species. Among them,26 species of mushroom of toadstool is experimented about how their anticancer function works in China. But untill now, there has not been any other studies for medcinal function in Korea.
Many higher fungi were collected at Pyonsan penisula Mt.Odae, Korean Highway Cororation Arboretum, Mt.Moak, Yaksan island from 1996 to 1998. They were identified and according to the results, Hygrocybe coccineocrenata, Collybia neofusipes, Marasmius wettsteinii, Amanita esculenta, Lepiota fuscipes, Leucocoprinus subglobisporus, Cystoderma japonicum and Coprinus narcoticus are newly to Korea. They were designed Korean common name by author.
Many higher fungi were collected at Korea from 1976 to 1998. They were identified and surveyed on resources with many reference books. According to the results, fungal fungi were 40 families, 90 genera and 215 species. Among them, anti-cancer resources used in Korea were Ganoderma lucidum, Phellinus linteus, Agaricus brazei and Cordyceps militaris. Three species exception Agaricus brazei were distributed in Korea. All these are cultivated in Korea.
Many higher fungi were collected at Korea from 1976 to 1998. They were identified and surveyed on resources with many reference books. According to the results, fungal fungi were 40 families, 90 general and 215 species. Among them , anti-cancer resources used in Korea were Ganoderma lucidum, Phellinus linteus, Agaricus brazei and Cordyceps militaris. Three species exception Agaricus brazei were distributed in Korea. All these are cultivated in Korea.
Many higher fungi were collected at Mt.Jiri, Mt.Moak, Mt.Sunun, Mt.Obong, Mt. Yonsuk, and Samrey-up from 1995 to 1997. They were identified and according to the results. Genus Myxomphalia and species of Lentinellus ursinus, Marasmius torquescens, Omphalina griseopallida, Myxomphalia Maura, Amanita perpasta, Pasthyrella bipellis, Conocybe aurea and Agrocybe farinacea were newly to Korea.
Many higher fungi of ascomycetes were collected at Mt.Odae, Mt.Moak, Mt.Jiri, Mt.Hanla, Mt.Manduck and Mt. Yonsuk form 1996 to 1997. They were identified and according to the result, the genera of Lachnellula, Encoelia and Hymenoscyphus and the species Peziza Praetervisa, Lachnellula pseudofarinacea, Dasyschyphus acutipilus, Encoelia Furfuracea, Hymenoscyphus equisetinus, Hypocera pulvinata, Nectria coryli and Nectria ellisii are newly to Korea. Korean common names of them were designed by author.
Many higher fungi of ascomycetes were collected at Mt. Jiri National Park from May to October 1996. They were identified and according to the results, Orbilia, Pezicula, Creopus, and Lasiospheria were new genera to Korea. Dasyscyphus bicolor, Orbilia coccinella, Pezicula acercicla, Mollisia revincta, Hypocera citina, Creopus gelatinosus, Lasiospheria ovina, and Rosellinia thelena were newly to Korea.