수열탄화 (HTC, Hydrothermal Carbonization)는 수분함량이 높은 바이오매스를 바로 적용하여 닫힌계에서(closed system)에서 승온 시키면 150℃∼250℃범위에서 열수(hot water)에 의하여 고형물의 유기물 일부가 분해되기 시작하여, 탈카르복실화(decarboxylation)와 탈수(dehydration)반응이 유도되며 O/C, H/C 비율을 낮추고 탄소고정을 통해 바이오매스 고형연료의 에너지밀도를 높여 연료로서의 특성이 향상된다. 또한 수열탄화 반응시 높은 수분함량을 건조하여 수분을 증발시키지 않고 물로 분리함으로서 수분 제거시 소비되는 에너지를 일반 건조기술 대비 50%이상 절감함으로서 하수슬러지 고형연료화의 경제성을 향상 시킬 수 있다. 이렇게 분리된 액체생성물에는 유기물 분해에 의해서 용해성 유기물이 다량 농축되어 혐기소화의 전처리 기술로도 적용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 I시 하수슬러지를 1년간 매달 sampling하여 계절별 하수슬러지 물리화학적 특성 변화와 수열탄화 적용 시 반응 및 연료 특성 변화를 확인하였다. 따라서 상용화 수열탄화 기술을 적용시 계절에 상관없이 안정적인 고형연료 확보 가능성을 확인하였다.
오늘날 인구밀도의 증가와 산업 활동의 증가로 하・폐수처리장이 급속하게 증가하였고, 이에 따라 하・폐수슬러지의 발생량이 많아지고 이를 감량 및 처리하기 위한 연구 및 개발도 증가하는 추세이다. 고함수(함수율 80%)의 특성을 가지고 있는 슬러지에 대한 처리 및 에너지화는 이전부터 많이 진행되고 있으나, 고형연료화에 있어서 높은 에너지 소비비용을 줄이기 위해 수열탄화의 공정에 대한 연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 2012년부터 런던협약에 의해 유기성폐기물의 해양투기가 금지되면서 하수슬러지 뿐만 아니라 가축분뇨, 음식물류폐기물 등이 육상처리 및 에너지화의 방향으로 진행되어야 할 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 유기성폐기물 종류에 따른 수열탄화의 반응특성변화를 평가하고, 수열탄화 반응물의 탈수성, 고형연료 생산수율, 발열량, 탈리여액의 메탄포텐셜 등을 평가하여 종류별 최적의 수열탄화 반응온도를 평가해보았다. 또한, 유기성폐기물 종류별 수열탄화 적용에 따른 고형연료 생산성을 평가하여 유기성폐기물별 연료화 가치를 판단해 보았다.
Recently, production of sewage and wastewater sludge have increased sharply with the population density and related industrial activity. As a result, studies of sludge treatment and reduction have been conducted and a pre-treatment method that uses thermal hydrolysis has emerged as a solution to this problem. To address problems with the thermal hydrolysis pre-treatment process, the deaeration and nitrogen recovery processes have been set up together, thus generating factors that inhibit dewaterability. In this study, the effect of pre-treatment, deaerated sludge on dewaterability-inhibiting factors (pH, temperature, aeration rate) was evaluated and alternative solutions were prepared. First, the dewaterability improvement effect increased rapidly at 190°C or higher when thermal hydrolysis pre-treatment was applied. Then, 1 L of thermal hydrolysis pre-treatment reactants at 190°C were injected into 1, 5, and 10 L/min air flows at 50°C, but no significant difference in capillary suction time (CST) or time to filter (TTF) was found. The dewaterability improved when the temperatures of the pre-treatment reactants varied between 30, 50, and 70°C under aeration at 5 L/min. However, when the pH was increased to 7, 9, or 11 at 5 L/min and 50°C, the dewaterability worsened by at least 10 times relative to the hydrolysis pre-treatment reactants. The zeta potential decreased from -30 mV to -50 mV as the pH increased. Thus, the stabilities and dispersities of the reactants increased due to the repulsive force of the particles. This was confirmed to be the cause of poor dewaterability. A coagulant can be used to solve to this problem, or the deaeration process can be placed after solid-liquid separation and the heat of thermal hydrolysis can be extracted via heat exchanger.
Slaughter of cattle, pigs, and chickens has increased continuously. In particular, slaughter of chickens has been grown up about 150% in 2010 than that in 2003, that is approximately 120,000 tons. All of them are underwent consigned treatment even though those can be used as a resource and an energy source. With this regards, THR (Thermal Hydrolysis Reaction) leads to reduce water content drastically (<30% in sludge cakes). In addition, Dehydrated solid would be re-used as solid fuels (SRF) as well. In this study, We have applied THR to a plant (10 ton/day) on the basis of our lab and pilot results. Water content of sludge cakes showed with a ranges of 30 to 40% after solid-liquid separation. Dairy SRF produced 1.5 ton/day and its heat capacity for SRF has 6,500 kcal/kg. This gave the steam produced about 12 ton/day throughout the plant operation, suggesting that THR system would expect energy savings.
A numerical model has been developed to predict the deposition of air pollutants considering canopy effect. In this model, the deposition velocity is calculated using the deposition resistances(aerodynamic resistance, viscosity resistance, surface resistance). Using the results, a comparative study was made between the model calculation and observation results The calculated daily variation of deposition resistances and in daytime most of the model cases are well agreed with observation results, and a slight difference was found in nighttime. From the results, it is suggested that the present model is capable of estimating the deposition velocity of air pollutants considering characteristics of canopy layer.
A predictive modal is demonstrated for gas removal rates from the atmosphere by dry deposition. Typical deposition velocities are complex functions of surface types, atmospheric stabilities, friction velocities, air pollutants, and so on. In this paper we simulated the calculation of dry deposition velocities near the earth surfaces, simultaneously we estimated real dry deposition velocities using the previous simulation. The measurement taken over a deciduous forest by Padro et al.(1988) were used to verify this model. In the comparison of the value of deposition velocity between numerical computation and observation, there are partially overestimations and underestimations between them, but we can speak that they are in a good accordance.